Following my earlier post, and Russ' new tweets, here are a few proposed redistribution of hard-points on Hero II/III mechs:
From: LA 1E, LT -, CT -, RT 2M, RA 1B1E
To: LA 1E, LT 1E1M, CT -, RT 1M, RA 1B
Provides unique LT in
direct competition with the C-Bill ECM left torso. Player's choice is between stealth or firepower.
From: LA 2E, LT ECM, CT -, RT 1M, RA 1B
To: LA 1E1B, LT ECM, CT -, RT -, RA 1E1M
Provides unique LA and RA. Provides unique LT ECM, however this is the player's decision if they want to give up the C-Bill 1M LT for it.
From: LA 1B, LT 2M, CT 1E, RT 1M, RA 1B
*To: LA 2M1B, LT -, CT 1E, RT -, RA 2M1B
*Note: added an additional missile hardpoint in the total count.
Provides unique LA and RA that directly compete with the laserfists. Completely strips out the side torso weapons because there is no equivalency in C-Bill variations.
From: LA 1B, LT 2M, CT -, RT 2M, RA 3E
To: LA 2M, LT 1B1E, CT-, RT 2E, RA 2M
Provides unique RA and unique LT. Missile arms compete directly with the laserfists, and the ballistic left torso option is self limited by how crit limited the Executioner is as an overall package.
All of these maintain the same hardpoints, but change one or many actual mounting locations. The only exception being the GAR which, really, I mostly did out of a dislike of asymmetry.