scgt1, on 25 January 2014 - 06:56 AM, said:
How to fix this will be for PGI to implement a limit in how many Clan mechs can enter a match on each team. Problem solved
They should be a 1:1 match for every clan mech there is an oposite clan mech on the opposing team.
no... you don't balance by saying hey you wanna get ahead use one of these but don't worry the other side will have it too. that's a direct route to making one tech invalidate another.
CoffiNail, on 25 January 2014 - 09:04 AM, said:
This does not always work though. As even in CW not all matches are sync drops of opposing 12 man teams, and PUGing will still happen a lot in different forms. I have seen, and been part of a lance of coordinated team members who will be able to get 6-10+ of the games kills. With Inner Sphere technology. You want ClanTech to be normal, it would make the organized units steamroll, powercreep will set in and most of the IS chassis will become obsolete aside from some pro-House lore fans.
So you’re suggesting it’s organisation that makes them OP? so why nerf clans when it’s really a MM problem?
and yet it's the inferior tech that's disorganised only...
CoffiNail, on 25 January 2014 - 09:04 AM, said:
Nah, this 'nerf' is a good thing, Players who are interested in the Clans, get slightly improved tech as it should be, but the trade off is a higher skill to do the maximum damage output of the improved tech. 10 ClanTech mechs would cream 12, probably even 16 IS groups, unless the IS players were VERY organized.
CoffiNail, on 25 January 2014 - 09:04 AM, said:
I like these changes to the Clans. It will keep the flavour of the Clan lore
what clan lore? did they not turn up until selling all their inventory to the IS beforehand and then at somepoint adapeted the same . were omnipods just like IS hardpoints? hell i could go on but there's 0 lore being implemented, it's just a 3d model and name with everything being screwed about with so that it fits to PGI's feeble alpha 3 mech tech 12vs12 stale deathmatch arena {clan varients...OMG} they haven't even prepaired faction aliance avatars over a month after anouncement.
CoffiNail, on 25 January 2014 - 09:04 AM, said:
with the members of the Warrior caste being very skilled Warriors, that the new warriors fresh from the sibkos are as skilled as some of the more elite of the Inner Sphere.
CGB when they have sibkin go in to their Trial of Position/Entry for the Clan. We do not go easy, but it is a fair fight and the Sibkin gets to choose his opponent. There are a good few times that a sibkin has to go into their trial a couple times because they still were not trained well enough to win their ToP. This does three things. Makes sure we have decent players in our group, and those who are new, or lack skills are trained and assisted to improve their skills if they are willing for the help. This also often gives us longer term members, as it shows dedication to the game, clan and community the unit has developed. and three. Also gives the unit a decent level of Clan of Kerensky feel.
We do not always win matches, of course sometime you get out played, maneuvered, tactics, or people on the other team are simply better skilled. There are many rounds through where a lance does get the majority of the kills and damage in the match.
So, why 'nerf' the ClanTech? Because the Clans are not about better tech, they are about better pilots. Skilled pilots that are battle ready the first time they even hit the real battlefield. They have been shot at and shot live ammunition. So, this is how our MWO Clans will be, and I for one will be proud to call myself a Clansmen with my Timber Wolf with slightly better tech than those of the IS, but requiring my 3 years worth of MechWarrior skills to maximize my Mech to it's maximum efficiency.
LOL you really think only better pilots of this game will have access and will be running clan mechs. Any newbie derp with money can have clan mechs now. it's nice that a few roleplayers are putting efforts in but it should be the devs responcibility to involve the players into the universe of their own game. PGI only think about money and the franchise be damned. you're whole fantasy of proven pilots is going out the window. they're "balancing" because they can't get their MM or lobbies or anything about the current state of the game fixed to repersent any clan functionality. so their breaking clan mechs to fit it in the random derp cue because everyone wether they have a brain or not should be allowed to go 1vs1 anything vs anything. an asymetrical balance is too much like hardwork nerf everything down to the same level. it's been hurting this game for a fair while {just look at missiles} because people can't be bothered being organised or L2P they want derp fest and clans will be broken down to cater for it.
That’s what stinks about the whole thing, the devs will totally fail trying to shoehorn clans into the current system. They’re not only going to fail at balance worse than ever but they're totally destroying the values/parameters of decades worth in an established franchise.
It’s impossible to balance clans without them still having OP capabilities or nerfing them so hard that their implementation will be a total waste and the few buyers will feel ripped off. they’re doing this whilst totally alienating clan loyalists and throwing into dispute the point of faction play altogether.
2014 is looking worse and so many can’t see it yet.