1453 R, on 15 July 2016 - 05:54 PM, said:
Kodiak has three days left before it gets buttf***ed, according to the patch notes. And not just the KDK-3, either, but gol' dang near all a'em.
KDK-1 and 5 - the poster children for "So Last Meta" - are the only variants to not come out gagglenerfed - each gets a +15 Structure to the still-quite thoroughly-murderable CT. Helpful, but not really what either variant needed. They will continue to blow chunks next to all other Kodiaks, though the gap is about to get a lot friggin' narrower.
KDK-3 loses all mobility and most of its structure quirks, with a very minor +5 Structure to the CT. It will now drive with all of the agility and responsiveness of a Dire Whale. On the flip side, we'll get to see if all the Mischiefs of the world were right when they said that "the KDK-3 without any quirks at all will still be the best assault 'Mech in the game!" Personally...well, I'll be watching for a significant upspike in overquirked Spheroid fatbros replacing half-legged Kodiaks.
KDK-2 somehow inexplicably loses the majority of its mobility as well, as does the Spirit Bear - which is an assault 'mech with exactly seven hardpoints and a complete inability to pull off any loadout that isn't AS7-S analog brawly striker. The Atlas gets an entire medium 'Mech's worth of free structure and six free weapons modules' worth of weapon quirks. The Spirit Bear gets...~10% mobility and half a Locust's worth of extra structure. For the same armament. Go figure.
The ol' Stink Bear (KDK-4) loses more mobility than the 2 or SB, but less than the KDK-3, as well as receiving the same largely pointless +5 to CT structure as the 2, 3, and SB. Thusly it will be slightly to minorishly more responsive than a Dire Whale and survive for one extra medium laser hit's worth of incoming fire to its small moon-sized torso sections.
Yep. All sounds like just about exactly what folks were looking for. Oh well...suppose I shoulda played more Sprint Bear when I had the chance. Maybe I'll give it one last hurrah this weekend before the patch goes live and it joins my old Victors in the "I used to really love this 'Mech" corner of the hangar. Get it out of my system before the Viper comes in.
Still. Can't accuse Piranha of not listening anymore, can ye? They did pretty much exactly spot-on what "The Community" wanted for the Kodiak. Time to see how we like getting what we deserve, I s'pose.
Yeah, the Kodiak, at the very least the -3
needed to get nerfed (it still has arm structure quirks, by the way.) That 'mech is the clear winner for "most overpowered 'mech on the battlefield" right now, so you shouldn't be surprised - or mad - that it was nerfed. I'm less familiar with the other chassis, but the mobility nerfs to them might have something to do with their being able to mount Clan XL engines without the same risk as the Inner Sphere. The Kodiak is able to boat a massive armament while fearlessly romping around at 70kph - that might have something to do with it.
Speaking of mobility, a lot of other 'mechs got nerfed there as well. It looks like PGI is backing off quirks on 'mechs whose mobility they feel is excessive. Are those 'mechs really overperforming? We don't know - that kind of information will be found in demographic data sets that only PGI has.