cruxholzer, on 14 October 2014 - 09:31 AM, said:
The Direwolf above all Mechs needs to be brought into line with the rest of the assault class Mechs. Of course the Direwolf can be killed but it's absolutly OP.
The problem is a few specific loadouts more than just the plain old Dire Wolf. It's slow, it can't turn well, most loadouts can't move the arms sideways, most of the firepower is in the arms, and the torso makes it exceptionally vulnerable to LRMs.
Alone, many IS mechs can take a Dire Wolf. Stalkers can spread damage better (in fact, if it closes toe to toe, the Dire Wolf can't hit a Stalker due to it's profile), The Atlas can tank better and has ECM as an option, Battlemasters and Victors are faster, Highlanders can jump. There are plenty of evening factors.
The issue isn't the mech, but some of the weapon loadouts it can take. Dual Gauss Dual PPC is just deadly with a 50+10 point alpha, some ballistic loadouts are just gross, and it can laser vomit with the best of mechs. However, unlike the Timberwolf or Storm Crow, it doesn't have awesome hit boxes and great speed to supplement it's arsenal.