Kay Wolf, on 15 December 2011 - 01:35 PM, said:
I think it would be really cool to see that as soon as Alex' next model comes out.
Or now. I have answered your bachall call, good sir.

EDIT: And first of a set. Coloring is a bit more wild than the usual. Scheme was detailed by the requester, as were insignia (save the one on the lower right leg, which I made for the requester). Tartans are 2nd Kearny Highlanders (torso) and family tartan of requester (lower torso, upper legs). Little Mechwarrior provided by requestor (hopefully nearly to scale). Atlas head from Piranha concept art (I put it in so it would appear less akward standing). More to come.

EDIT: 3rd Amphigean LAG (Conjectural) Jenner. This is the unit I'm hoping to create in MWO.

EDIT: 3rd Amphigean LAG Atlas.

EDIT: 3rd Amphigean LAG Dragon.

EDIT: Lone Star Regiment Dragon. I used the old insignia I whipped up earlier.

EDIT: Liao Reserves Hunchback. This unit was destroyed in the 4th Succession War, so we will not be seeing it in action, sadly. Paint scheme per Camospecs booklet.

EDIT: Atrean Hussars Hunchback. I did the insignia, too, aside from the MARIK eagle.

EDIT: 1st Kearny Highlanders Atlas (Northwind Highlanders)

EDIT: Last one for this page. Proserpina Hussars (love that name) Jenner. This is one I started back in November and never finished. I decided to just crank it out and be done with it.

Thanks for watching!
Edited by Hayden, 27 December 2011 - 05:33 AM.