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Official And Confirmed: Solo Group Only

Balance Metagame News

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#161 wanderer


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:21 PM

View PostEldagore, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:

This right here, is the main reason I do not join a group, and I am also very glad I do not have to listen to this BS anymore on my pug matches.

EGO much?

There is no truer test of a player's skill at MWO than their ability to win regularly and with a team. Soloing is carrying a team, and that takes effort, but it misses the last, final part that makes folks like the Lords pure nightmare fuel. The most frightening players in MWO are more like a pack of sharks with frickin' PPC's strapped to their foreheads, never mind lasers.

Play alone and you will plateau below the best. The top tier of play are those players that have not only become good in and of themselves, but have mastered the art of doing it together. And that will never happen in the solo queue. Ever. PUG play leaves you short on being able to trust the guy next to you, and that means distraction and hence less than 100% you can give to your game.

You can be good as a solo player, but you won't be great as a player until you get a chance to work with a group you trust and relax with. And it's an effect you usually don't even realize is possible until you experience it for yourself.

#162 Kjudoon


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:50 PM

View Postwanderer, on 10 July 2014 - 06:53 PM, said:

More like:

Posted Image

nailed it both in quality, skill and accuracy.

Yes I know that is grammatically wrong. It's supposed to be. The 'fun' level of the Al-bo Queue is ggclose.

Edited by Kjudoon, 10 July 2014 - 08:51 PM.

#163 Kjudoon


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:00 PM

View PostEldagore, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:

This right here, is the main reason I do not join a group, and I am also very glad I do not have to listen to this BS anymore on my pug matches.

EGO much?

Tonight I played 3 matches in my not even basics Novas. I got 11 kills and over 20 assists. I have grouped, like 4 times, with my brother- last year in september with trial spiders trolling people with flamer spiders. Everything else is solo pugs, no synch drop, no nothing.

Group players are not automatically "better" and in many cases, as proven by all the times I watched them drag my pug teams down the toilet into a loss, worse then pugs. Tactics are indeed different, and there is no catch all for the talent level of a group player JUST AS THERE ISNT FOR A PUG PLAYER.

So get off your high horse and deflate some of the hot air, and act like a civilized person to your fellow players instead of reffering to anyone not in your TS channel as some kind of 3rd world drug addict. (note, this is not directed specifically at the quoted post, but it is directed at anyone who feels/agrees with quoted post)

By this logic the 'ebil premades' is a bunch of hokum and the Solo thread should be eliminated and made the 1-4 queue. After all... they only make it easier for pug players. ;)

#164 Asmudius Heng


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:25 PM


Only the cowards Asmud, only the Cowards. It never cause me to shrink for the fight when it got exciting. That is part of immersion The cowards flee the brave pressed on.

I did not either, but plenty of my team mates did. How PGI implement systems has a major effect on how people play the game. The behaviour of a large portion of the community was effected which would hurt my experience, and would influence new players badly.

There are simply better ways to encourage immersion and a sense of logistics than R&R and I think it would be best left to CW only using faction points/currency as its tool for implementation.

#165 Bhael Fire

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:25 PM

One thing I've noticed in the Solo queue is there's a LOT of whining about other teammates being noobs, hating such and such map, d*ck and fart jokes, and completely disorganized plans of attack....

Oh wait.. that happened when groups were in the queue too.


#166 Vassago Rain


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:31 PM

View PostEldagore, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:

This right here, is the main reason I do not join a group, and I am also very glad I do not have to listen to this BS anymore on my pug matches.

EGO much?

Tonight I played 3 matches in my not even basics Novas. I got 11 kills and over 20 assists. I have grouped, like 4 times, with my brother- last year in september with trial spiders trolling people with flamer spiders. Everything else is solo pugs, no synch drop, no nothing.

Group players are not automatically "better" and in many cases, as proven by all the times I watched them drag my pug teams down the toilet into a loss, worse then pugs. Tactics are indeed different, and there is no catch all for the talent level of a group player JUST AS THERE ISNT FOR A PUG PLAYER.

So get off your high horse and deflate some of the hot air, and act like a civilized person to your fellow players instead of reffering to anyone not in your TS channel as some kind of 3rd world drug addict. (note, this is not directed specifically at the quoted post, but it is directed at anyone who feels/agrees with quoted post)

We use vent, not teamspeak.

#167 Vassago Rain


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:34 PM

View PostLynx7725, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:

Heh. A friend I was chatting with had a most interesting take on the situation with the solo queue:

"For the more exp players, Solo games are now just interactive Testing Grounds?"

Can't fault the logic...

Solo drops were always like that. I haven't actively played solo since I ground out the banshee. XP comes very quickly in the ghetto.

#168 Sug


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:14 PM

View PostLynx7725, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 PM, said:

Heh. A friend I was chatting with had a most interesting take on the situation with the solo queue:

"For the more exp players, Solo games are now just interactive Testing Grounds?"

Can't fault the logic...

Honestly that's how I've thought of MWO for months. None of you people are real to me.

#169 WarZ


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:17 PM

View PostShredhead, on 10 July 2014 - 07:25 AM, said:

So, it's official and confirmed by Russ Bullock himself, no more groups in the solo queue:

So, now I hope y'all can stop the bitchin' about the evil premades and play in underhive if you so like.
To all the 2 man groups that feel let down because you (feel you) can't compete, do it like we did in closed beta; enter one of the many open TS Servers and group up with more likeminded people, they aren't hard to find and joining a unit is not necessary for that. Most of us are very welcoming to new and unexperienced players, and having some beers and banter going back and forth is part of the awesomeness of this community.

Happiness !

Mainly because matchmaker can no longer assume that I alone am the equivalent of 1 or 2, 4 man teams on teamspeak, and give me all the weakest players they can find to "fill" out my teams elo.

Sure elo hell still creeps up, but at least I'm not forced to fight the same groups of 4 mans ALL NIGHT LONG while I'm solo'ing, yet getting no quality or organized team mates to assist.

A more even footing to be sure.

Edited by WarZ, 10 July 2014 - 10:22 PM.

#170 NextGame


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:26 PM

Regarding R&R: rather than bring it back, let players select a "contract type" in options somewhere which determines a reward structure they are playing for. The current no risk low reward, or something with higher risk (repair costs) but higher reward. It's clear that the current intent is to screw up the game as much as possible, so something like this should fit right in.

Also, add in a team objective that is semi-randomly generated at the start of a map, and is based on the map and game type. If the team fulfils it they all get a bonus of some sort.

#171 ShinVector

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 11:09 PM

View PostWarZ, on 10 July 2014 - 10:17 PM, said:

Happiness !

Mainly because matchmaker can no longer assume that I alone am the equivalent of 1 or 2, 4 man teams on teamspeak, and give me all the weakest players they can find to "fill" out my teams elo.

Sure elo hell still creeps up, but at least I'm not forced to fight the same groups of 4 mans ALL NIGHT LONG while I'm solo'ing, yet getting no quality or organized team mates to assist.

A more even footing to be sure.

I feel it is worst for light pilots with decent ELO. Less opportunity to attack without 'quality' team mates...
But that was before I found out today that SOLO is now really SOLO... Need to make adjustment.. Maybe go Rambo..

Edited by ShinVector, 10 July 2014 - 11:09 PM.

#172 Demuder


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:47 AM

I don't understand what you guys are talking about. Since the new MM, there's been far less - if any - threads of solo players complaining about unfair matches. That alone is an indication that the game has gotten better for them.

#173 NextGame


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:54 AM

View PostDemuder, on 11 July 2014 - 12:47 AM, said:

I don't understand what you guys are talking about. Since the new MM, there's been far less - if any - threads of solo players complaining about unfair matches. That alone is an indication that the game has gotten better for them.

That's a premature assertion, this has been in place barely enough time to find enough players for a drop to occur. If we are 2-3 weeks into the future and we dont have an "omg the matchmaker sucks because im actually an incompetent player" thread then sure, I will agree with you at that point.

#174 ShinVector

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Posted 11 July 2014 - 12:59 AM

View PostDemuder, on 11 July 2014 - 12:47 AM, said:

I don't understand what you guys are talking about. Since the new MM, there's been far less - if any - threads of solo players complaining about unfair matches. That alone is an indication that the game has gotten better for them.

There is a bunch of us who even SOLO play against the same decent ELO people all the time.
Things have change and most of time we are find ourselves being teamed up with unknowns against unknowns..

Not really complaining for my case, more too feedback.. Some of us have to adjust out gameplans for SOLO pug that all.
I believe things would be different for weekends with more players around... but weekday nights on my time zone is a different MM.

Hope things are a bit clearer to you.

Edited by ShinVector, 11 July 2014 - 02:34 AM.

#175 Chemie


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 03:43 AM

so why do they have you form two different types of groups only to throw both into the same queue? (2-4 and 4+)

#176 The Amazing Atomic Spaniel


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 04:17 AM

View PostChemie, on 11 July 2014 - 03:43 AM, said:

so why do they have you form two different types of groups only to throw both into the same queue? (2-4 and 4+)

I guess the current pure-solo queue is an experiment and if it's not successful they will put smaller groups back into it.

#177 Magna Canus


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 04:31 AM

View PostWarHippy, on 10 July 2014 - 11:59 AM, said:

Except I don't welcome these changes because as a solo player I want to drop in the group queue, and with the current changes I am not able to do so. I'm happy that larger groups are again able to drop together, and I'm happy that the solo players that want to just drop with solos have their queue now, but now I want to have my option as well. :)

Hey Hippy,
stop complaining. Add Koniving and me to your friends list next time you are in client. Either of us are in groups a lot that 1) do not require that all members be on coms 2) consist of a mix of factions as they are not currently relevant.

Think outside the box and start adding players to your list of friends that play in such groups. Same thing I have been doing for a week now and it is working like a charm.

This solution will get you somewhere now, today, right this moment. Trying to get PGI to make updates to your tailored wishes can take months if not longer.

No excuses now, the tools are in your hands and you are not required to do the things you noted as reasons previously.

#178 Demuder


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 07:52 AM

View PostNextGame, on 11 July 2014 - 12:54 AM, said:

That's a premature assertion, this has been in place barely enough time to find enough players for a drop to occur. If we are 2-3 weeks into the future and we dont have an "omg the matchmaker sucks because im actually an incompetent player" thread then sure, I will agree with you at that point.

I agree, not enough time has passed to draw definite conclusions, but given my personal experience so far, I am hopeful. If things were considerably worse though, we would have had several threads complaining about it already - just look at all the "MM is ruining 2-4 groups" threads that have been put up already.

View PostShinVector, on 11 July 2014 - 12:59 AM, said:

There is a bunch of us who even SOLO play against the same decent ELO people all the time.
Things have change and most of time we are find ourselves being teamed up with unknowns against unknowns..

Not really complaining for my case, more too feedback.. Some of us have to adjust out gameplans for SOLO pug that all.
I believe things would be different for weekends with more players around... but weekday nights on my time zone is a different MM.

Hope things are a bit clearer to you.

What I have noticed - and again, it's probably too soon to draw conclusions - is that matches, win or lose, seem a lot more coherent on weeknights (GMT +2).

On the one weekend since the new MM, I just wanted to pluck my eyes out because of the stupidity on the enemy or my or both teams. But that kind of happened even before the new MM for me,

Edited by Demuder, 11 July 2014 - 07:54 AM.

#179 Kjudoon


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:05 AM

View PostDemuder, on 11 July 2014 - 12:47 AM, said:

I don't understand what you guys are talking about. Since the new MM, there's been far less - if any - threads of solo players complaining about unfair matches. That alone is an indication that the game has gotten better for them.

They're too busy learning the 'ebil premade' wasn't the issue. It really was just them and cooperation by grouping up is what the games more fun.

There seems to be a break point between the casual and competative player at 4. Once you have the ability to get more than 3 other friends to play with you, it seems to be that you enter a realm of e-sport you never wanted to be in unless you commit youself to traininng to be the best player in the game against the best players in the game (which results in horrific roflstomps one way or the other most of the time). Last night twice I ran into a competative Jade Falcon group trolling the crap out of everyone from NGNG seeing how many 12-0 stomps they could achieve. Twice I was on the receiving end. We all died both times in under 3 minutes. This is the type of group that should never be in a queue has mixed groups of 2-4 players. It ruins the games, makes the perpetrators look like the community destructive trolls they are acting like and puts thoughts of quitting in their victim's heads.

We got our Solo only queue and it was implemented correctly.
We got our 5+ queue and the pooch has been thoroughly inseminated.

3 queues.

Solo (aka the Rambo or Punk) queue
1-4 - the casual friends queue
5+ : The competative queue. Allow for it to drop short and balance groups. Longer wait times? maybe. but more balanced.

Edited by Kjudoon, 11 July 2014 - 09:06 AM.

#180 WarHippy


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:18 AM

View PostMagnakanus, on 11 July 2014 - 04:31 AM, said:

Hey Hippy,
stop complaining. Add Koniving and me to your friends list next time you are in client. Either of us are in groups a lot that 1) do not require that all members be on coms 2) consist of a mix of factions as they are not currently relevant.

Think outside the box and start adding players to your list of friends that play in such groups. Same thing I have been doing for a week now and it is working like a charm.

This solution will get you somewhere now, today, right this moment. Trying to get PGI to make updates to your tailored wishes can take months if not longer.

No excuses now, the tools are in your hands and you are not required to do the things you noted as reasons previously.
So I will never have to wait while you and others in the group are fiddling with your mechs, taking a smoke break, or running to the corner store for a six pack? Sounds amazing, except I'm not a big fan of people telling me not to "complain" because they are content with the status quo, and when I am just voicing my disappointment in the options the devs have created. So I think I will have to pass on your generous offer.

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