I've followed all this sort of discussion all over the forums since the Skill Updates started to firm up.
Not that it counts for much, but here's my point of view (lines up with a lot of others)
I like the changes. I like them a lot.
Here's why:
- I'm more of an immersion player. (love the new cockpit screens, btw) This is not a marine rolling and dashing around the battle field. It's a huge massed, bulky machine (and yes, I even mean the Lights.. c'mon guys the smallest weighs in at 20 TONS, with high centers of gravity) and they are simply NOT going to nimbly dance across a battlefield. If that's your thing, see above reference to "human based" FPS games?
- I like the direction PGI is going, more ability to insert more realistic performance balancing. You'll notice now that the quirks are becoming more tuned to the actual mech. Like a mech with most it's hardpoints in, say, RA. They likely gave it RA structure/armour. Engineers would be smart like that.
Or the mech specific speed quirks. I believe what they are moving toward is looking at the physical mech and against a common 'bar' saying "would this perform any different do to, say, lower center of gravity".. in this example Yes, so give it some accel quirk. Not saying PGI has perfected this, but it lays the frame work to do so.
- Regarding the overall skill adjustments downward. This makes sense when combined with the above thinking/focus on mech specific quirks. You should be able to milk some better performance out of a vehicle in general if you are more talented a driver. But nothing insane... there is only so much pilot skill will push the physical limits of a given vehicle. For example... put me and a professional driver in the same car on a track. Guaranteed he'll out perform me. BUT.. take speed... I can mash the accelerator and get to he finish not far behind him... he just maybe shifts smoother with better timing BUT there's only so much horsepower in that car he can pull out. Examples like this are endless. However you put him in a sports car with better aerodynamics and tuned suspension in otherwise same sized/weight cars... his skill PLUS the 'quirks' in the physically better car will make him that much better.
- For those saying things like "it's the death of Assaults" or "now they'll be more ponderous in battles"... Guys... again, these things are 80 to 100 TONS. I'll say that again.... 80 to 100 tons. I'm no physicist but just comprehend the sheer MASS that is to move. They
shouldn't be zipping across the field, they should plod... and look for good postioning and opportunies. Keep in mind, most your opponents will be suffering the same loss of mobility.
All in all, I really like the shift and look forward to seeing everyone on the field tonight!
Edited by Morggo, 01 December 2015 - 11:51 AM.