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Submit Ideas For New Modules Here And Give Feedback

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#1 blinkin


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:44 PM

i made this thread to consolodate any ideas that are specifically for new modules. this is specifically for things that go under the module tab in the mech lab.

hopefully this thread can stay afloat, where most ideas that get posted quickly get burried under the hordes of "nerf (insert anything here)", "why this game sucks", and other pointless crap that chokes the forum.

so submit any links to ideas you have made in the past or just post your ideas directly in here and get feedback.

here are the ideas that have been collected so far and what post they are in (link directly to post has been included) if any of the links does not work properly or leads you to the wrong location please leave a post stating which link was broken:

Edited by blinkin, 07 March 2013 - 01:14 PM.

#2 ConnorSinclair


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 06:46 PM

When you equip it, it optimizes the game to run 30 fps on the hardware it should.

#3 Xandralkus


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Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:06 PM

View PostConnorSinclair, on 03 January 2013 - 06:46 PM, said:

When you equip it, it optimizes the game to run 30 fps on the hardware it should.

;) LOL!!!


I want a module that prevents me from being put in a match on River City Night! Additionally, it would remove light bloom, focal blur, distance fog, and the colors brown and grey from all maps!

*Disengages trollmode*

And it should be default equipment on all mechs, and not take up a module slot.

Edited by Xandralkus, 03 January 2013 - 10:06 PM.

#4 blinkin


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:39 AM

i will just ignore the spoof suggestions and use this like i meant to. i hope others might too.

Ballistics Tracker:
displays a tracer line for a short time that follows the path of any ballistic weapons or PPC that were fired near you. can be activated/deactivated with the keyboard.

the length of time that the line should be displayed should probably be very short, less than 1 second. just enough time for any pilot to be able to find it even if it is behind them and get a general direction of the shooter. maybe tracers should only be displayed within a certain distance (180m?) of your mech.

  • hunting snipers or other mechs that use single shot sudden impact weapons
  • adds more tactical information to the game.
  • may clutter the screen some.
flavor text: systems use compression waves or risidual heat to determine the flight path of the shot.

Edited by blinkin, 04 January 2013 - 01:41 AM.

#5 xengk


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:22 AM

Eavesdrop Module

  • With this module installed, a pilot get to see/listen in to other team's communication.
  • Enemy text chat will appear in red.
  • Tactical advantage for listening to enemy's strategy.
  • Pilot needs to be within a certain range of a enemy mech to gain this benefit.
  • Eavesdropper still have to relay the information to his teammates.
  • Not so useful in PUGS game.
  • Going to be very hard to tell team and enemy voice chat apart.

Burst Radar
Any mech installed with this module will have it's radar scan ranger greatly improved, the down side is the radar is so "loud", enemy can also pick up his location even without LOS.

  • An active radar with massive scanning range that constantly "pings" the map for enemy mechs.
  • Longer range than Beagle probe and is always on.
  • Increase radar range.
  • Can detect out of LOS or power-downed enemy mechs.
  • Also actively broadcast the user's location to all enemy within their radar range.
  • Still countered by Guardian ECM

Burst Radar provide 2KM scan range in 360 radius, any enemy mech not under ECM effect will show up in the user's radar and tactical grid. Teammate can also share lock with the user for LRM lock-on.
However, if user enters enemy's normal radar scan range, user's mech will show up in enemy's radar even if they don't have LOS.

Hilarity ensures when both side have LRMboats with Burst Radar.

Edited by xengk, 04 January 2013 - 02:24 AM.

#6 VXJaeger


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:32 AM

Ballistic gyro/radarsight

- shows the lead where u need to aim targeted sideways moving enemy to hit him.
- adjusts automatically weapons pinpoint to targeted enemys distance

Had these already on WW2 and Korean war-fighterjets, why not on 31st MW?

Edited by VXJaeger, 04 January 2013 - 02:37 AM.

#7 blinkin


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:05 AM

Advanced Missile Warning System:
when missile warning is given the approximate distance of the nearest locked missile is also given.

distance given should probably be in increments of 50m or 100m. only distance information is given and only for the nearest missile cluster.

  • seeking cover from missiles.
  • determining the location of lrm mechs.
  • gives more tactical information that can help when evading missiles.
  • can give range of enemy missile mechs.
  • will not give useful information about sustained streams of missiles.
flavor text: uses missile radar ping to give an estimated distance of enemy missiles.

Time to Impact:
gives approximate distance of any guided missiles to their target.

distance given should probably be in increments of 50m or 100m. only distance information is given and only for the nearest missile cluster. distance to target is listed around the red target lock box around the target.

  • precision timing of missile fire to maximize knock effects.
  • determining how to position for more accurate missile attacks. (are these missiles colliding with buildings before they hit)
  • determining if missiles are still in flight.
  • gives more detailed information on how accurate your missile barrage was.
  • tells when the missiles have all impacted.
  • can help to train players in the use of lrm.
  • only gives information when the target is highlighted.
  • players can't easily tell if missiles were stopped by a solid object or a series of AMS systems.
flavor text: target lock information is compared to missile guidance information and an approximate distance to target is calculated.

Target Lock Warning:
tells when your mech has been locked onto by an enemy mech.

only tells that your mech has been locked and nothing else.

  • warns you if you have been spotted by the enemy when sneaking around.
  • warns long range support mechs if they are being locked by an enemy who may have gotten behind them.
  • can give you early warning when the enemy spots you.
  • lets you know if you are under threat of lrm attack.
  • can reveal enemies trying to sneak up behind you.
  • will not warn you about enemies that use dumbfire weapons without locking.
flavor text: detects scans from enemy mechs that lock onto your mech.

View PostVXJaeger, on 04 January 2013 - 02:32 AM, said:

Ballistic gyro/radarsight

- shows the lead where u need to aim targeted sideways moving enemy to hit him.
- adjusts automatically weapons pinpoint to targeted enemys distance

Had these already on WW2 and Korean war-fighterjets, why not on 31st MW?

short answer: dark ages and lost tech.
but in general i see nothing wrong with this. especially as a module.

#8 VXJaeger


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:14 AM

View Postblinkin, on 04 January 2013 - 03:05 AM, said:

short answer: dark ages and lost tech.
but in general i see nothing wrong with this. especially as a module.

I'd pay ******* MC for just that distance pinpointing feature ;)
Right now case is that when I'm shooting at an enemy that is 200m away and targeted, my guns will probably be pinpointed to 100m. Result: left cannon misses from the right,right cannon from the left while center cannon misses "somewhere between" :P
Still more trouble when u need to pull a lead on enemy...combined w/ delay of firing cannons, hitting him is more guessing than skill.

Must carry 200 rounds for 3 UAC5's in Muromets just 'cause approx. 75% grenades will miss

Let the L2P-whine begin.

Edited by VXJaeger, 04 January 2013 - 03:31 AM.

#9 blinkin


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:37 AM

View PostVXJaeger, on 04 January 2013 - 03:14 AM, said:

I'd pay ******* MC for just that distance pinpointing feature ;)
Right now case is that when I'm shooting at an enemy that is 200m away and targeted, my guns will probably be pinpointed to 100m. Result: left cannon misses from the right,right cannon from the left while center cannon misses "somewhere between" :P
Still more trouble when u need to pull a lead on enemy...combined w/ delay of firing cannons, hitting him is more guessing than skill.

Must carry 200 rounds for 3 UAC5's in Muromets just 'cause approx. 75% grenades will miss

Let the L2P-whine begin.

there has been an ongoing issue about the convergence point calculations in this game.

you can learn to adapt around it, but there are many factors you must pay attention to. first you need to realize that the convergence of your weapons is based on where they are pointed. you may have a target that you are leading that is 200m away but your weapons will be aimed at the cliff 1000m away that happens to be under your crosshairs.

it sucks and i hope they change convergence so it is linked to whatever you have targetted with 'R'.

#10 VXJaeger


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 04:49 AM

View Postblinkin, on 04 January 2013 - 03:37 AM, said:

it sucks and i hope they change convergence so it is linked to whatever you have targetted with 'R'.

More I think of this, seems to be better idea than I expected. This could be "the counter ECM-thing" that is needed right now into the game and fast.

What does this sound:

- shows the lead where you need to aim "R"-targeted enemy to hit him, even when he's moving sideways.
- adjusts automatically weapons pinpoint to "R"-targeted enemys distance and updates it constantly matching the situation
- counteracts ECM-effectness on locking targets when LOS-enemy is on reticule, but gives information only to use direct-fire weapons (cannons, lazors, SRM) in mech that is using it. Indirect-fire/locking missile weapons (LRM) still need TAG for sending the infomation, and other mechs need sightmodules of their own.
- max. range 360m (LOS required)
- calculates lead based on fastest-bullet ballistic weapon carried (to avoid too complex maths. Actually this is already done, but not shown to players)

SSRM is though still troublesome 'cause it's locking & tracking direct-fire weapon, but it should work w/ this module IF you keep the target on reticule whole time. ECM still counters 360 Target Retention complitely.

With this and removing energy hardpoint requirement from TAG, ECM should have enough countermeasures to cut most of the whining, and biting heavies ankles become dangerous again to those annoying ECM-lights ;) So far it has been kinda stupid that something can only be nullified by itself...

And because DEVs gotta eat, they could make this "Hero module"...payable by MC and/or available only on Hero-mechs...should give new life even to Yen-Lo-******.


Edited by VXJaeger, 04 January 2013 - 05:24 AM.

#11 StonedDead


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:15 AM

I could go with something like that actually. There just needs to be something other than ECM to counter ECM with. I don't however like the idea of paying real money for it, sounds like a pay-to-win situation to me. Make it a module or something with a GXP requirement and cost like the other modules.

#12 Shae Starfyre


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:32 AM

External Mounts.

Pro's More Guns, More Ammo.

Con: explosions!

Someone once mentioned the medic mech; and there may have been talk about ammo mechs?

Anyways, I was thinking about Modules/Items which can boost or provide something to other mechs.

1.) Ammo reloading (mech carries extra ammo or can transfer ammo, but would need a module for it which can be crit'd and rendered useless).
2.) Not so much a repair mech, but a mech that can transfer or redirect heat like an external heat sink.
3.) a command type module that allows you to target more than one mech - this can have two uses, a.) multiple enemy mechs targeted for LRM support and intel, and b.) friendly targeting so that multiple units can be seen, their armor status, etc., so that command actions can help mitigate casualties: like, "Your about to be cored, seek cover, friendly atlas, move in and provide retreating cover."
4.) New vision mode, 3-d grid overlay that shows mechs behind cover based on telemetry calculations and such from firing arcs, etc.
5.) Internal Medic view module that provides more accurate detail on your damaged components and armor points, etc (no repairing, just intel).
6.) Targeting module that instead of a greater zoom, it brings up a wire grid of the enemy mech, and you can select the target point. I've seen this in Crysis I think, but in MWO, it would be more of a change in the targeting recticule position to help guide your aim (example: enemy comes into view, I activate the targeting module and select the head, and my targeting module box outline changes it's field/size to the head.
7.) Power redirect module: example: I lose my arm which contained 3 double-heat sinks, I activate the module which brings up a gauge that I set to reduce engine speed (cripplingly) so that it will redirect more power/heat dissipation.
8.) Engine Re-positioning Module for XL Engines: One extra ton to engine to place a slot of engine elsewhere, limited to legs only so that legs, center torso and sides can be used.
9.) As previously mentioned, external rear mounts for extra ammo (no weapons) or extra Heat Sinks (this will be at the cost of rear armor or take the place of).
10.) Deploy-able modules (I think this has been covered), as small sensor modes that you can place at choke points to the base, with a 25-50m radius, that just pings on movement into the area. Like an early warning system; no targeting capability.

That's all I got.

#13 VXJaeger


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 07:37 AM

View PostZekester81, on 04 January 2013 - 06:15 AM, said:

I don't however like the idea of paying real money for it, sounds like a pay-to-win situation to me.

Neither do I, just trying to throw some bait to make this really happen :)
Exept that I'm so pissed off w/ that overwhelming ECM-thingamaciga that I would pay MC for that module.
Right after I've kicked them into balls :D

Edited by VXJaeger, 04 January 2013 - 07:42 AM.

#14 KuruptU4Fun


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:09 AM

The guy who suggested Medic Mechs got flamed big time, PGI is trying to stick to canon as logically as possible and BT does not have any such mech available. An ammo mech/station would garner the same results. Arming a mech in game would take a long time if there were an "arming mech/station", as well as make the target mech a huge stationary target themselves. That is never a good idea.

#15 Shae Starfyre


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:14 AM

The medic mech idea was expanded on to be intel only, not an actual healer.

As far as reloading, this is also expanded on in the terms of external hard points in place of armor.... and besides, if two mechs want to be stationary, and god forbid, the rest of the team guards them, while a partial reload takes place after a tactical retreat, good for them.

As I stated in another thread. This game is being developed now, this is an alternate reality where anything is possible. What will happen when the Canon timeline is past? Will the game end or become stagnant, YES! We need more variety in the game.

#16 Anyone00


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:18 AM

Active Armor Angling:
Armor in arms with no weapon or equipment (w/ the exception of Dynamic Armor/Structure slots) receive a [3-5]% reduced damage to the arm's armor for each Actuator.

And if and when knock down returns:

Charging Tackle:
Increases the effective tonnage by (20-30)% to determine which mech(s) will be knocked down in a collision when a mech is moving forward at or near to full speed provided the equipped mech made contact strait on. Increased damage to the equipped mech if it normally wouldn't be left standing.

Stone Wall:
Increases the effective tonnage by (100-150)% when the mech is at a complete stop for determining knock down..

Effective Raming:
(20-30)% of the damage usually taken by ramming an enemy unit is instead taken by that enemy unit.

#17 KuruptU4Fun


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Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:22 AM

2 different types of Targeting Sensor Suite. The first from Sarna.net directly, and has listings in tech readouts actually published.

Targeting Computers are sophisticated pieces of electronics that, unlike normal targeting systems, physically help MechWarriors target their opponents. Recoil compensators and gyroscopic stabilizers are used to prevent normal weapon drift from factors such as recoil and movement while the computer accounts for atmospheric and other conditions to present an accurate "lead" on the target. This allows for more surgical precision of weapons fire, especially with naturally accurate systems, allowing for the user to hit specific parts on the target vehicle.

The second would be a Missile Guidance Sensor Suite (my idea)

This suite would help the pilot to continue an estimated lock-on once the missiles were in air. If target is lost then the suite would take into account the targeted mechs direction and speed and extrapolate a "likely" location the mech would be in if the lock-on had continued, but the resulting damage spread would expand, making it an AoE weapon. The suite would also change the flight path the missiles use. Currently you will see the missiles make an "X" pattern as they weave to the target. The suite would change that to a spiral pattern that would allow the missiles to change direction faster than normal. The downside to that would be that when spiraling towards a target while changing direction, some missiles would slam into one another and explode.

#18 blinkin


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 12:19 AM

precision weapon reticles:
displays on screen the exact point that a given weapon is aimed at on the terrain or on a mech.

would show exactly where each of the individual weapons on your battlemech is pointed precisely. this would operate much like a laser pointer that is attached to each weapon.

  • precision targetting of weapon systems
  • determining if terrain will interfere with weapons fire example: if an atlas is behind a low hill it would show whether or not the armpit gun will fire into the hill or over it.
  • determining whether or not weapons are fully aligned on a given target.
  • allows for high precision targetting of weapons more easily
  • helps prevent wasting ammo that would go into terrain or miss
  • some reduction in friendly fire incedents
  • helps prevent unnecessary heat generation from missed shots
  • does not work for weapons that require target lock
  • adds to screen clutter
  • might encourage stupid risks example: waiting for ALL of the weapons to align before shooting any target, or pushing too far up a hill so that low slung weapons can fire.
flavor text: range finding equipment and precision sensors that detect weapon firing lines feed information to the pilot in the cockpit giving a detailed accounting of where each weapon is aimed, and what is the first likely target that weapon will hit.

#19 Sandslice


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 12:53 AM

View PostKuruptU4Fun, on 04 January 2013 - 10:22 AM, said:

2 different types of Targeting Sensor Suite. The first from Sarna.net directly, and has listings in tech readouts actually published.

Targeting Computers are sophisticated pieces of electronics that, unlike normal targeting systems, physically help MechWarriors target their opponents. Recoil compensators and gyroscopic stabilizers are used to prevent normal weapon drift from factors such as recoil and movement while the computer accounts for atmospheric and other conditions to present an accurate "lead" on the target. This allows for more surgical precision of weapons fire, especially with naturally accurate systems, allowing for the user to hit specific parts on the target vehicle.

Targeting computers will (and indeed must!) be equipped heavy gear, not a module. Otherwise it would invalidate every Warhawk configuration, since the Warhawk is known for always using it.

#20 Kobura


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 03:24 AM

ARR (Anti-Radiation Radar): spots out enemy ECM as a target when inside area of effect, even if outside of line of sight.

Hey, their ECM can do it without LoS, why can't my radar...

Enhanced Link Electronics: Even though you're still 100% affected as normal by enemy ECM, you can transmit target data out.

Remove functionalities from ECM and re-add them in as modules only active when ECM is installed. Possibilities: Targeting slowdown affect, 200melectronic invisibility shroud, counter mode, et al.

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