Lonestar1771, on 15 January 2013 - 02:12 PM, said:
Minority masses? You're a funny guy. Just because you are content with mediocrity doesn't mean everyone else has to be. You know why people do the things that they do on the forums? It's because it's a hundred times more fun than the trash they are trying pass off as a game.
Minority masses in that is what the forums are. The people on this board make up a small percentage of the overall player base, regardless of how big or small that player base is. Now, I won't disagree with you that it is rather entertaining coming here and posting. But, still, why get this mad over what was added and what isn't when you're playing a Free To Play game (ie, one that you don't need to invest anything outside of time)?
I won't say that I'm not bothered. ECM is wilding broken, Streaks and LRMs are out of balance, double (energy) and triple (ballistic) extended ranges are awful ideas, PPC heat vs cool down when compared to the other heavy weapons are way off base, mech speed compared to TT and what should and shouldn't be allowed is very sketchy, and the same tired 4 maps which are all the size of a monopoly board are rather old. BUT, you don't see me making a post threatening to leave the game or getting all red in the face over what has happened. At some point, you have to weigh your time investment vs your emotional investment and make a decision. Getting pissed about it probably isn't worth the energy.