Eldagore, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:
EGO much?
There is no truer test of a player's skill at MWO than their ability to win regularly and with a team. Soloing is carrying a team, and that takes effort, but it misses the last, final part that makes folks like the Lords pure nightmare fuel. The most frightening players in MWO are more like a pack of sharks with frickin' PPC's strapped to their foreheads, never mind lasers.
Play alone and you will plateau below the best. The top tier of play are those players that have not only become good in and of themselves, but have mastered the art of doing it together. And that will never happen in the solo queue. Ever. PUG play leaves you short on being able to trust the guy next to you, and that means distraction and hence less than 100% you can give to your game.
You can be good as a solo player, but you won't be great as a player until you get a chance to work with a group you trust and relax with. And it's an effect you usually don't even realize is possible until you experience it for yourself.