This founders stuff is an obvious money grab.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:26 AM
Newsflash, drama llamas: if you don't want to pay for a founder pack... thats just fine! Don't buy one! Those of us who do will either be pleased with our rewards and happy we supported the devs, or we'll be disappointed. Any skin off your nose either way? No. I see...
So why don't you take the whine threads and **** off? Bored of reading morons typing out strange attacks on the devs and game because they're all up tight about not being in the beta yet... which is what its about really isnt it?
Very thin.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:29 AM
RoyalWave, on 20 June 2012 - 02:22 AM, said:
When I looked into the "mechwarrior 5" team, I found a company that had an extremely mediocre metacritic average, handling mostly generic ports, and mechwarrior 5 actually looked awful. Console aimed, UAVs, distorted looking classic mechs etc.
They want me to pay 120 dollars for "exclusive" content for a game under strict NDA that is advertised as F2P from an unremarkable company with a mediocre track run. Not only this but once the game is in any way playable, this option will be removed.
Has Piranha had the best track record with games? Not particularly. But I'm not sure how Mech 5 look terrible at all? especially considering what little we saw of it...and really there was very very very little.
Pay to win? No. They've stated multiple times that you will not be able to purchase anything better than what someone can already earn in game. Is it going to be pay for an advantage? Sure. But that advantage is in speed of leveling as well as convenience. Furthermore the precedent set by the founders package is exactly what I described...Mechs that anyone will be able to purchase (outside of the convenience buff of extra cbills). Premium account, something anyone will be able to purchase with money. Currency, which anyone will be able to purchase.... The only thing you can't really buy after this is over is the name in the credits.
Perhaps you haven't noticed that there are plenty of people who haven't bought the legendary pack for 120? A lot of us have, for various reasons. Some just for the mechs, some for the credits, some just to show support. Personally its a mix of all 3 for me.
It seems like exploiting the longtime diehard fans enthuisasm rather than delivering anything worthwhile to them. This definitely is a huge negative for me. I never remember paying more than 50 dollars for any other mech game, heck the boardgame box sets costed less, the most I spent was on minis which was optional. What do you all see that I dont?
Well there's a wealth of information they've put out so far about the game. You could peruse that for one. As for what I see that you don't?
That its optional? That you'll be able play even if you're not willing to fork out the cash now. That the only disadvantage you'll have over those who purchased these packs (assuming you purchase all the same things) is that you'll be earning slightly less cbills than they will with those founders mechs, and time spent in the game.
The other thing I see that you don't is that they've been very talkative with their fanbase. Something that bodes well for the game...
RoyalWave, on 20 June 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Nope, I am looking over at a CE I just bought recently.
I am just from an outside perspective seeing this as a cash in on diehards. Every aspect of the deal seems to be designed exactly for that purpose.
From a narrow view point that is correct. To me its more akin to seeking investors. They've given us a wealth of information about the game (have they given us everything? No) and have kept communication open with us. They've had fairly constant Q&A's. They had a huge Q&A thread yesterday just about the founders packs... The only thing they've hidden from us is the chance to play the game well before its finished state.
Should that be held against them? No.
Depending on how you look at their track record you are certainly correct. They have yet to make a game of this sale for such a powerful IP. Secondly this is only their second foray into the PC world. However you completely gloss over what they went through to get to this point for this game. You've glossed over the communication with the fans that they've done, something that very very very very few developers do, and even less to this scale.
You see exactly what you want to see. I see a company that worked hard to secure the license for a game they wanted to do. I see a company that fought hard to get the game they wanted to become a reality and lost initially. I see a company that believed in what they wanted to do to a point that they restructured in order to be able to accomplish that. I see a company that values its fans in that its willing to speak with them constantly to address both the concerns of those fans as well as to give us new information. I see a company that is creating a game that I want to play. I see a company that has stated its goals for the game, goals which I agree with both from an adherence to lore and mechanical standpoints. I see a company that decided to raise capital, and at the same time judge measurable support, for their game through what amounts to a pre-purchase program. I recognize the fact that I would have spent $120 on the game anyways.
But its ok that you don't see what I see. Its ok you don't share that view point. You're not going to be stopped from playing the game. You don't have to purchase the founders packs. Yes you will likely miss out on them, but the only things you won't be getting that we will are mechs that earn slightly more cbills, and, if you chose the legendary option, your name in the credits. Also keep in mind the $120 is not the only package you could purchase...
If you don't like what you see from their stated design goals, to mechanics previews, to gameplay vids....then don't purchase it. Wait, yes you'll miss out, for the game to go to open beta and try it out for yourself. Me? I've liked what I've seen and heard so I have purchased already. I've come out, and stated with my money, that from what I've heard I'm going to get at least $120 worth of value out of this game.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:36 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:49 AM
As for the founders back $120 is a little much I must say, yes I did fork it over, however I did not look at as a money grab. I looked at it as a fan of the genre and basically like a charity type thing. I gave them the $120 not cause I thought it was a good deal, but more for them to have some cash to help bring this game about. It's been 10 years since I last piloted a Mech d#*&t. So yes the Legendary founders pack is a bit much, imho for what you get, but hey if it helps them to continue so be it, and I get some cool stuff as well.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:50 AM
No publisher has touched the IP since MS withdrew. You have to be aware what kind of bad mojo that means for thee whole universe. Publishers look at MW4 and wonder why MS withdrew all interest and begin to wonder. They will find lots of reasons to reject any upcoming MW game just based on this incident and let me tell you something: you sound just like them.
Russ told us already that they had to do this completely on their own with the help of a local group. No publisher backed them up, they forked out the cash on their own and took loans. And if you want to criticize PGI based on obscure ratings that either nobody knows or gives a damn, then try to find fault with Crytek too, because they gave PGI the license to one of the best engines on the market with a very strict and rather exclusive licensing policy: quality over quantity.
If you don't like quality, fine! There are plenty publishers and dev teams out there that are much more expensive, have more backing and yet don't deliver anywhere near the same value of money. Just to keep things in a proper perspective. It's a shame that I have to type this and you work on information that is so blatantly ignorant and flawed. This game is here to stay, like it or not.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:50 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:55 AM
That’s what this is, a Presale game release.
Mate, how long have they been doing that now in the various Electronic Stores, let alone on line?
Without mentioning companies names (of which I do not have time nor inclination to list but there are so many unless your born in a backward, flea invested, just got electricity yesterday, hold on the candle is about to go out, mum do we have enough firewood for me to have a bath in a bucket, country), it's such a common occurrence now, I am amazed you even bothered to type in a complaint let alone begin a topic to which most people disagree with you (the ones who have an IQ larger than their shoe size, those that do agree with you will remain with their single digit IQ factor for the moment)
In fact, to answer my own question, I do not know why I am even validating your post by replying to it, because to do so would endanger me in losing some of my IQ on such a
Edited by Whip, 20 June 2012 - 04:57 AM.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:55 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:05 AM
But still, talk about value man! I pay 60 bucks but they'll give me $80 in in-game currency. But wait, there's more! They'll throw in a shiny founder's mech with a permanent C-Bill generation bonus and a premium account for two months! Combine that value with my love for the IP and that's practically a steal!
Edited by Assault One, 20 June 2012 - 05:06 AM.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:13 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:16 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:17 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:19 AM

Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:21 AM
this is looking to be good, and even if it is just a marketing cash ploy i'm not likely to spend a single penny more and cant afford to keep up with subscriptions of any kind & don't agree with pay to play MMO's in general.
This is looking good and time will tell, I would have spent around $60 on a retail release if I could see myself getting MANY hours out of the game and enjoyment, can't see how this will fail on that. I justified the other $60 because I haven't bought a battletech book since 25 years of art and fiction. the money spent isn't to give me an advantage in game, just makes me feel more intouch with something I have enjoyed since my teens & I feel that I will get my value if not more in the long run.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:26 AM
As he said, he likes MW franchize , but as me, thinks this prices for founder packs are bit pumped up ; I don't mind giving more money for this game, I always liked buying collector stuff games to support developers that put lot of work and dedication into their game(s).
On that note, trowing 120 bucks ( I won't even use argument that it's unfinished, because I payed for WoT premium tanks while it was still "new" and unpolished game, I judge games only by how much fun I get out of them ) is a bit steep price ( comparing it to some other currently popular and released games ).
I will probably pay 60 bucks though, because this game looks very promising in my eyes, but I'm a bit saddened how this company milks out money from fans of franchize.
Edited by Iskra, 20 June 2012 - 05:27 AM.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:27 AM
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:29 AM
The Piranha development team for MWO has been the absolute best I can remember with regards to how well they communicate, how much information they provide, and how much they seem to actually care about this product and its Battletech roots.
Even if it wasn't for all of the benefits of the Founder's packs, I would have gladly contributed my money to insure this game is a success.
And for the record, I've been playing Battletech for the last 25 years as well.
Edited by FLAKPANZER, 20 June 2012 - 05:30 AM.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:30 AM
I see it as a form of crowdsource funding such as those many Kickstarter projects that have been set up. It's a perfectly legitmate way to make funds from people who are interested in supporting the developers to get a title they want. If people don't buy things, then MW:O will be shut down, and those avid MechWarrior fans won't be able to play the game they've always wanted to play.
I don't see the point about pay-to-win and the 'losing out' aspect of your argument though. XP boosters and in-game currency buys convenience, not better weaponry and the skins/titles are essentially cosmetic. The developers have said many times the game will not be pay-to-win.
As for the mediocre track record, you have to remember that 1) developers are always changing; bringing in new people etc. and 2) we don't know the circumstances behind those previous titles. For all we know, this might be the first game that they have the resources they need, making the game they want to make; a lot of bad games are a fault of the publisher and not the developer, forcing the developers to make a game they don't want to make with unreasonable constraints. It's never too late to start being good.
Edited by LethalMezzle, 20 June 2012 - 05:34 AM.
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:33 AM
I figure they got spanked and wont do it again and probably had to sit through more lectures on which mechs they can and cant use, after that they have to know the battletech universe pretty well

Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:33 AM
I love Mech warrior and would gladly pay the price of $60 for i i see as a AAA title. And i do see it my house mate is playing it next to me as i speak and it looks Goooood! (/wrist @ pending status)
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