Yokaiko, on 01 November 2012 - 11:27 PM, said:
I ran a group for two hours yesterday, I was in my cat because I was target calling and our atlas had an LRM 20. Took down a couple heavy missile teams. There at a number of way to nullify LRM spam.
Please, show me one location I've posted anything that disagrees with this point? Please read before throwing out random thoughts..... thanks. If your argument is that the Atlas was useful, sure, but you don't know the mechanics of the game if you don't think he'da been MORE useful LRM boating in a catapult instead or only mounting SOME LRMs on his Atlas and being in the fight soaking up damage.....
Particle Man, on 01 November 2012 - 11:34 PM, said:
because it's not a problem and the info was moved forward months ago and they were not nerfed, but buffed.
this is not a new "issue" and it will go away once people get it through their skulls that LRMs are easy to avoid, once you know how to play the game correctly.
LOL! You guys can jump on this argument all you want. I don't die to LRMs, but I also don't hide behind them either and claim that anyone that dies to them simply needs to "L2P" Stop using LRM boats, then we'll see which one of us knows how to play. The simple number of them flying through the air all the time, coupled with the insane amounts of damage that LRM boats get every match, despite sitting in the back of a match the hole time, in itself is the problem. NOT the fact that they exist. I'm not asking for longer lock, I'm not asking for them to be useless, I'm not asking for more spread. I simply want them to be in line with every other weapon in the game, not the clear choice for the "I win" button.
It doesn't matter how well you know how to play, if half your pug team dies to LRMs, you aren't likely to come out on top. Currently, if you are looking to put out the most damage, an LRM in your missile spot is the best option bar none. This is simply rediculous. Considering the level of skill involved in missiles, LRMs should be the LEAST damaging (currently the most) SSRMs in the middle and SRMS should be the big damager, this is exactly opposite of how it currently is. Currently, the less skill a weapon takes, the more damage it does.
Then again, when I put it that way, I can see why so many of you are so quick to defend LRMs heh....
*below deleted for double posting*
Edited by Ehrithane, 01 November 2012 - 11:48 PM.