the wr3ck, on 03 June 2015 - 06:34 AM, said:
I can't belive what stupid sheep you all are if you all happy your getting screwed. Ignorance is bliss. Continue to follow the lemmings off the cliff.
Clearly people are not going to continue to pay 120 plus for digital robots pack. Nor does it make sense to pay 25$ FOR ONE mech when you can get a used game for that price. The funding for this game will dry up soon as they run off all the reasonable people. I can't think of any mechs worth those prices that we don't already have unless they continue to nerf our current mechs and release unbalanced ones. It's bad to screw your customers for greed. Mc donalds and coke stocks are beginning to fall now as people awake to see they have been sold junk for the last several years. I doubt most you fat nerd jocks that continue to eat that junk would understand my point or pay attention to stocks and companies. Nor would you understand political movements that try to enlighten people to the corrupt corporate greed.
...And yet, people purchased $500 Golden Mechs.
Your point with this rabid, foaming in the mouth rant of yours?
I get the sense that you would like all this to be free or dirt-cheap. You do realize that the game
is free to play? No one's making you spend money on these packs. It's optional. As such, what do you care about the costs?
It's not greed, it's business. Free to play games normally have more expensive wares because they do not charge you for the game subscription. It's all a balance.
Now, go back to school and take an economics class or two or three...