Morderian, on 10 October 2013 - 04:53 AM, said:
I personally dont like the Gauss changes it makes the Gr bad for builds that dont use things Like another Gauss or two ER-PPCs to it,
PGi should remove the Loading mechanik and put in an energie level for each mech of 100 that restore every 0,5 seconds or so and from which each weapon draws its e [...]
That's what I meant some posts before.
Let's assume a STD200 engine has a value of 100, a STD300 has 150, and so on.
The energy consumption should be considered. For now the size of the engines is only a multiplier for possible velocity/acceleration. But I dont want to push PGI to the limit...
Nryrony, on 10 October 2013 - 08:20 AM, said:
Thats what the heat system was designed for...
And which value has the GR in the Heat-System ? (N)one.
rolly, on 09 October 2013 - 12:12 PM, said:
Most appreciated, but I read the linked articles long before I participated in this discussion.
And I still disagree. Following your argumentation, the next step would be,
that pilots have to press "R" to reload the Autocannons/Missilelaunchers after each shot.
Imho there is a difference between manual and automatic and the rules should be the same for all ballistics. So let the ('mech-)computer reload/recharge it.
What I do not understand:
Ingame, the GR will explode when critted.
Which is only possible if the caps are charged.
When it isn't charged by the player, it will not explode?
And what do waffles have to do with the topic?