I have been using a MS Precision 2 Joystick in this game since day one (early beta). I was using the following user.cfg with these command lines to play:
cl_joystick_gain = 13 //The higher this value is set to, the faster a full throw of the joystick is going to move the reticule
cl_joystick_sensitivity = 1 //The smaller this value is set to, the more sensitive your joystick will become
cl_joystick_throttle_range = 0 //makes the throttle work in (Forward/Neutral/Reverse) mode.
cl_joystick_invert_throttle = 1 /makes the throttle work in the right direction.
cl_joystick_invert_pitch = 1 //Sets the y-axis (aka Pitch) in the right direction
cl_joystick_invert_yaw = 0 //Sets the x-axis (aka yaw) in the right direction Added just in case you require to change your x-axis
cl_joystick_invert_turn = 0
I_joystick_deadzone = 0.3 //This is the amount of non-movement wiggle room when you're joystick is centered
I_joystick_buffered = 0 //disables the Joystick buffering which greatly increases the joystick's sensitivity
Over time I got the throttle, pitch, yaw, and twist settings fixed using the GUI but still needed the gain, sensitivity and dead zones command settings to play well.
Now after this patch my game <was> pretty much gone. I have played with the x/y sensitivity slides but either I <got> a clumsy and sluggishly slow game control at the low end or a bat-out-of hell fast and twitchy command that rubber bands all over the place toward the high end. Now after three days of playing using various settings across the middle, I still not have found any sort of sweet spot. This new controller GUI does not work half as well as last week. I get either an ultra-slow but controllable recital or a fast, totally uncontrollable recital. BTW I have a decent PC with Intel i7 4770 3.4G CPU with 16Gs of ram and NVidia GTX 645 Vid card. Has PGI forgot the gain settings? I want slow movemnet with small stick throws and fast with large stick throws.
Trying to adjust to new settings. If any of the joystick commands are forbidden and kill the user.cfg file please imform us which. Thanks...
***** Update 9th Feb 14 *****
Finally getting my game back. Game playable, getting decent hits. Adjusted game's joystick controler sliders to the low (left) end producing the following lines in my attributes file:
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_deadzone" value="0.110000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_invert_pitch" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_invert_throttle" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_sensitivityX" value="0.240000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_sensitivityY" value="0.170000"/>
Works Ok for my Microsoft Precision 2 stick. As I get better I will slowly bump the x/y sliders to the right for a bit more response.
PS: PGI, Thanks for the great sale this weekend. My two new heros for the price of one are working out well.
Edited by FireDog, 09 February 2014 - 06:41 PM.