Requiemking, on 12 August 2016 - 01:33 PM, said:
The problem is the people are tired of AlphaWarrior Online and want more builds to be viable than things like the old Quad UAC10 Kodiak. That mech represented the biggest problem with MWO, that being that Boating was taking over the game. Swiss Army mechs were not considered "good" because they couldn't vomit 80 points of damage in a single button press. With energy draw, hopefully the older mixed builds will be good enough to make a resurgence, such as the Trial Orion. That mech is, as things stand now, a relic of a bygone age, when mixed builds were actually considered useful. But, with energy draw, mechs like that could become "good" again.
There is nothing wrong with mixed builds and that the current alpha warrior online rules them out is a mistake I hope power draw fixes.
This topic has gone on for quite a bit and that's actually great. But don't worry the arguments for unrestrained alpha exploiting will be ignored.
Original Battletech is what this game has been trying to be since day 1, but translated into a modern real time multi player experience. Alpha warrior insta win game play is not Battletech so it already gone.
I fully expect power draw to be awesome.
This fight is not new. the same fight happened when Clan mechs were introduced. Some players wanted 1 or 2 mechs to be the ultimate mechs in MechWarrior online, making the rest of the mechs trash. What this did was ruin the content of this game and the ones calling for 1 mech overlords knew that.
If it were up to some players EVERYONE would be piloting a Timberwolf/Direwolf/Arctic Cheetah/Storm Crow. Shrinking the size of this game 10 fold. Fact.
This new power draw will improve balance and thats good for everyone involved that actually likes this game.
Edited by Johnny Z, 13 August 2016 - 01:19 AM.