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State Of Match Making - Feedback/comments

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#981 D V Devnull


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 06:47 AM

Just heard rumors of Quick Play being reduced to 4v4? Are you insane, PGI? Do you wish to kill MWO? Make sure to provide selector checkboxes with the Server Selector to choose between 4v4/8v8/12v12!!! Otherwise, you're going to anger a lot of people! Heck, there's several Achievements that are dependant upon 12v12 matches existing!!! You'll needlessly cut a lot of people off if you block large-sized, 12v12 Quick Play rounds!!! :angry:

~D. V. "Not a happy camper... I don't even have 'Philanthropist' yet!" Devnull

[Edit by author for missed terminology...]

Edited by D V Devnull, 05 June 2016 - 06:48 AM.

#982 Fox the Apprentice


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Posted 06 June 2016 - 01:13 PM

I'll be OK as long as they don't merge group and solo queues. I don't have a mic, and VOIP takes a lot of my crappy dorm internet's capability (at least it does for BF4). This limits my ability to coordinate; if I went up against any kind of coordinated group I'd be hurting my team as much as myself.

I feel that putting a 4-person cap would force more people into CW, hopefully breathing more life into it. I can't even get a game solo, and I tried multiple times (If I can't get a game after 15 minutes, I go back to quick play). (Probably for the best, as I've heard it's competitive and they probably wouldn't like my silence.)

That said, I never play group queue, so I'd never have to deal with any of the negatives... Posted Image

Edited by Fox the Apprentice, 06 June 2016 - 01:15 PM.

#983 Shamanik


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Posted 06 June 2016 - 03:31 PM

There should certainly be restrictions towards how many people from a unit can drop. I think 4 sounds great. I'm tired of all these crappy matches because of 12 organized coordinated players against a bunch of people who don't know each other. A limit would be great. Or how about 6, or even 8?

But I could go either way with that, but what I do want to see something done about, is this freaking scouting mode. The Clan mechs have 6 streak short range missiles units and IS has 2? So constantly you see clan winning at scouting and pulling in long tom and ruining matches. Who the hell thinks that's balanced to have one side able to fire 6 missiles at a time, and the other gets 2. You could make this game so much more enjoyable very easily but you apparently don't want to do it. I really like faction play and following how things are changing and helping out as I can, it has so much potential. However, lately it just seems a potential to infuriate the hell out of myself and just want to stick to quick play only. I hate to see FP ruined like this. You never see IS ever able to get a lead on intel but you'll always fine clan wiping up everyone effortlessly with their freaking stormcrows.

Balance this ****, until you do, I'm washing my hands of it and staying away.

Edited by Shamanik, 06 June 2016 - 03:31 PM.

#984 ImperialKnight


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 07:08 AM

View PostBigBadVlad, on 06 April 2016 - 12:29 PM, said:

Sorry going to have to say the opposite. Seems like the last couple weeks or so in the public queue lopsided/stomps are on the rise.

I play 99% in public queue and "feels" like something has changed with MM recently. I'm at like maybe about 98% near the top end of Tier 2 and wins have gotten harder and harder to come by lately it seems. I've kind of begun hoping to get out of Tier 2 into Tier 1 just so I don't have to play with Tier 5 anymore. But yeah, seems like one sided affairs that are stomps have been more frequent lately.

i noticed it too. many possible reasons

- more and more people that are actually not very good are getting into Tier 3. the matchmaker can't differentiate good Tier 3 players from the bad so it just throws them together

- shrinking player pool. matchmaker can't do a good match so just throws random people into the game.

- seasoned players are leaving the game, leaving new players who can't build proper mechs or don't know how to play the maps. any tip of the scale will escalate into a snowball as they start to run away instead of shooting back or don't have enough firepower to stop a push.

we probably need a periodical PSR reset or a proper MMR system. eventually when everyone gets to Tier 3, it will just break the matchmaker completely

View PostShamanik, on 06 June 2016 - 03:31 PM, said:

There should certainly be restrictions towards how many people from a unit can drop. I think 4 sounds great. I'm tired of all these crappy matches because of 12 organized coordinated players against a bunch of people who don't know each other. A limit would be great. Or how about 6, or even 8?

But I could go either way with that, but what I do want to see something done about, is this freaking scouting mode. The Clan mechs have 6 streak short range missiles units and IS has 2? So constantly you see clan winning at scouting and pulling in long tom and ruining matches. Who the hell thinks that's balanced to have one side able to fire 6 missiles at a time, and the other gets 2. You could make this game so much more enjoyable very easily but you apparently don't want to do it. I really like faction play and following how things are changing and helping out as I can, it has so much potential. However, lately it just seems a potential to infuriate the hell out of myself and just want to stick to quick play only. I hate to see FP ruined like this. You never see IS ever able to get a lead on intel but you'll always fine clan wiping up everyone effortlessly with their freaking stormcrows.

Balance this ****, until you do, I'm washing my hands of it and staying away.

this is off topic. FW doesn't have matchmaking. This should go to FW sub forums.

#985 Thumper3


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Posted 07 June 2016 - 03:06 PM

View PostShamanik, on 06 June 2016 - 03:31 PM, said:

But I could go either way with that, but what I do want to see something done about, is this freaking scouting mode. The Clan mechs have 6 streak short range missiles units and IS has 2? So constantly you see clan winning at scouting and pulling in long tom and ruining matches. Who the hell thinks that's balanced to have one side able to fire 6 missiles at a time, and the other gets 2.

Why not ditch the streaks and pack SRM6s, get your 6 missiles AND put them all (or at least most of them) into a specific point instead of streak spreading.

Streaks are great for damage numbers, terrible for kills against anything but Locusts and Spiders.

There is no "balance" needed for Streaks, they already suck and IS doesn't need Streak 6s and 5+ second recycle times to fight Clans. They are just the new bogey man people like to complain about. You want to fear something, fear the SplatCrows.......LMAO

Sorry, just sick of Streaks being blamed for poor matches. Streaks are the crutch for PUGs, but once you learn to use SRMs you'll never go back to slow lock ons, random damage locations, and slow cycle times. PGI spends way too much time bowing to forum-warriors when they could be fixing the game. Look at how much crying for separate ques there was, they spent months getting that farce coded, tested and patched in........then no one used them and they took them back out. Imagine what they could have done with that time and money if spent on actual improvements.


#986 Ismael


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Posted 08 June 2016 - 10:38 PM

I wonder why matchmaking is so much appreciated in MWO. Back in the days I played a PvP MMORPG, there was no solo que, there was no matchmaker, nothing, everything random. If someone decided to drop solo to a match or in a small group with no healer, it was his/her problem, because most people formed groups and organised themselves in voice com. The first lesson you learned in that MMORPG was: never walk alone.

MWO should not ease the solo player experience, because MWO is a team-based game. If you play in a unit or friends you can have fun in voice com, you will learn faster, you get the latest news if you missed to read the forum, and so on. No matter how the statistics are, don't favor solo que, because there a enough helpless players, that don't know how to configure a mech and how to be a useful player.

I never played this game solo. I don't like faction warfare, because I think it is boring and the gameplay is to predictable. The best experience you can have is to join a unit with nice people and to drop with them together. This is something PGI can not code or influence with a matchmaker. When you play ****** the scoreboard does not say "Hey mate you did this wrong." or "You think this fitting is useful in that mech?"

Come on guys! Why everybody wants to play this game solo or in small groups? As I played the early Mechwarrior titles, I dreamt of the possibility to play team vs. team, cause AI in computer games still sucks. Isnt that what we everybody dreamt of in the past? A Battletech game, where we can play with friends in a team vs team? Where we can learn from each other? Where we can rely on a team mate?

Edited by Ismael, 08 June 2016 - 10:47 PM.

#987 Hunter Tseng


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Posted 09 June 2016 - 12:14 PM

I am kinda new and rarely play in a group larger than....2 (usually I just pair with my brother playing the game) :P
.... so my opinion may not matter much...

But I'll try to coin in some ideas bcoz... reason :P

Why not have those that play in small group say no more than 4 people (a single lance) play in the solo queue and anyone that wants to play in bigger group, queue up in the group queue without the group limit.
Something like what WOT and WT had, where they limit the size of group but don't have to separate the queue... but in MWO there are big group stomping along in the group queue, so I can understand the need to separate the queue...

But at least you can satisfy those that wants to play in a group larger than 4 people playing in the group queue and those casual small group of friends that just wants to play the game together without actually getting consistently stomped by big 12 man group (ok maybe that was just an exaggeration :P)

But I'm seeing this mainly from my own personal gripe I have when playing in group queue bcoz most of the time I was having very long waiting time to search for a match.... but then again, I haven't played in group queue for some time now so my very suggestion might not be valid anymore xD

#988 Fox the Apprentice


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Posted 10 June 2016 - 11:58 AM

View PostIsmael, on 08 June 2016 - 10:38 PM, said:

I wonder why matchmaking is so much appreciated in MWO. Back in the days I played a PvP MMORPG, there was no solo que, there was no matchmaker, nothing, everything random. If someone decided to drop solo to a match or in a small group with no healer, it was his/her problem, because most people formed groups and organised themselves in voice com. The first lesson you learned in that MMORPG was: never walk alone.

MWO should not ease the solo player experience, because MWO is a team-based game. If you play in a unit or friends you can have fun in voice com, you will learn faster, you get the latest news if you missed to read the forum, and so on. No matter how the statistics are, don't favor solo que, because there a enough helpless players, that don't know how to configure a mech and how to be a useful player.

I never played this game solo. I don't like faction warfare, because I think it is boring and the gameplay is to predictable. The best experience you can have is to join a unit with nice people and to drop with them together. This is something PGI can not code or influence with a matchmaker. When you play ****** the scoreboard does not say "Hey mate you did this wrong." or "You think this fitting is useful in that mech?"

Come on guys! Why everybody wants to play this game solo or in small groups? As I played the early Mechwarrior titles, I dreamt of the possibility to play team vs. team, cause AI in computer games still sucks. Isnt that what we everybody dreamt of in the past? A Battletech game, where we can play with friends in a team vs team? Where we can learn from each other? Where we can rely on a team mate?

I like playing solo. My friends don't play this game, and I don't spend enough time here to make friends. I'm the typical Steam player, and so I feel comfortable saying I'm not alone.

I'll not join a team, because I don't want to. This isn't a social game, it's a mech FPS. Go play an MMO if you want MMO requirements; I've always hated MMOs because they force you to "guild up" if you want to get anywhere.

Guess what?
You aren't wrong. It's OK for you to play with your friends.
I'm also not wrong. It's OK for me to play solo.

I feel that a 4-per-group ban would force groups into FP, which would relieve the long wait times (and monotonous gameplay that you mentioned) but I frankly don't care one way or the other. As long as my precious solo queue remains untouched, I'll continue happily playing (and occasionally buying stuff).

#989 D V Devnull


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Posted 11 June 2016 - 05:08 AM

Want less trouble with the FP/FW/CW queues, as well as the QP Solo/Group Queues? Read 10 Bullet Points on How To Fix The Contract System @ http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/230053-things-that-would-make-faction-play-better/page__view__findpost__p__5224643 ... then like if you're a player, implement if you're PGI Staff. A whole hell of a lot of people should be less grumpy with the game, and start playing and paying again, should those actually be implemented to repair the game! :angry:

~D. V. "Quit Splitting!!! Incentivize Again!!!" Devnull

#990 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 June 2016 - 07:10 PM

When no opponents, add AI to FP with air/arty strikes, UAVs. 12+ mechs w/respawn + tanks/elementals/powersuits, to be used for ghost drops. AI would be one-two tier higher than opponents, meaning if pugs drop and many do their skittle thing they will likely lose, even a comp team not necessarily have it easy.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 11 June 2016 - 07:11 PM.

#991 Shamanik


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 11:06 AM

View Postknightsljx, on 07 June 2016 - 07:08 AM, said:

this is off topic. FW doesn't have matchmaking. This should go to FW sub forums.

My main argument was dealing with the SSRM 6's being clan and that IS only get 2. Someone else was talking about how the queues for FW fill up with all one clan and then if the other team isn't as organized it's just a pitiful match so I was just agreeing they should limit the amount of people from one unit allowed into a game at a time to something around 4, 5, 6 or 7?

View PostThumper3, on 07 June 2016 - 03:06 PM, said:

Why not ditch the streaks and pack SRM6s, get your 6 missiles AND put them all (or at least most of them) into a specific point instead of streak spreading.

Streaks are great for damage numbers, terrible for kills against anything but Locusts and Spiders.

There is no "balance" needed for Streaks, they already suck and IS doesn't need Streak 6s and 5+ second recycle times to fight Clans. They are just the new bogey man people like to complain about. You want to fear something, fear the SplatCrows.......LMAO

Sorry, just sick of Streaks being blamed for poor matches. Streaks are the crutch for PUGs, but once you learn to use SRMs you'll never go back to slow lock ons, random damage locations, and slow cycle times. PGI spends way too much time bowing to forum-warriors when they could be fixing the game. Look at how much crying for separate ques there was, they spent months getting that farce coded, tested and patched in........then no one used them and they took them back out. Imagine what they could have done with that time and money if spent on actual improvements.


All the mechs in scouting are light and medium, you don't need focused damage. Face it, SSRM 6's make it easy for anyone to instantly destroy you because all of those missiles are going to hit even from a far distance. You're telling me I should not complain and just use unguided missiles or be perfectly fine with someone having 3 times the missiles on the other team? They're light, fast mechs, a guaranteed hit makes things way easier. Anyone who thinks giving one side (especially the side which is more stable, you'd think IS would have the better technology considering they didn't have to expend their energy flying hell of far into nowhere and starting a bunch of new worlds) three times more of something isn't a problem is completely daft.

Ok, Mr. Smartypants, then you explain the reason why it's so unbalanced and every scouting mode progress bar except a few exceptions is completely clan-dominated? Before scouting mode was introduced Steiner had Jade Falcon completely held back, now because they skewed this **** and made an unbalanced mode of the game that completely ruins everything we're completely overtaken and there's no way I'm going to join such a pointlessly futile effort like this.

They need to give IS mechs some kind of 6 guided missile system and they need to make IS light and medium mechs as beefy as Clan. Something isn't right and I'm certainly not wasting my time with a bunch of unlocked long toms and satellites simply because PGI can't balance their new mode worth a crap at all. And I've won tons of scouting modes in the past, you just gotta run through the ring in the end but it's still ******** they almost purposefully make it unbalanced like this.

Now we got a faction play event because it's doing so unpopular. They need to fix it, by balancing it, then start a faction play event. Because trying to get players to play an unpopular mode only works if that mode isn't completely not fun and unbalanced. It's so futile and stupid to play FW now. I'm glad I got to play back in the good times when there was no scouting mode. Which scouting mode is a great idea, but not how it's setup now. Do they seriously not see a problem with what's going on? lol Enjoy the futile march towards insanity, I'll be in the quick play keeping my hair intact.

Edited by Shamanik, 02 July 2016 - 11:12 AM.

#992 Thumper3


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Posted 02 July 2016 - 11:15 AM

View PostShamanik, on 02 July 2016 - 11:06 AM, said:

All the mechs in scouting are light and medium, you don't need focused damage. Face it, SSRM 6's make it easy for anyone to instantly destroy you because all of those missiles are going to hit even from a far distance. You're telling me I should not complain and just use unguided missiles and be perfectly fine with someone having 3 times the missiles on the other team.

Ok, Mr. Smartypants, then you explain the reason why it's so unbalanced and every scouting queue except a few exceptions is completely clan-dominated?

Because too many pilots want to complain and moan about OP Streaks instead of getting skills with SRMs? A pilot skilled with SRMs will wipe a Streakbuild away every day of the week.

And focused damage most certainly matters...everywhere....learning that will be the first step to winning against Steakboat easy mode-ers.

Try it, instead of assuming you know how it works. Go into training grounds with a big bag StreakCrow, see how many alpha strikes it takes to kill a Cent, heck even the Commando takes more than 2.

Then do the same with an SRM build......targets MELT under the focused blast of SRMs....they are just harder to use because you have to aim.

But you have no lock delay, no lock that can be broken, and can pick what you want to hit. But if you like seeing a Crow with a cherry torso and then hit your streaks and watch it's arms and legs take some surface damage letting it blast you back.....that's cool. I'll put my SRMs into the torso, pop him and be on my way to the next target........

#993 Shamanik


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 09:59 AM

View PostThumper3, on 02 July 2016 - 11:15 AM, said:

Because too many pilots want to complain and moan about OP Streaks instead of getting skills with SRMs? A pilot skilled with SRMs will wipe a Streakbuild away every day of the week.

And focused damage most certainly matters...everywhere....learning that will be the first step to winning against Steakboat easy mode-ers.

Try it, instead of assuming you know how it works. Go into training grounds with a big bag StreakCrow, see how many alpha strikes it takes to kill a Cent, heck even the Commando takes more than 2.

Then do the same with an SRM build......targets MELT under the focused blast of SRMs....they are just harder to use because you have to aim.j

But you have no lock delay, no lock that can be broken, and can pick what you want to hit. But if you like seeing a Crow with a cherry torso and then hit your streaks and watch it's arms and legs take some surface damage letting it blast you back.....that's cool. I'll put my SRMs into the torso, pop him and be on my way to the next target........

Or, how about this for a crazy idea? We just give both sides the ability to have the same amount of weapons? Is there some super-secret ability for making 6 rocket launchers that only the Clan knows? It's ********. And I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the majority of people. I being just one player doesn't really matter **** what I do, it's about everyone playing on both sides and both sides can't give a fair fight against each other and hence you have this ridiculous ruined community warfare screen where our territories drop like flies. This isn't about ego or "I can aim my weapon fine so it doesn't matter", it's about a balanced game-mode for all players using a multitude of setups to game from.

If the devs want to ruin their game-mode by making it retardedly unbalanced then they can go right ahead. I just missed the days where Community Warfare was fun and I gave a **** about that map screen, which I certainly do not anymore. Except to laugh at and ask myself "WTF were they thinking!?" The SSRM difference didn't matter with Invasion but with scouting mode having a weapon that's going to hit against something everytime, in a match filled with fast, light mechs with little armor is a severe advantage.

People like you defending it never have an answer for why the map screen has turned to such *** when before scouting mode was introduced you could tell things were balanced and territory took effort for one side to claim, not simply just handing everything over to Clan.

Being in Steiner faction really gave me a first-row seat to this descent into shittiness. I can win scouting mode lots of times, but that's only by being fast and making it to the exit in the last second. It's not like you can do much damage against their much better armored light/medium mechs with a multitude of 6 auto-aim missile on them. If you say it doesn't matter, then what would it hurt to give the advantage to both sides? It's a moot point anyways though unless they're going to reset the map. It also irks me because I spent a bunch of money on this game and then they ruined it. If I could've seen this crap coming I never would've spent what I did on it.

Oh well, time for a ton of repetitive but atleast balanced quick-play rounds.

Edited by Shamanik, 10 July 2016 - 10:13 AM.

#994 RJF Volkodav


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 12:37 AM

All written below is my personal opinion not meant to harass/offend anyone. And sorry for my bad english ).

MM doing really bad now. Last weeks i see more and more games when half of the team cannot break 100 dmg barrier (i.e - useless vs opposing team). That causes lots of extremely high damage and kills results coming from high skilled players and makes win/loss result independent of team members skills making the situation even worse, causing fail of win/loss MM strategy to rate players results. For group games it became normal when you see series of games when top MWOWC teams are placed together in a single team almost eliminating the chances for opponent to win the match. Looks like matchmaking for group queue is much more related to finding teams which can form 12 together than balancing their skills.

I personally think the state of matchmaker could be a greatest reason for old players loosing the interest in the game (because of lack of interesting matches, wait times etc.) and a barrier for newcomers/casual getting faced by higher skill players.

As a solution, providing both tightening the matchmaker rules and lowering wait times i could suggest following:

1) Increasing count of tier levels or tightening results needed for tier increase to increase skill dependence for MM. I.e. raising tier count to 10. We really need it to separate playerbase and make this game interesting for both old players and newcomers. But increasing tier count will highly increase wait times for players and this should be solved. Possible solution is below.

2) Allowing different player count matches to be built. I.e. when MM cannot find equal leveled opponents to form 12vs12 match it shall first go for lowering player counts to 10vs10, 8vs8 and 6vs6, and then if no results found will go with adding players from other tier levels. This strategy is widely used at different session shooter games and could make finding matches faster, matches themselves more interesting to play as you need to build different strategies for different players count (bye "nascar" only). Next logical step would be adding 1 player to the team having lower tier which would also greatly increase MM capabilities and lower wait times. The same strategy could be used for FW to lower wait times even without using tier level for matchmaking.

3) Adding MM tier multipliers for highly efficient mechs in each tier (stats can be taken each month as a global damage per match values for chassis at players tier) and multiplier according mech skills (non-basic/basic/elite). Doing the multiplier more than 1 for "meta" mechs and less then for "non-meta" will provide more flexible matchmaking for those not using meta or just going to skill up another chassis. Yes, it does not count the build, but even this simplier version could make using different chassis much better.

Hope the minds was usefull and thx for your attention.
Best regards.

Edited by RJF Volkodav, 01 September 2016 - 03:57 AM.

#995 Count Zero 74


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 03:34 AM

View PostRJF Volkodav, on 01 September 2016 - 12:37 AM, said:

For group games it became normal when you see series of games when top MWOWC teams are placed together in a single team almost eliminating the chances for opponent to win the match. Looks like matchmaking for group queue is much more related to finding teams which can form 12 together than balancing their skills.

View PostRJF Volkodav, on 01 September 2016 - 12:37 AM, said:

1) Increasing count of tier levels or tightening results needed for tier increase to increase skill dependence for MM. I.e. raising tier count to 10. We really need it to separate playerbase and make this game interesting for both old players and newcomers.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

#996 justcallme A S H


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Posted 01 September 2016 - 04:35 AM

Agreed also.

Currently T5 and T1 players in solo QP - all being grouped together, just ridiculous.

#997 Seddrik


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Posted 02 September 2016 - 09:59 AM

Don't limit the sizes again...

Like this guy said:

View PostPharmEcis, on 03 September 2015 - 02:15 PM, said:

...This is a multiplayer game and I fully expect to be able to drop with my group. I will gladly take beating the snot out or being beaten by the rest for shorter search times vs going back to some archaic and stupid 4 man group limit.

Large groups are available to everyone. Arbitrarily forcing a cap of 4... meh. Kills the multiplayer aspect.

Edited by Seddrik, 02 September 2016 - 10:00 AM.

#998 Peiper


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Posted 03 September 2016 - 08:20 PM

Throwing out my vote for no group size limit, BUT I do very much want to see enforced 3/3/3/3 for weight class/matchmaking back into the game.

I'm sick of the current situation which encourages folks in small groups to take the heaviest meta-builds they have, and larger groups not being able to field anything but 55-65 ton mechs. 3/3/3/3 brought a great deal of variety to the game that has been missing for a long time.

I reckon the PSR crap has something to do with that too. I'd rather have a wider variety of skill-sets in matches, and individuals thrown into the group queue if they want to be in it. Good way to meet potential new team players/recruits that way. Micromanagement of trying to make every game perfectly balanced by skill encourages people to specialize in one or two 'best' mechs, then ignore the rest. I like to experiment and have fun. My PSR guarantees that I will have a bad experience and let down my team if I take an inferior mech. Sorry, I'm not the best player, but my PSR goes up anyway, making it impossible for me to goof around and have a good time (unless that means losing right away every time).

#999 RJF Volkodav


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Posted 16 September 2016 - 01:54 AM


Just some information to add to the post above.
Yesterday we tested games with unequal players count using lobby and we found that if you have 7 players team of T1 players you might need 10 to 11 T2-T3 players on opposite side, having 2-3 heavies more, to make the game equal. And then it was quite an interesting games to play for both teams. So allowing matchmaker to build unequal teams could work good for balancing different tier levels.

Edited by RJF Volkodav, 16 September 2016 - 01:56 AM.

#1000 mad kat


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Posted 17 November 2016 - 02:49 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 01 September 2016 - 04:35 AM, said:

Agreed also.

Currently T5 and T1 players in solo QP - all being grouped together, just ridiculous.

This happens more than you'd think. Just had **** matches tonight. 1-6 loss ratio tonight and you know what everyone of those losses was a stomp.

The situation is frankly laughable. PGI do not have a clue how to achieve balanced games. The sooner Russ and Paul hand the game over to someone who knows what they're doing the better. (Although I must add keep the artists and modelers though).

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