Sandpit, on 29 December 2015 - 05:52 PM, said:
players goofing in "bad" builds
new players
"bad' players
low skill players
tier ratings
Testing new builds
"training drops"
Just playing "dumb" (Ramboing, etc.)
So now that we've cleared that up, maybe you guys can stop mentioning them since they have absolutely no bearing, basis, or context on anything I've discussed in this thread.
If some of you can't understand the difference between nature of doing somethign with malicious intent to ruin an experience for others and the above list, that's on you, but they still have no relevancy to anything I've said in this thread

Now that we cleared up what you arent talking about....
what exactly are you talking about?
I mean specifically. Because you still havnt said and that list covers a lot.
I mean, Ramboing and playing Dumb could be considered malicious too since they arent as interested in the Team Win as much as they are their own satisfaction and will be playing the way that they want to.
Edit- And to be clear, Im not trying to be rude or disrespectful. I actually am trying to figure out what exactly are these Malicious activities you are talking about.
Edited by JaxRiot, 29 December 2015 - 06:08 PM.