Metus regem, on 29 March 2017 - 07:46 AM, said:
Yes, but unlike the Supernova, the Turkey is stuck with the same engine ratio as the Dire Wolf (3/5)... but unlike the Dire Wolf she has hard wired 2t JJ's (3 of them)... to get an idea of how she handles, or rather should handle take out a Dire Wolf S... In her advantage though the prime Turkey is read for Gauss+ERPPC out of the box.
Yeah I'm aware its not ideal, but with either agility quirks, or the decoupled "baseline agility stats" they can do a lot to make it handle much less like a pig compared to the Dire, and the arms should also by noticeably higher, if wider. So Gauss in each arm and a ER PPC in each shoulder should be able to hoptart/hill hump pretty well, especially with agility quirks/improved agility.
Now that we have ATMs you can also make a 6 missile hardpoint loadout with the D arms... so LURMS for days, or massed ATMs.