Felio, on 27 May 2015 - 10:56 AM, said:
I would really like for there to be bans of team killers/injurers. I had a match today with one who said he's done it before and the only time he's been banned is for calling a dev a rude name to his face.
I don't know if he was telling the truth, but I think there have been enough stories like this that we can safely say there is at least a perception that team killers are not being banned harshly enough.
Nope.... from my experience back when we had the kill a dev event, I was playing against a team that had a dev on it, and seen a member on his team start to "team kill" him, took his leg off and proceeded to continue to fire at the dev, his team mate right out the gate. The guy got the ban hammer for doing it. I have also seen several names that I used to run into all the time, or quite often that I had fraps footage of them "team killing" or using a play style to ensure their team mates would get blocked in to take extreme amounts of fire from enemies.... I haven't seen these four players in drops in the last 6 months at least. Many players reported them, I also did, so it does work, just might take some time for PGI to sort out all the reports against a player.
I hate having to come across team killers in the game, but many that I have played with deal with it when it happens so we can get on to fighting the enemy team with the least amount of damage we can from a team killer right out the gate. Then, we report them, and I fraps almost every game so there really is no question as to a player that goes killer right out the start of the match. One of the guys I played against that must of got the ban several months ago, even changed his play style to come up behind players, so close that you could not see his blip marker on radar, and did this the entire match, ensuring that he boxed players in so they would take fire and couldn't move back out of the enemy fire. He was in a ECM spider, and would also shoot off some MG's in backs of team mates and myself while they was taking fire from enemies in the front.... He tried to play it off like he was providing ECM support, LOL.. Yeah, right.
I have several fraps videos, 5 in total of prior games played with this guy, and he opened fire out of the gate on team mates. He must of had a lot of people reporting him, so he changed up his style to "mask" his intent to team kill and grief his team mates, must of thought he could get away with it.
I would rather PGI investigates very hard the claims of Team killing, true team killing, like when a player does it right out the gate, then moves onto the next team mate and continues to kill members of his team or fires on them, if he lives long enough to continue to do so, before they just throw a ban down on a player. Accidents do happen, but the nice thing about fraps is that one can record the game and have proof of what really happened and what was said, and the intent of the accused "offender". This will help speed up the process I am sure when reporting a team killer. Most of the games I have come across team killers in, my team mates drop them like a bad habit when they open fire right at the start of the drop, and we move on to try to provide a match for the enemy even though we are down one mech or several mechs took damage. I have seen many games that even with us down a mech, if the team killer is killed or disarmed if able to do so and leave him for the enemy... we have still won the match.
One such game we had a Boom Jager drop with us, (dual AC20's) and he proceeded to fire on a Victor in the back right out the gate. He almost cored the Victor, lucky he didn't manage his heat and shut down before he could kill our team mate, and we proceeded to take his arms off, leaving him for the enemy team with no weapons. We won that match, regardless of the team killer trying to throw it and grief his team mates.
Edited by Mr Beefy, 28 May 2015 - 05:44 AM.