Posted 27 September 2015 - 05:07 PM
[color="#141823"]To be fair, these scores need to be matched up with the tier level of the player, 300 may not sound like a lot, but when this event is going on it changes the Social behavior of teams, sometimes for the better, but not too often, as well as some people play for fun. It seems only those whom play with the so called Meta builds have a shot at getting the required points, or it becomes a game of luck to get that magic 300 score. I do not know about you but why did they get away from the lower match score events they did those were fine, like the ones they did for trick or treat or Christmas event, those were fair, or much more balanced, and allowed the players to still play for fun and still have a shot at rewards. While I do not hate the Idea of this type of event, I do feel the pressure this newest event, can and will bring out the worst in people, and may even lead to loosing or burning out players of this game. I do not feel we need to be babied, BUT I do feel this event needed to be set up for a reasonable score to qualify based on the tier match, not some arbitrary base score. One reason is that the scoring system, still does not reflect some role warfare, say for example one person has a mech set up to peel armor form a target, for another to then get the kill, the one who gets the kill, gets rewarded more than the one who did the hard work. Or a player that practices selective targeting, I.E someone who does not attack just to hit, but aims for important weapon locations or legs on a light as two examples, may not get the kills, but may be one such key to a team victory, but because of this they get a lower score for doing what is needed to increase the odds of a win. One other method to make this even more balanced is to base it on the mech and its load out or weight class, some lights as an example may have a better rate of fire over time, but due to lacking a quick vomit attack, they are unable to get that magic 300 score, this can extend to any mech with a high skill needed to use like say a guass rifle build, which has a slower rate of fire and does not seem to do as much damage as it should, seems to me it should do more damage to a light mech for an example, as lore even states that a one shot can core out a light, yet one sees loads of lights take many shots to kill short of a Dual guass build hitting a light just right, Now for a Guass build to get a score of 300, he or she has to have a longer match to compete esp with the slower fire rate assuming it always has a target it can hit. Over time an ultra 5 beats it out in dps, I think your 300 match event needs to be looked at from a more fair perspective with scores that reflect the average abilities at each tier you have in match maker. The last thing that worries me is the changing all the maps, While I agree updating them is a good thing, I still feel that they need to be an equal mix, some for range battles, some for short range brawls, some nightmare ones, like, terra therma, which force a player to be very selective about what she or he engages. I always though the idea behind the random map, was that a merc would never know where they would be fighting, and under what conditions. That is why I feel the maps need to have a equal representation for different play styles and mech builds, some should favor those with jumpjets , like mining colective, while others snipers and range builds with a decent amount of cover like canyon network. That is why I am writing these thought here, I do hope you will listen and also listen to the ideas and requests of others that post about improvign the game to make it even better and get even more people to start playing and enjoy the rich lore around the battletech Universe[/color]