Joseph Mallan, on 12 February 2015 - 09:01 AM, said:
And we are. That you are unable to accept those rules is what is irrelevant. They participated, they are the last man standing, taking a kill away from you is a worthy goal. It is also not against the rules as written.
Wrong, it is against the rules as they are written, there's multiple citations in this very thread from PGI showing this to be so, continuing to defend it shows you are clearly not following the rules set forth by PGI and are trying to force people to play by your rules, which is oddly enough, exactly what people defending this clear violation of the rules claim WE, the people who follow the rules, are doing.
If you get reported for this, Support will contact you and let you know you've been reported and they are investigating, they'll even let you see screenshots if they were included, because they ASK for your side of the story. I know, I was reported constantly by the Goonies, as were many others at one time. Those Goonies are gone,they found out PGI isn't CCP, they'll permban despite you having spent money on the game.
Fenrisulyn, there is no tactical reason to shut down as the last man standing and totally avoid engagement with the enemy. You can't get a win, you can't get a draw, you are doing it to either protect your KDR(against the CoC) or you are doing it in spite/to grief(against the CoC). There's no need to read someone's mind here, there's NO OTHER REASON TO DO THIS. We report them, PGI deals with it.
Joseph, you don't have to report the shutdown avoiding engagement player if you don't want to, that's fine and you know it. You should be reporting it but you don't HAVE to. Funny that you will report the team treason player but not the griefer...makes no sense to me, but it's your call on who you report for violations of the CoC. Personally, I'd report em both, violations of the CoC need to be addressed with a quickness so people don't develop bad habits or so griefers can be removed before they cause too much grief.