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(Aws Guide) Awesome Basics And My 1000+ Damage Builds (Every Variant Covered)

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#1 Typatty


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:27 AM

-AWS-8R, AWS-8T, and AWS-8R builds and descriptions updated.
-Gameplay and Commentary video added for AWS-9M (Part 1 of 2)

-AWS-8Q and AWS-9M builds and descriptions updated.

As the title suggests, this is a guide to the basic AWS chassis and, more specifically, the build I use for each variant that I've found works best for my playstyle. As a disclaimer, the Awesome is configurable in many effective ways and your playstyle may differ from mine. I've added suggestions for alternatives for those who prefer playtesting different variants on the builds proposed here. However, I have found the following builds to perform exceptionally well (regularly 1000+ damage when in public games). These builds are optimized, so if you're a new player, this might help you set your goals for what to shoot for in the long-run when you have more cbills, but don't look to this guide for inexpensive mech building.

Basics of the Awesome Chassis
I love the AWS. It's more maneuverable than the other currently available Assault mechs and has similar hardpoints to the Stalker but with the majority of hardpoints towards the center of the mech rather than spread throughout. And let's not forget the magic of having articulated arms.

1. Articulated arms: Missile locks are easier, sniping is easier, more options for dishing out damage without having to face the enemy.
2. Shield-like arms: The majority of your hardpoints are towards your center, and your shield-like arms work wonders for spreading out the damage from incoming fire. You get to decide where you're hit, helping you last as long as you have armor left somewhere.
3. Thin side-silhouette: You are thin from the side, which makes it easy to protect your torsos using your shield-like arms. If you're getting hit by SRMs or LRMs, turn so your side is facing the enemy. Fewer missiles will hit you and most of the damage won't be hitting your important torsos.
4. Missile hardpoints are close together: This may not be obvious, but this means when you're firing multiple SRMs together they won't be spread out as much in comparison to each other. This allows you to punch more precise holes with your SRMs and better predict where they'll land.
5. Excellent pitch and torso twist: For an Assault mech, the AWS has the best overall torso movement range. This can make a world of difference given that Assault mechs are known for being clunky and slow.

1. Large hitboxes: The AWS gets a lot of flack for having large hitboxes and for being large and blocky, giving it the nickname "Spongebob." Piloting and maneuverability is key for minimizing how exposed your easy-to-hit front is.
2. No Ballistics: With only missiles and lasers, heat management is important. Weapon grouping, enough heatsinks, and a disciplined trigger finger are imperative to using the weapons on the AWS effectively.
3. Lightest of All Current Assault Mechs: You're bringing less tons to the fight, which means you must rely on your maneuverability to succeed in engagements against competent Atlas and Stalker pilots. You can do it, but you must play to the strengths of the AWS chassis and pick smart engagements.
4. Large Side Torsos: Losing a side torso in an AWS is a big deal. Most of your weapons are in your torsos. It doesn't help that your side torso hitboxes are huge, but that's what your shield-arms are there for. Keep frontal exposure to a minimum whenever possible!

For the sake of being parcimonious, the rest of this guide will be written using shortened language. This is for those new to the terminology used.

Awesome = AWS
Stalker = STK

Heatsink = HS
Double Heatsink = DBL HS

Center Torso = CT
Left Torso = LT
Right Torso = RT
Left Arm = LA
Right Arm = RA
Left Leg = LL
Right Leg = RL

Medium Laser = ML
Medium Pulse Laser = MPL
Large Laser = LL
ER Large Laser = ERLL
Large Pulse Laser = LPL
Streak SRM = SSRM

Standard Engine = STD
XL Engine = XL

The Builds By Variant

AWS-8R (Role: Brawler and Mid-Range Support)

Head: Empty (14 Armor)
RT: SRM6 + Artemis (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
SRM4 + Artemis
LT: SRM6 + Artemis (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
SRM4 + Artemis
CT: STD 285 (70 Armor Front, 30 Back)
RA: 2 LL (52 Armor)
LA: 2 DBL HS (52 Armor)
LL: 2 SRM Ammo (39 Armor)
RL: 2 SRM Ammo (39 Armor)

Speed: 57.7 kph (63.5 with Speed Tweak)
Total Armor: 432
Total Heatsinks: 18 DBL HS
Firepower: 68
Heat Efficiency: 1.26

Weapon Groups:
1. 2 LL
2. 2 SRM4 + Artemis, 2 SRM6 + Artemis

1. Your 2 LL are on your articulated arm, allowing you to aim with increased effectiveness. This is great for twitch shooting, letting you aim quickly so you can turn your body away and spread damage as needed. Use your LLs to target specific spots on enemy mechs at range so your SRMs are more effective when you close the distance.
2. Your torsos have missile racks, which means they are a large target for the enemy to shoot. Either snipe from a distance with your 2 LL from a safe area with cover, or destroy the enemy quickly with your SRMs up close. The longer you stay in the open, the longer the enemy has a shot at your large torsos.
3. You can fight at all ranges, but you are best in a support role with the group or sniping from a safe spot. . You are best at providing support fire with the group around 450 meters or brawling with your SRMs around 100-150 meters meters.
4. Use your teammates to set up ambushes. Stay hidden in the middle of your team and utilize corners of hills and buildings to conceal yourself until your team engages the enemy. Once the enemy is paying attention to your teammates, run in from cover and use your SRMs to end the fight quickly. You can kill most mechs from behind in one shot by firing all of your weapons at once, and most others in two shots.

Alternate Configurations:
1. Replace 2 LL with 2 PPC, replacing the SRM6s with SSRM2s.
2. Replace 2 LL with 2 MPL, allowing extra tonnage to replace all four missile hardpoints with SRM6s with free tons for additional SRM ammo.
3. Replace 2 LL with 2 ERLL for a stronger long-range attack.
5. Replace 2 LL with 2 LPL and replace SRMs with SSRM2s for an efficient close-range brawler.
4. If more tonnage is required, you can downgrade the engine or switch to an XL (dropping two DBL HS) to fit your desired weapon combination.

AWS-8T (Role: Long-Range LRM Support)

Head: TAG (18 Armor)
RT: LRM20 + Artemis (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
LT: LRM20 + Artemis (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
CT: STD 245 (70 Armor Front, 30 Back)
Beagle Active Probe
RA: 2 ML (52 Armor)
1 LRM Ammo
LA: 2 ML (52 Armor)
LL: 2 LRM Ammo (37 Armor)
RL: 2 LRM Ammo (37 Armor)

Speed: 49.6 kph (54.6 with Speed Tweak)
Total Armor: 432
Total Heatsinks: 17 DBL HS
Firepower: 92
Heat Efficiency: 1.23

Weapon Groups:
1. 4 ML
2. TAG
3. 2 LRM20 + Artemis

1. Stay in the back and reposition as necessary to keep yourself from becoming an open target. Run to the middle of your group if you're being harassed by fast mechs and need additional defense.
2. Use your TAG and try to maintain sight of your targets when firing your missiles so that you gain the benefit of both TAG and Artemis (increased missile accuracy).
3. You have 900 LRM Ammo. Only fire when you know your LRMs will hit. Rely on your 4 ML for supporting your team otherwise.
4. Your missiles are more powerful and heat efficient than your 4 ML, but you can fire all of your weapons for enormous damage when you see a large target attempting to close distance with you. In this case, wait until you can line up the shot with their CT and fire while backing up.
5. Your 4 ML are useful for when you need to target a specific spot on an already-damaged enemy mech or soften a spot for your LRMs, but rely on staying at range when you can.
6. Use your 4 ML for defense against fast harassing mechs, but move towards your teammates when your defense doesn't cause the harasser to leave.
7. If you're one of the few left on your team and you don't have any spotters, you can count on your 4 ML doing the job when you're roaming the map cleaning up already-damaged enemy mechs. Your 4 ML are heat-neutral to fire.
8. Open up holes in enemy mech armor with your 4 ML, then fire your 2 LRM20s to exploit the opening.

Alternate Configurations:
1. If you want to move faster and have additional LRM ammo, you can upgrade the STD 245 to an XL280. You will lose 2 DBL in the process.
2. You can remove the Beagle Active Probe and remove half a ton of armor on the legs to add in two additional tons of LRM ammo in the CT.
3. You can upgrade your STD 245 to an XL 280 if you prefer to use 4 MPL instead of 4 ML on the arms.
4. Downgrade from 2 LRM20s to 2 LRM15s so you can fire your missiles in one burst instead of two. Use the extra tonnage to upgrade your 4 ML to 4 MPL and add an additional two tons of LRM ammo.

AWS-9M (Role: Brawler and Harasser)

Head: MPL (16 Armor)
RT: MPL (43 Armor Front, 25 Back)
LT: MPL (43 Armor Front, 25 Back)
Anti-Missile System
Anti-Missile System Ammo
CT: XL 380 (70 Armor Front, 30 Back)
2 SRM4
RA: 3 DBL HS (52 Armor)
LA: SRM4 (52 Armor)
LL: 2 SRM Ammo (30 Armor)
RL: 2 SRM Ammo (30 Armor)

Speed: 76.9 kph (84.7 with Speed Tweak)
Total Armor: 416
Total Heatsinks: 24 DBL HS
Firepower: 48
Heat Efficiency: 1.5

Weapon Groups:
1. 3 MPL
2. 3 SRM4

1. You are currently the fastest Assault mech in the game. Going at 84.7 kph, you can chase down fast mechs that are lighter than you and flank Heavy or Assault mechs that are slower than you. Your speed is your advantage, pick your fights and move to where you’ll cause the most damage.
2. Use your 3 MPL to focus down fast enemies. You are fast enough to keep your torso aimed at them even if they try to strafe you.
3. Focus down important parts of a mech first with your 3 MPL to open holes in their armor, exploit those holes with your SRM4s.
4. You are a strong asset to your team in Conquest mode. You weigh 80 tons but go at 84.7 kph, meaning you can cap and defend points more efficiently than any other mech.
5. Go where your team needs you. If part of your team wins an engagement but another part needs help, sprint over and help them out.
6. Your SRM4s are particularly potent against larger, slower enemies. Keep in mind your SRM4s do not have artemis, so engage with them once you've closed the distance to use your 3 MPL.

Alternate Configurations:
1. Remove one DBL HS in the RA and the 3 MPL, replace with an LL in the LT and RT for a stronger mid-to-long-range attack with 3 SSRM for close range. Put 1 DBL HS in the RA with a ton of SSRM Ammo in each leg and you’ve got a great all-around mech with an incredible 1.67 heat efficiency. Use two ERLLs for a respectable 1.46 heat efficiency.
2. Remove the 3 MPL and 3 SRM4s to fit 3 LL in the LT, RT, and CT for a strong mid/long-range sniper.
3. Downgrade the XL 380 to an XL 360 and replace the 2 LL from Configuration 1 with an LPL in each side torso for a powerful close-range brawler.
3. Replace the SRM4s with SSRMs and use the extra tonnage to replace one DBL HS in the RA for a PPC, ERPPC, or ERLL for better long-range sniping capability.
4. Remove the AMS or one ton of SRM ammo to increase leg armor.

For gameplay and commentary of the AWS-9M
Part 1:
Part 2: TBA

AWS-8V (Role: Brawler and Sniper Hybrid)

Head: Empty (18 Armor)
RT: 3 SRM4 + Artemis (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
LT: 2 ERLL (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
CT: STD 250 (70 Armor Front, 30 Back)
Beagle Active Probe
RA: LPL (52 Armor)
LA: 2 DBL HS (52 Armor)
LL: 2 SRM Ammo (45 Armor)
RL: 2 SRM Ammo (45 Armor)

Speed: 50.6 kph (55.7 with Speed Tweak)
Total Armor: 448
Total Heatsinks: 18 DBL HS
Firepower: 58
Heat Efficiency: 1.05

Weapon Groups:
1. LPL
2. 2 ERLL
3. 3 SRM4 + Artemis

1. With a STD 250 you are slower in this build than the others, but with long-range weaponry you have no need to move towards your enemy. Find a safe corner or high ground to take pot shots at the enemy. Make them move towards you, and once they close the distance, they will be damaged enough to give you the advantage when you engage with your close-range weapons.
2. You have Beagle Active Probe. This means you can see farther than your teammates and should target enemy mechs in the distance that your teammates can’t see so that they are able to better target enemies at a distance.
3. Your 3 SRM4s are all in one spot in your RT, and with artemis, they are very accurate. Even if an enemy mech doesn’t have any particularly damaged parts, your SRM4s can easily punch a neat hole through the spot you aim them at.
4. Use your LPL for pinpoint damage, such as targeting parts of an enemy mech that are already red. You can also use your LPL to aid you in hitting fast mechs that are harassing you.
5. Try not to use your 2 ERLL in close-range where your other weapons are more heat efficient. You can only alpha once or twice before overheating, but you can fire your weapons continuously as long as you don’t mix your 2 ERLL with the others.
6. While you are very effective at close range (less than 300 meters) and long range (more than 675 meters) you are not as heat efficient between 350 and 550 meters as you would be if your ERLL were just LL.

Alternate Configurations:
1. If you want a stronger SRM punch, you can replace the LPL in the RA with an LL, remove a DBL HS in the RS and replace the 3 SRM4 with 3 SRM6 instead.
2. If you want 5 free tons and a faster engine, remove a DBL HS in each side torso and replace the STD 250 with an XL 285.
3. You can replace the LPL on the RA for a PPC, replace the 3 SRM4 in the RT for 3 SSRM2s and an extra DBL HS, and replace the 2 ERLL in the LT for 2 LPL. The free tonnage allows you to upgrade the STD 250 to a STD 270, allowing for a faster brawler at the expense of some long-range firepower.
4. Replace the 3 SRM4 in the RT with 3 LRM10 + Artemis and a DBL HS. Replace the 2 ERLL in the LT with 2 ML and put an ML in the Head. Remove from the Beagle Active Probe from the CT and put four tons of LRM Ammo in the legs. This allows for long-range LRM support with energy-based weaponry for close-range combat.
5. If you would rather be more efficient at midrange rather than long-range, replace your 2 ERLL for 2 LL.

AWS-8Q (Role: Sniper)

Head: Empty (18 Armor)
RT: 2 LL(45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
Anti-Missile System
LT: 2 LL (45 Armor Front, 23 Back)
CT: STD 290 (70 Armor Front, 30 Back)
Anti-Missile System Ammo
RA: 2 MPL (52 Armor)
LA: 2 DBL HS (52 Armor)
LL: Empty (31 Armor)
RL: Empty (31 Armor)

Speed: 58.7 kph (64.6 with Speed Tweak)
Total Armor: 448
Total Heatsinks: 19 DBL HS
Firepower: 48
Heat Efficiency: 1.05

Weapon Groups:
1. 4 LL
2. 2 MPL

1. Your 4 LL shoot for 36 pinpoint damage and you can alpha fire all of them consecutively 3-4 times before overheating..
2. Aim for important components like a Hunchback’s hunch or an Atlas’ ballistic hardpoint. Your 4 LL are precise, giving you the choice where to put the damage. If you want to take out an enemy mech quickly, focus fire repeatedly on their CT and ignore other components.
3. If you get the chance, blow out an enemy mech pilot’s cockpit. One shot with your 4 LL and they’ll go down instantly, leaving you extra salvage at the end of the match as a bonus.
4. Your arm has 2 MPL, useful for defending yourself at close-range, finishing off damaged enemies, and protecting yourself against fast and/or light mechs.
5. You can fire at 60% heat without overheating. After firing, wait until you cool off to 60% heat before firing again.
6. You are best when sticking with the group and providing long-range support fire at around 450 meters. You are fast for an assault and should have no trouble staying with teammates and repositioning.
7. Utilize corners and vantage points that give you a good view of open space to snipe from. Expose yourself only long enough to shoot before returning to cover to let your heat dissipate.
8. Don't worry if you lose a side torso. You will still have 2 LL left over so you can continue the fight!

Alternate Configurations:
1. Remove the 4 LL and 2 MPL, put two ERLL on the RA, three ML in the Head and RT, and two LPLin the LT for an energy boat effective at all ranges.
2. You can replace the 4 LL with 4 PPC by replacing the STD 290 with an STD 250, removing .5 tons of armor on each leg, and removing the Anti-Missile System.
3. Replace the 2 MPL with 2 PPC and the 4 LL with 5 MPL for a sniper/brawler hybrid.

Leave Feedback If…
You have a question or comment about something in this guide or the AWS chassis.
You would like me to make a similar guide for another mech chassis.
You would like video with commentary of me demonstrating one of these builds.
Thanks for reading.

Edited by Typatty, 07 January 2013 - 01:47 PM.

#2 Elyam


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 12:10 PM

Nice work, not only on the AWS but on many general points of combat and mech use. Since beta went live and we had the last reset, I've completed skill trees on the 'Pult, 'Phract, and Stalker, going through the Cent now, and plan on the AWS next, with a goal being the 9M for a variety of experiments.

#3 Outfoxed


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 02:14 PM

Very nicely written. Thanks you for the time you must have put into making it.

#4 NRP


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 03:16 PM

Good stuff! Although I'm a noob, I love my 9M. I use it in a sniping/support role as you describe, and I am starting to get the hang of spreading damage and protecting my torso. I've had much more success and enjoyment with the 9M than I have with my Atlas D-DC, which is kind of contrary to what has been suggested on this forum.

Question: There was another thread that claimed the 8R was the ultimate brawler version, I guess because of the option to run 4 SRM6s. Do you agree with this assessment?

Edited by NRP, 02 January 2013 - 03:17 PM.

#5 Wrenchfarm


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 03:50 PM

NIce guide with some very good points for aspiring AWE pilots.

That said, I'm not a big fan of some of your builds. The 8Q in particular. I would never put an XL on it considering you can mount a 290STD very easily and still have room for 4xLLAS, 3xMLAS and 20DHS. I'm not sure why you would need all the spare tonnage just to put on a bunch of MPLs. Besides, the range on MPLs is way too stubby for something with such a liability. Having a ton of heatsinks is great, but you need to be able to hit things and survive to make them worthwhile. I thin LLAS give you a lot more tactical flexibility and survivability.

The 9M seems a little strange too. LPL is pretty much a weaker choice than either a PPC or LLAS. I've tried to love em, but just can't. Too much heat for too little range and punch.

These builds seem far more niche than might be appropriate for a guide. Maybe you could add in some more well rounded ones?

Anyway, sorry for the nitpicks. Thanks for putting in the effort!

#6 Flagrant


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 03:51 PM

Trying to practise turning my body to let my arms get some damage. Nice tip. Thanks.

#7 BlacKcuD


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 04:01 PM

Nice builds and overall a good read. I will send you a PM concerning stealing some of your builds for my blog :P

#8 Typatty


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:05 PM

View PostNRP, on 02 January 2013 - 03:16 PM, said:

Good stuff! Although I'm a noob, I love my 9M. I use it in a sniping/support role as you describe, and I am starting to get the hang of spreading damage and protecting my torso. I've had much more success and enjoyment with the 9M than I have with my Atlas D-DC, which is kind of contrary to what has been suggested on this forum.

Question: There was another thread that claimed the 8R was the ultimate brawler version, I guess because of the option to run 4 SRM6s. Do you agree with this assessment?

I've been playing with my 8R set up with 2 LL, 2 SRM4s, and 2 SRM6s (with artemis) lately and it has been very successful. Running with four SRM6s can be very powerful, but they're not as efficient as SRM4s in terms of accuracy, ammo, and heat. With four SRM6s you pretty much have to be at pointblank to NOT have them spread out a ton of their damage. I find 2 SRM4s and 2 SRM6s to be a good balance, with the 2 LL filling in mid-long range combat.

The trick to using the 8R is to either use it at range, or kill your enemy QUICKLY at close-range because the side torsos are an even bigger target on the 8R than on the other AWS variants.

I hope this helps.

#9 Typatty


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:18 PM

View PostWrenchfarm, on 02 January 2013 - 03:50 PM, said:

NIce guide with some very good points for aspiring AWE pilots.

That said, I'm not a big fan of some of your builds. The 8Q in particular. I would never put an XL on it considering you can mount a 290STD very easily and still have room for 4xLLAS, 3xMLAS and 20DHS. I'm not sure why you would need all the spare tonnage just to put on a bunch of MPLs. Besides, the range on MPLs is way too stubby for something with such a liability. Having a ton of heatsinks is great, but you need to be able to hit things and survive to make them worthwhile. I thin LLAS give you a lot more tactical flexibility and survivability.

The 9M seems a little strange too. LPL is pretty much a weaker choice than either a PPC or LLAS. I've tried to love em, but just can't. Too much heat for too little range and punch.

These builds seem far more niche than might be appropriate for a guide. Maybe you could add in some more well rounded ones?

Anyway, sorry for the nitpicks. Thanks for putting in the effort!

I included some less niche alternatives for nitpicky players like you who are more interested in more all-around-balanced configurations. The 8Q, in particular, is highly customizable to fit a variety of playstyles. I prefer the 5 MPL build to (more all-around balanced) large lasers because it really limits the enemy mech's ability to disperse damage, whereas that is not the case when using an LL. I was also surprised how well an XL engine works on the 8Q build I posted. There are no weapons in the arms so I use them to block the majority of damage, given that the 5 MPL shoot quickly, giving me time to move my torso between shots for better damage dispersal. In addition, the 8Q does not have the giant missile rack side torsos that other AWS variants have, meaning the torsos are less of a blatant target for enemy players. Frankly, my damage-dispersal was working so well and I was finding my torsos so rarely getting cored that I decided to put on an XL and just use the saved tonnage for more heatsinks. The build does require an adept pilot, but a less dextrous one can easily remove (5?) heatsinks and put on an STD as I suggested in the alternative configurations.

For the 9M, I chose an LPL because you are going quite fast and turning repeatedly (I really can't emphasize it more, I'm turning almost constantly when piloting my 9M to spread out damage) and I prefer to shoot enemy targets that I can't turn my torso to face with my LPL and 3 SSRM2s when I can't manage to shoot them with my 3 torso-mounted MLs. Using an LPL and 3 SSRM2s is heat neutral, whereas you can still alpha strike multiple times (at least 5? I haven't counted) without overheating. I also use the LPL for precision damage (such as when a hunchback's hunch is in the yellow/red) which works better than using an LL. You are right that the LL is more heat efficient with a better range, and I fully suggest other players attempt both to decide which one they prefer. I simply prefer the LPL because I want to get the damage out quicker so I can turn my mech again, and for situations like an ECM light who I can't hit with SSRM2s (and would be even harder to hit with an LL rather than an LPL).

I wrote the nifty disclaimer in the Introduction just to say that I'm constantly changing builds on my variants and these are the ones that do the most damage for me, and they might be worth a try for intrigued players, but the end-all be-all decider of which build works best for you is, of course, you :P

Thanks very much for taking time to give me feedback. I always appreciate a response that takes time to talk about the details.

Edited by Typatty, 02 January 2013 - 05:35 PM.

#10 MadPanda


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:40 PM

View PostTypatty, on 02 January 2013 - 05:18 PM, said:

Thanks very much for taking time to give me feedback. I always appreciate a response that takes time to talk about the details.

Do you really appriciate it? You hit the "Like" button on all of the posts giving you simple praise but didn't give his criticism a "Like". One would assume you didn't like his post. (I wonder if a "Like" now suddenly appears on his post...)

#11 Typatty


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 05:59 PM

View PostMadPanda, on 02 January 2013 - 05:40 PM, said:

Do you really appriciate it? You hit the "Like" button on all of the posts giving you simple praise but didn't give his criticism a "Like". One would assume you didn't like his post. (I wonder if a "Like" now suddenly appears on his post...)

Oh, I got so excited about replying that as soon as I read it I forgot to like it. Yes, it will magically appear now. His was the longest and I started thinking of a reply before even finishing reading it. You get a like too because you reminded me <3

#12 BunnyWabbit


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 06:31 PM

I like your setups however I'd like to throw my 9M build up for people to look at as well since the Awesome gets so little love.


Put 2 srm4s in the center torso
srm6 in the arm
4mls in the other slots.
4 tons of ammo in the legs and drop 8 armor off each leg
fill with double heat sinks

Basic stats
78 kph
59 firepower

Group missiles in one and lasers in other
alternate firing until near max heat then spam missiles only until heat drops down

You will wreck face.

#13 Wrenchfarm


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 07:20 PM

Cool. Not to hamper on a point, but by going with DHS and a STD290 on the 8Q you can add two more MPLAS to the arm to give you tracking ability and still have good heat dissipation (with AMS to boot!)


Like you say, it all comes down to play style. When I roll an Awesome I prefer to keep my distance and laser boat it like a mother. The 9M is the only variant I'd put an XL in. If you can find success getting scrappy with pulse lasers and SRMs, by all means go for it!

#14 Hex Pallett


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 07:50 PM

...Okay. First, your analysis of AWS chassis is very precise and accurate.

However, your builds, with all due respect, are ridiculous. At ;least the engine part.

Every AWS except for 9M can easily have an STD290 engine along with maximum amount of firepower. My 8Q runs 4xLL plus 3xML, my 8R has 4xASRM6 plus 2xLL, my 8T has 4xML, TAG and 2xALRM20; all runs with STD290. Survivability aside, you can have 2 extra DHS with an STD engine, providing you have the spare weight.

Also, just in case repair cost comes back someday, you'll see you're wasting a ton of money repairing the mighty XLs.

#15 Typatty


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:36 PM

View PostHelmstif, on 02 January 2013 - 07:50 PM, said:

...Okay. First, your analysis of AWS chassis is very precise and accurate.

However, your builds, with all due respect, are ridiculous. At ;least the engine part.

Every AWS except for 9M can easily have an STD290 engine along with maximum amount of firepower. My 8Q runs 4xLL plus 3xML, my 8R has 4xASRM6 plus 2xLL, my 8T has 4xML, TAG and 2xALRM20; all runs with STD290. Survivability aside, you can have 2 extra DHS with an STD engine, providing you have the spare weight.

Also, just in case repair cost comes back someday, you'll see you're wasting a ton of money repairing the mighty XLs.

A few things to address:

1. A large laser has very similar damage to heat ratio compared to two medium lasers, so it's redundant to have 4 LL and 3 ML.

2. With DHS, you can sustain 3 LL at most without overheating.

3. You do not get as many heatsinks for filling an AWS with DHS as you do with getting an XL and filling it with single HS.

4. Your counter-builds (except the 8R) are all in the Alternative Configurations I included in the guide.

5. With the old R&R system, you could repair everything except your XL engine, which would save you the cost of it and do nothing but lower the HP on your engine if you ever lost your armor in a match Avoiding XL repair costs was incredibly exploitable.

View PostWrenchfarm, on 02 January 2013 - 07:20 PM, said:

Cool. Not to hamper on a point, but by going with DHS and a STD290 on the 8Q you can add two more MPLAS to the arm to give you tracking ability and still have good heat dissipation (with AMS to boot!)


Like you say, it all comes down to play style. When I roll an Awesome I prefer to keep my distance and laser boat it like a mother. The 9M is the only variant I'd put an XL in. If you can find success getting scrappy with pulse lasers and SRMs, by all means go for it!

I prefer sustainable DPS over burst DPS, and that's just a playstyle choice. To make my point, your build has about 4 sustainable dps, whereas if you plug mine into the site, it gets about 5. Again, playstyle choice.

Thanks for the nifty site by the way, I was looking for one like that.

#16 NRP


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Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:41 PM

Repair costs is a stupid idea. I hope it stays gone. If I had to pay for damage to my equipment, I couldn't afford to play the game. How is that supposed to be fun?

#17 Pkunk


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:15 PM

Very nice OP. Much appreciated. Just bought my 9M and saving up for some C-Bills to add a 380 engine..

But I have a question. Can you (or anyone else) make some videos of how you play your 9M? I'm very curious to see 9M brawlers in action :lol:

#18 NRP


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:27 PM

I agree videos of competent AWS (all variants) pilots would be, well . . . Awesome!

#19 Typatty


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:02 PM

View PostPkunk, on 03 January 2013 - 12:15 PM, said:

Very nice OP. Much appreciated. Just bought my 9M and saving up for some C-Bills to add a 380 engine..

But I have a question. Can you (or anyone else) make some videos of how you play your 9M? I'm very curious to see 9M brawlers in action :lol:

View PostNRP, on 03 January 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:

I agree videos of competent AWS (all variants) pilots would be, well . . . Awesome!

I will record some gameplay of me piloting the 9M and put together a battle montage (I promise it'll be exciting and enjoyable). I'm debating replacing the LPL with a PPC and will probably update a few builds here in the near future.

NRP, are you interested in any particular builds or would you like me to just make one for each variant?

I will have the videos posted here within a day or two so please check back and keep an eye on the thread! :P

#20 NRP


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:17 PM

Since I have a 9M, do that one first.
By the way, you and I were on the same team the other night.  You were in a stalker, but you seemed to be AFK.  I was going to roll with you. :lol:

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