SpammyV, on 16 January 2013 - 02:45 AM, said:
Just to play devil's advocate here, when it seems like every thread in the forums is written to cast MWO in the light of a sinking ship, includes some kind of insult to the developers or publishers, and carries with it the armchair game designer tone of "I know how to make a game better than you do," well... I'd be less inclined to read the forums too.
Heck I am less inclined to read the forums. I'll be honest, I only skim these forums because they're so full of vitriol and so painful to read. I think I played MWO for a month or two before I ever made a post because I didn't want to tread in these waters. I have to go to the meme thread to get my spirit replenished and believe that I'm not the only one who is playing this game and having fun.
All I'm saying is that your own habit of negativity and abrasiveness might be the cause they don't want to read the forums.
Absolutely. I just read the General Patch Feedback Thread and it really discouraged me, There are like 40 posts, 2 are rather mild/positive, 38 are outright negative like "game sucks, bye PGI, blah blah". I thought "darn, the game really must be bad". But wait a minute, why am i having ridiculously high amounts of fun EVERY evening playing MWO? Sure the game has many problems, but the core gameplay/mechanics are still a blast.

Also devs did not stop to read forums, the just read LESS. That is exactly what i am doing, cause many threads are redundant overly-harsh criticisms.
I guess the main problem is that PGI obviously has not enough staff workers. There seems to be a huge misunderstanding what PGI is capable of in a limited time frame. Partly due to the community, which is expecting AAA-Publisher work and time frames, partly due to PGI, which overestimated its own capabilities, and led the community to believe in this AAA-workframe in the first place with originally miscalculated plans for the game (like Community Warfare originally should be in the game already etc.)
The moment people realize PGI is more of the scale of an Indie-developer than a huge AAA-working machine, expectations should get more realistic.
All i can say is: PGI keep up the good work.