Gyrok, on 11 March 2014 - 10:27 PM, said:
The source books I have state that the charges were drummed up by Crusaders (1) desiring to dethrone Ulric by means of coersion. They also state, that only by a mere technicality and an extremely tenuous argument were they even able to get anything to stick.
Their charges that stuck, if you recall, were based on the fact that he was diluting the gene pool of Clan Wolf for experienced warriors by agreeing to uphold the agreement with the IS. The argument was based on the principle that in 15 years when the truce was up, the blood lines would be somehow "weakened" by the lack of combat with the IS for 15 years and there would be no combat experienced veterans left to lead.
Now, through the 250 or so years to this point, this has never held water, as the clans are constantly fighting trials and combating each other over honor and all sorts of other things. The ONLY reason those charges stuck, were because the council consisted, at that point, of 9 crusaders and 7 wardens. Additionally, if you recall, the vote against Ulric was NOT unanimous, indeed, the Ghost Bears, Nova Cats, Wolves and several others were dissenters. It was only on the last day that the Jade Falcons were able to succeed in getting a 9-7 majority vote to cast him out. At which point Ulric declared a Trial of Refusal that would become the refusal war. (2)
Through the entire invasion, the Grand Council was fine with Ulric, so much so THEY PRAISED HIS WORK on NUMEROUS occasions (3). Yet he was betraying them as you say? You can argue this all you want, but do not omit the basic facts and point to circumstantial evidence as significant proof.
Additionally, Clan Wolf was so superior at this time, they were the fastest advancing Clan THROUGH ALL WAVES...say what you want about the worlds they took, The Ghost Bears had less opposition and took fewer worlds and sustained more losses during their invasion. (4)
All this from canon sources, yet you consistently are adamant that Clan Wolf was weak? So, the Ghost Bears, who fought less RCT size forces than Clan Wolf took fewer worlds, advanced more slowly and lost more warriors...but they were the strong Warden Clan (5)?
Additionally, based on your information earlier, the Smoke Jaguars encountered similar number of RCT sized forces as Clan Wolf, and yet advanced more slowly, took fewer worlds, and lost more warriors as well.
So which is it? They had a weak corridor and fought no one (not true)? Or, is it more likely your skewed view point over looks facts which are openly available in YOUR sources, and not convenient for your argument? (6)
As for my sources, I have a lot of books on .pdf I would not even bother to begin naming them...dare I say I may have them all.
(1) Source?
(2) Yup, there are a couple of minor differences from my sources (eg, vote was 19 - 15 pg 22 Warriors of Kerensky is one of them which means at least one Clan was split voting) but your sentiment I agree with completely. But I still don't see your link to my view that throughout 3048 to 3058 this makes Wolf a military stronger Clan.
If you are making a rebuttal to my narrative where I mention a unamious vote, the trial I was referring to the Vote for Invasion which was 16 Clans vs Wolf Clan. I use the word unamious only because in Clan Culture after a vote you can request a trial which Clan Wolf did and they lost, ergo there vote now technically becomes a yay (in the sense that they cannot argue the point anymore, defeat in combat meant all Clans were not supposed to be united on the matter, ergo unamious) If you want to change the wording to 16 out of 16 (cause Clan Wolf doesn't count having failed in combat) OK.
(3) Some did, some didn't. I don't think I detailed any of the acquasations or supporting comments of Ulric from other Clans. I'm not making an argument on the basis of "Focht said he was a good guy" or "Crichell hated his guts". Rather I offered up what canon says he actually did and invited to debate. There are two aspects, betrayal of Clan Wolf and Betrayal of the Grand Council (and hence all the Clans) segments of the timeline
Ulric as Khan was sworn to lead the Clan (ra ra ra) according to its customs and practices. This is the expectation of the Bloodnamed warriors when they vote any Khan (in any Clan) although I grant you, each Clan has different processes, oaths, rituals etc.
Ulric abandoned several long held Clan Wolf practices such as
The Warden view of return to the Inner Sphere as champions and Protectors became (under Ulric) Clan Wolf warriors will die fighting fellow Clans to stop them from approaching the Inner Sphere. Ineffect, until he was forced by the orders of the Grand Council, Ulric was using Clan Wolf Warriors to prevent all Clans from returning to the Inner Sphere (which Nicholas had promised them)
The long held Wolf Clan customer of trials for position proven in combat was abandoned (and I use the example of the 328th Assault Cluster) so that Wardens were dominating the Clan Wolf command structure.
As Il Khan he also prevented Clan Wolf warriors from winning a decisive victory against Comstar by declaring the battle done while Clan Wolf was still fighting.
As Il Khan he requested the entire Clan Wolf touman to fight his trial of Refusal against Clan Jade Falcon which as Il Khan, he had no justification to receive (Il Khans are above all Clans)
I am aware of course these are debatable, there is at least one argument that I know of but on balance, I think these instances are of Ulric persuing his personal agenda over the majority of his Clan and some long held traditions.
As Il Khan it is even more clear. Ulric's duty was to succesfully prosecute the Invasion of the Inner Spehere (remember at this time the vote was 16 out of 16 votes said yay, Clan Wolf said nay but lost it's challenge and hence doesn't count) on behalf of the Grand Council wishes.
He did not. His first act was to ****** the Smoke Jaguars and the Falcons by assigning them supporting Clans directly oppossed to them (ie, fueding) instead of supporting them.
Secondly he revealed the Clans military objetive to the Inner Sphere (he told Focht) and what would happen afterwards (ruling class replaced by Clans)
Thirdly he did not set any cut downs on the bidding for Tukayyid (this could be intrepeted as complete incompetence, that Ulric had no idea of what forces were required but I prefer to think he was not a tarrible military mind, just not a great one)
Fourthly Ulric took an internal Wolf Clan matter which could have been settled in house to the Grand Council seeking combat with the Flacons. (Remember, he is the Il Khan and responsible for conquering Terra and he is going out of his way to incite combat between his forces)
I can go on, but you may concede on the strength of these, happy to debtate.
(4) So firstly we need to bear in mind this is an apples and oranges comparison. Clan Wolf faced the weakest IS force and its rate of advance or casualities should have been stronger than other Clans. I have never said Clan Wolf was "the weakest" and so have not compared to any other Clan. I have said that Clan Wolf was weaker than other Clans.
Now lets look at some numbers for the primary phase of the Invasion (R= Regiment Oppostion or greater). I contrast to JF only because the source books are very detailed (down to names of pilots in touman) and they are the primary antagonists.
Wave 1 CW 10 worlds R 3, JF 9 worlds R 7
Wave 2 CW 6 worlds R 0, JF 12 worlds R 5
Wave 3 CW 11 worlds R 5, JF 5 worlds R 1
Wave 4 CW 16 worlds R 3, JF 16 worlds R 5
Totals CW 43 worlds R 11, JF 42 worlds R 17
So these numbers (direct from the Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon source books) show that at the end of wave two Clan Wolf was measurably behind Clan Jade Falcon (16 worlds vs 21) and had faced regiment strength opostiton on 3 worlds compared to the Flaaons 12.
The analysis is evidence that the long cherished view that Clan Wolf was the greatest cause they crushed the IS has no basis. The facts are that Clan Wolf was not the fastest. That they did face measureable less opposition. After Ulric crippled the Jade Falcons with internal combats Clan Wolf (whihc had no such internal pressure) went ahead again and took more worlds.
But it's apples and orange to say that becasue Wolf Clan went hard and took less casualities, they were better. Considering what they had in front of them that they could only keep up with the Jade Falcons (who were also protecting the Clan Wolf flank) is suggestive.
(5) I never said that, I said I admired them for holding more true to the Warden cause than Ulric / Clan Wolf did.
(6) Review the data and you will see in that comparison I only detailed wave one and I never made the claim that Smoke Janguar was stronger then Wolves. In fact, I have never held any Clan was stronger than Wolves, I have not disclosed my opinion on that.
Having said that, It's not Clan Wolf.
I know thats not popular in the Clan Wolf forum but the canon is the canon. I'm not overlooking anything but I am more than happy for you to submit and argue a point (based on canon which I suspect you clearly can do) if you feel you have one. I'm not going to make your argument for you, clearly I have already reviewed and not placing value on other points.
I issue the same challenge to you I did to Tesunie, if you feel that from 3048 to 3058 Clan Wolf was the 'top dog' and the strongest Clan, I invite you to support that view with examples from Canon of what they actually did that supports your view.