oldradagast, on 20 August 2015 - 02:58 AM, said:
If PGI's numbers claim that only 1% of the teams in CW are 12-mans, then their numbers are simply wrong. Or, is this the usual denial we see around here of the problem of seal-clubbing by pretending that it doesn't exist since the clubbing was done by a 9 or 10 man group vs. a pile of PUG's instead of a 12-man?
CW IS a seal-clubbing format - that's the draw of it at this point - and to pretend otherwise is laughable.
Their numbers are correct, the majority of matches are not fought by 12 mans, on either side. So yes, 10 mans are probably 5 times more common, and the smaller the group size gets, the more common they are to run into. Meaning that the overwhelming majority of matches are made by <8 mans.