Hi All!
More images on pages 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 8.
First image for this post, and the last one for tonight, is a conjectural scheme for a Hunchback of the St. Ives Armored Cavalry. Given the lack of reference material, I had to keep it relatively simplistic. The base coat, and insignia are accurate; however, the placement of the insignia, trim and the color of the trim are conjectural. St. Ives shares a lot of the reference problems that the FRR has. Hard to find material for a lot of units, but I wanted to do something from the SIAC for a while, so I just decided to use what I could find and guess at the rest.
EDIT: Atlas in the old Paint scheme of the Davion Assault Guards. I'm not sure if this was used in all Davion Guards units, or just the Assault Guards. This is the paint scheme presented in the old Camo Specs book.
EDIT: 1st Robinson Rangers Jenner per request. I've wanted to put "Hustler" on a 'mech for a long time, but it never quite felt right before.
EDIT: This is a semi-canonical 14th Donegal Guards scheme. While the base coat is fairly accurate and the placement of the 14th Donegal logo is correct, the placement of the Steiner logos is conjectural. The green and white striping and similarly colored elements are non-canonical and is intended to be unique to this particular 'mech. On a personal note, I felt the regular 14th Donegal scheme was WAY too plain (It's basically just a light-slate-gray/blue-gray with numbers and unit/house insignia.
EDIT: This is a request for Kay Wolf. I took a couple creative liberties, which I hope are acceptable (mainly the shade of yellow and the stripe on the torso). Colonel, if you're not pleased, I can go back and make changes are are necessary. Also, if you want, I can post a larger version of your unit insignia.
EDIT: I did the insignia as a request last night for "Murphy's Law" one of the up-and-coming mercenary units that will be populating MWO's servers. I wanted to do something non-canon, so I went ahead and read the statement prepared by "Murphy's Law" and found that they had some base guidelines for 'mech coloring. So, for fun I decided to give the insignia a place to be. Everything on this is conjectural. EDIT: And Yeah. That is a 'mech-and-a-half kill count. makes you wonder what happened to the other half...
EDIT: Atlas of the 1st St. Ives Lancers. Because even little St. Ives needs a some love an attention. And Assault 'mechs. Though a Victor would be more appropriate. Or even a blackjack. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
EDIT: Last one for tonight. This one was just for fun.
EDIT: Smoke Jaguar Beta Galaxy Hunchback IIC "Panther's Paw". Point 2. Beta Galaxy uses yellow eyes that peer from the "fog" of their 'mechs as kill counters. This particular Jag has 3 kills.
EDIT: Last one for page 9. A Hunchback IIC of the 30th Mechanized Strike Cluster "Lightninghorse" (Alpha Galaxy). For a long time and for personal reasons, I've wanted to dub a 'mech "Thunderhorse". I referenced the rest of the Touman and finding no evidence of any unit called "Thunderhorse" I went ahead and dubbed this 'mech with that title. Yes, those are lightning bolts coming from the prancing horse's feet.
Thanks for watching! And Goodnight!
Edited by Hayden, 01 December 2011 - 06:15 PM.