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Petition for inclusion of the Uziel

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Poll: Petition for Inclusion (694 member(s) have cast votes)

I would like to see this mech included in the game.

  1. Yes. (396 votes [57.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 57.06%

  2. Voted No. (298 votes [42.94%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.94%

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#61 Egomane


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 10:55 PM

View PostArnold Carns, on 28 February 2012 - 10:09 PM, said:

The 29th of February 2012 is equal to the 29th of February 3049!

Whoever printed the 3049 calender for you, made some mistake. We had our last 29th february in 3048 and will have the next in 3052.
I'm wondering how the devs will implement this?

That said: No, to the Uziel until its time has come in a decade or two.



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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:08 PM

View Postethnic minority, on 27 February 2012 - 07:49 AM, said:

Also, the stock 3067 Uziel loadout isn't overpowered compared to 3049 mediums - replace the LBX2 with an AC2, and the ER lasers with their standard counterparts, and the Uziel is just another IS mech that didn't figure out what area to specialise in. No game balance ruined here, folks.

People aren't caring about the 3067 stock Uziel, they are talking about the prototype Uziel.
The UZL-2S. Twin PPCs, 1 SRM6, 2 MGs and 1 BAP.

1) That thing has better range and double the direct fire DPS than the 60 ton Dragon (PPC/AC) or 50 ton Centurion (AC-10).

2) That thing runs faster than any of them. Hell the Centurion plods at 65 kph.

3) That thing boast jump jets too.

4) That thing has the same road speed with the 35 ton Raven. Can jump and boast a BAP.
Never mind that you can drop the MGs and it's ammo for a Guardian ECM and you pretty much get the same thing without the NARC and TAG.

5) It essentially has the same firepower as a dang Warhammer, minus the lasers and much more faster and agile !

OP for the time line much ?

Edited by [EDMW]CSN, 28 February 2012 - 11:10 PM.

#63 Arnold Carns


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:11 PM

View PostEgomane, on 28 February 2012 - 10:55 PM, said:

Whoever printed the 3049 calender for you, made some mistake. We had our last 29th february in 3048 and will have the next in 3052.
I'm wondering how the devs will implement this?

That said: No, to the Uziel until its time has come in a decade or two.

No, he didn't! He just decided that 3049 will also have a 29th of February.
*But Hanse, I was just... Alright, your highness, as you command!*
And he also decided that I won't have to answer to further questions from a filthy Capellan. Sorry! :D

View Post[EDMW]CSN, on 28 February 2012 - 11:08 PM, said:

People aren't caring about the 3067 stock Uziel, they are talking about the prototype Uziel.
The UZL-2S. Twin PPCs, 1 SRM6, 2 MGs and 1 BAP.
OP for the time line much ?

And how many prototypes of that did exist? 2, or 5, maybe 10? You'd have a tough job to explain why 546.327 Uziels are running around in 3049! :P
And no, I've nothing against the Uzie, except from being commonly used way before it's time! B)

Edited by Arnold Carns, 28 February 2012 - 11:23 PM.

#64 Insidious Johnson


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:14 PM

Yeah, lets get Uziels! When the time comes or they will be OP mediums with PPC's compared to the current line up.

#65 nubnub


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:20 PM

View PostArnold Carns, on 28 February 2012 - 10:09 PM, said:

The answer you had already given yourself: 1 day in RL is 1 day in MWO (+ 1037 years). The 29th of February 2012 is equal to the 29th of February 3049!
About the clan events: I don't know what you see as "ages": the spearhead of the clan invasion hit the IS mid August 3049. The main invasion start in March 3050 (which would be March 2013!) You should give the Devs some time to get the mechs in for that, they don't slipping them out their sleeves! :D

If its 1:1 time you would wait a week or two each time you jump planets or get your mech repaired. Sounds like fail.

#66 GDL Irishwarrior


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:44 PM

Here's how we could have the Uziel, if we decided to screw the timeline:
Start with the more popular version, the 2S. Pull out the XL engine and Endo Steel Chassis, replace them with standard. Let's see - that puts us 12.5 tons overweight... Lose the BAP and we're down to 11 tons over. That's a lot of weight to drop, and we're gonna start losing some important stuff soon. However, swapping the PPCs to Large Lasers lets us keep some decent ranged firepower, and drops 4 tons off our weight - 7 to go. Whoops, almost forgot - the heat sinks all need to go from double to standard. Too bad that doesn't drop any weight - just makes the heat management worse. Good thing the lasers run cooler than PPCs... Hey, what say we downgrade the SRM-6 to an SRM-4? That drops off another ton, and not at a huge cost to firepower. Still 6 tons over the limit - things aren't looking good, folks. We could cut the machine guns out, but that will barely do anything. We could drop the jump jets, but that takes away a lot of the 'Mech's agility. Here, let's downgrade the speed - not much, just a bit. Reduce the power plant to a 250, and it'll still hit 86.4 KPH - not half bad. Meanwhile, we drop 6.5 tons off the weight. Congrats, we're now half a ton under the limit. Let's toss a small laser in the head to make up a little bit for the lost firepower.

So, here's the Uziel we could have in the game, if we screwed the timeline, but changed the tech to match the period:
2 large lasers, SRM-4, 2 machine guns, and a small laser. Top speed of 86.4 KPH, and with a jump capability of 180 meters. Decent armor protection, but nothing too special. Runs a bit hot, but all-in-all, a halfway decent 'Mech. Acceptable compromise? Maybe, maybe not - depends on how attached you are to the original design.

#67 Arnold Carns


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 11:55 PM

View Postnubnub, on 28 February 2012 - 11:20 PM, said:

If its 1:1 time you would wait a week or two each time you jump planets or get your mech repaired. Sounds like fail.

Maybe, But you could have more than one mech in your garage. That evens it. B)
And if you're starting to begin nitpicking, you'll likely nerver able to stop again. It's a game nonetheless, no Real Life. :D

View PostGDL Irishwarrior, on 28 February 2012 - 11:44 PM, said:

Here's how we could have the Uziel, if we decided to screw the timeline:

The knackpoint is: IF! :P
Yup, and cuz we are happy messing around with the timeline: when the clans appear, their mechs don't bear any weapons, have a large bag instead with neat presents for everyone. And the guys' rank at the top isn't ilKhan, but ilSanta instead. And cuz there's no invasion, they all have fun and parties together and happily live ever after! :D

View PostGDL Irishwarrior, on 28 February 2012 - 11:44 PM, said:

So, here's the Uziel we could have in the game, if we screwed the timeline, ....

Acceptable compromise?...

Again: IF!
One word: NO!
It wouldn't properly explain why are there running thousands of prototypes around!
And if you kicking it loose, everyone suddenly wants a design that does exist before it's time. Savage Coyote, MadCat MMXX...

Edited by Arnold Carns, 29 February 2012 - 12:39 AM.

#68 Karl Streiger


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM

The XL-Fusion technology was regained in 3032 by Lyran Scientists. The Endosteel frame was regained first by Draconis Combine in 3035.
The BAP however was first regained in 3045 by House Liao.

So i don't see a problem why there could be a three or four of UZL-?S prototypes in 3048

Edited by Karl Streiger, 29 February 2012 - 03:39 AM.

#69 Arnold Carns


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 04:38 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM, said:

The XL-Fusion technology was regained in 3032 by 1) Lyran Scientists.

Sworn enemy of 2 and 3.

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM, said:

The Endosteel frame was regained first by 2) Draconis Combine in 3035.

Sworn enemy of 1)

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM, said:

The BAP however was first regained in 3045 by 3) House Liao.

Sworn enemy of 1)

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM, said:

So i don't see a problem why there could be a three or four of UZL-?S prototypes in 3048

Well, I see a problem there, don't you? Even if the technologies being reinvented, it would be unlikely that thoose 3 would share the results/blueprints to mass produce them! Not now. And not even during the clan invasion. Not freely.
Yep, prototypes! Being in development/testing. Top secret. Not commonly available on the open market. Very, very unlikely that Karl Napf would steer it anywere else that the testing range. Besides very, very unlikely that Karl Napf would steer one at all! It would rather be a vet with years of experience than a none-experienced noob just got dry.

Edited by Arnold Carns, 29 February 2012 - 04:39 AM.

#70 Karl Streiger


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 05:32 AM

I did say first regained by. Considering that Steiner and Kurita where the first ones that get a copy of Helms Memory Core - both should be able to produce Endosteel or XL-Fusion in the 3040s.
NEXT there are the Sword & Dragon scenario pack both sides using prototyp star league technology
NEXT even in the MW2:Mercs campaign star league technolgy was available BEFORE the clans appear.

#71 Arnold Carns


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 06:55 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 05:32 AM, said:

I did say first regained by. Considering that Steiner and Kurita where the first ones that get a copy of Helms Memory Core - both should be able to produce Endosteel or XL-Fusion in the 3040s.
NEXT there are the Sword & Dragon scenario pack both sides using prototyp star league technology
NEXT even in the MW2:Mercs campaign star league technolgy was available BEFORE the clans appear.

Yes, but... rare. They are mostly uncommon at this time and not widely available. Regarding MW2: it's a non-canon product. And if I remember that right, Large lasers had a range of 1000 m in it. So what MW 2 included or not, doesn't really matter. :D
Just to put it at an end: in the real world you didn't see a YF-15 or YF-16, whatever... on the battlefield before the tested and approved vehicle has been given to the troops. For that same reason it would be totally unlikely to see a mech before it's time on a battlefield.
If you really want one, be prepaired that weapons misfire (if they even fire at all) the mech shuts immediately down pushing the veto-button or being ejected when changing radar range. Just remember how many F-16 pilots have been killed before they got behind that problem with it's electronics!
Uziel, Yes, could be in-game, but not before it's time. Which is the FedCom Civil War Era!

#72 Karl Streiger


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:06 AM

View PostArnold Carns, on 29 February 2012 - 06:55 AM, said:

Large lasers had a range of 1000 m in it. So what MW 2 included or not, doesn't really matter. :D

I knew that i missed a thing - not to forget the slow moving ppc blasts


Uziel, Yes, could be in-game, but not before it's time. Which is the FedCom Civil War Era!

really... i didn't found any numbers or informations about the 2S...the 3S with its light LBX is CivilWar for sure.
But i wonder about the Uziel - only star league technology and even for this tech level the Uziel 2S uses classical SW era weapons

#73 GDL Irishwarrior


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:58 AM

View PostKarl Streiger, on 29 February 2012 - 03:38 AM, said:

The XL-Fusion technology was regained in 3032 by Lyran Scientists. The Endosteel frame was regained first by Draconis Combine in 3035.
The BAP however was first regained in 3045 by House Liao.

So i don't see a problem why there could be a three or four of UZL-?S prototypes in 3048

Possibility of having 3-4 prototypes =/= reason to have it available in-game

#74 Listless Nomad


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 08:54 AM

if you start reconning mechs like the uziel - whats to stop all the mechs from being retconned? I want my argus - but it's not going to come for a while. I suspect that once the game gets going - we'll probably have an accelerated timeline - or they will make big jumps in the time line and just adjust the map accordingly. But that is probably a year off. Theres a lot of goodies after the clan invasion and with the civil war coming, I would suspect that (despite being F2P), the devs will make some kind of DLC or expansion to take us into the next era. But probably only after a year at the earliest.

Edited by Listless Nomad, 29 February 2012 - 08:55 AM.

#75 Fresh Meat


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 09:49 AM

the wait may not be 8 years, we don't know yet if the timeline will always progress at 1:1. It would make sense to speed things up during lulls in action. If they don't speed things up some we will miss lots of cool stuff....

#76 TimberJon


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 09:56 AM

I wonder if simply, in time... all the 'Mechs will be available. It is a reboot of the entire franchise. I don't think anything should be left out.

#77 Fresh Meat


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:05 AM

View PostTimberJon, on 29 February 2012 - 09:56 AM, said:

I wonder if simply, in time... all the 'Mechs will be available. It is a reboot of the entire franchise. I don't think anything should be left out.

Their plan is to make the universe as complete as possible through continuous content updates, so I would expect to see a great many mechs. Furthermore "collecting" mechs and buying storage space for them will undoubtedly be very profitable so there is great incentive to release lots of mechs.

#78 FEK315


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:07 AM

I would be all for having any type of Uziel, but again I have to agree with the first Mech I ever wing-maned for, The Argus Pilot.
I can wait until the time is right, I wish I didn't have to but I like the principal of the timeline more then getting what I want on day one.
I am more for the timeline experience that keeps me excited about the game then burning out in 3 months because I got everything I wanted on the first day.

#79 TheRulesLawyer


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:30 AM

Come on guys. Listen to Aegis! Nobody is going to play the game if we don't have mechs like the Uziel on launch! Everyone must have access to their favorite mech immediately or they'll quit!

#80 GDL Irishwarrior


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:43 AM

View PostTheRulesLawyer, on 29 February 2012 - 10:30 AM, said:

Come on guys. Listen to Aegis! Nobody is going to play the game if we don't have mechs like the Uziel on launch! Everyone must have access to their favorite mech immediately or they'll quit!

If that's sarcasm (can't tell from text - there really needs to be a sarcasm font, you know?), then lulz ;)

If that's not sarcasm, though, then my response is this: if some players are little enough motivated that they act like kids and quit because they don't immediately get what they want, then maybe we wouldn't want those players anyway. My favorite 'Mechs are the Adder, Pack Hunter, and Solitaire. Assuming we keep the 1:1 timeline (and assuming those 'Mechs even get added), I'll have to wait at least 1 year, 10 years, and 18 years to get them, respectively. And you know what? I'm okay with that.

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