SLDF DeathlyEyes, on 24 April 2014 - 08:17 AM, said:
In fact I do:
The argument is that the nerf did nothing to alleviate the issue that was target. Paul has come out and said that the reason the nerf was placed on the Victor and Highlander was jump sniping. The nerf has damaged brawler builds. It has hardly effected the targeted builds while placing a burden on builds that could counter these sniper builds.
Furthermore the agility reduction was way more than what would be needed to bring the mech into line with other assaults. The Victor has more in common with an Orion than an Atlas and should handle more similarly to an Orion than an Atlas. Not the same in several categories as the Atlas, categories which are vital to brawler configurations. If what you say about Jump Jets is true, PGI should make them unremovable since they appear to be so vital to the build behaving properly.
Unfortunately, given the Victors Weight, and physical size combination JJ ARE pretty much mandatory on them. They always have been in my opinion.
The argument
I'm making is that the VTR is hardly a Scrap Mech because of this nerf. I don't know how much of this thread you've read up to this point but there is more than one person here that says "the Awesome is a better mech now!" not "it turns better" No, "Better" Full stop. Or that the Battlemaster is a better mech. (Which is so heinously untrue, particularly in the Awesome's case)
The VTR is a hit and run mech, or a fire support mech. It's not supposed to be a mainline brawler, even in it' weight class. The Battlemaster is supposed to be among top honors there, let alone the bigger mechs like the Atlas. With the way the VTR was before this change that was anything but the case. Instead we got tremendous long range support, and fantastic brawl capability, which is exactly why it and the HGN became the best two assault mechs in the game. There
weren't any effective trade offs in taking a VTR vs Atlas, or Stalker.
(And the VTR is still in the hunt for that honor as is the HGN when played to their strengths)
the VTR went from Easy Mode, to such a degree I honestly put them away for a while lest it ruin my ability in other mechs or if god help us all PGI went and brought the VTR back in line, to a mech that I'll field now, because I know while I'll be raining hell down on an Atlas and playing Keep Away, that if he closes well, my face is going to get pounded in.
The VTR is also more than capable of getting to grips with enemy snipers due to it's forward speed and JJs. It's just not going to be the full time star of the show anymore.
Which is what most of this thread is about, other VTR pilots whining because they got a nerf that we had coming since the mech's introduction.
Since the VTR's and HGN's nerf there has been a resurgence of Stalker, and Atlases.
The Battlemaster and Awesome need Serious Buffs to be brought into line with the other assault mechs at this point. But the big three are alot closer now than they have ever been in over all power (Atlas, Victor and HGN), that's a good thing. The Stalker is slightly behind the big three. With the Battleturd, and Not Awesome trailing behind desperately, like two fat kids chasing an icecream truck up hill.
Edited by Mavairo, 24 April 2014 - 08:30 AM.