Salvage bonus is FAR more lucrative. If you can get your teammates to kill the enemy EFFICIENTLY you are going to see a large salvage bonus on the order of 50-100K.
Hmm, 7500K or 50-100K... gee I dunno. Again though you have to be sure to kill efficiently, otherwise your salvage bonus will be more on the order of 15 - 40K (which still far exceeds capture win CB).
What does efficiently mean? Headshot or legs... the engine is one of the most valuable parts of the mech, so when you core an enemy you wipe out a huge chunk of his salvage value. If you HAVE to core him due to battlefield conditions (i.e. you'll die if you don't), do your best to core him CLEANLY, preserving his other components as best you can.
Cap wins aren't even all that great for XP: 125 XP, 75 for the cap win and 50 if you were in the cap zone. You'll easily net more than that with a combination of kill shots and kill assists.
Somewhere along the line 'teamwork' became synonymous with 'cap win' which became synonymous with 'more CB'... and that's all just a bunch of BS.
In fact, maximizing your salvage bonus by eliminating the entire other team requires the most teamwork since it's not enough to kill the enemy, it's not enough for just you to be efficient, rather you're whole team has to be efficient and your focus fire has to be efficient and you have to... kill the enemy.
Compare that to standing in a square twiddling your thumbs.
Now cap wins ARE useful if the issue is in doubt and your chances of knocking off the other team aren't looking so hot... at the end of the day a Win still provides the most CB, and better a cap win than no win at all.
I've said this in other threads but: This is Battletech, and the Battletech universe has always rewarded most killing things. Efficiently.
For more details on the whole salvage bonus thing I'd recommend this excellent thread by Vlad Ward:
And please do your part the next time some uninformed scrub parrots the whole 'cap is more CB,' baloney and kindly