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Skills Tree Contest (With Winners)

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#1 Bud Crue


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:06 AM

I'm ending this. So as to not clutter the index winners posted at post #315


Tarogato's Skil Tree Guide (Tryhard Edition):
------- Dir: URL:

MadBadger with new player guide:
Also some general application node paths:
------- maximum cool" tree:
------updated cool tree 2nd iteration:
------ Base line tree:

Wattila with a general guide to node application based on perceived value:
------- Part-1:
------- Part-2:

Scrublord1 with a guide to IS Dakka fire support:

Wildstreak with a preliminary guide:
------- and Hunchback IIc laser boat:

Cazidin with a general guide to the nodes:

Mcgral18 with gernral application guide and variants thereof:

Nightmare1 with video entry, tutorial, guide and several builds:

General Application Paths:

Palfatreos with general skill tree for high burst dps/poking builds:
------- Ebon Jag energy build:

Cato Phoenix with general purpose laser style tree:

Kash Register with broad use generic starting tree:

mogs01gt with a generic starting point tree:

Robaticus56 with baseline skill tree and variations

6thMessenger with a general application tree including defense, JJ and Micc branch use:
------- Timber builds and node paths:

Jay Leon Hart with a progressive general to elite tree:
------ Jays basic build for IS mediums:

Xetelian with all purpose tree:

Kiran Yagmi with efficient/general tree:

Specific builds and paths:

The6thmessenger with Urbanmech builds and tree:

J C Daxion with Death's Knell, Sparky, Stalker 5M, Cicada 3F(L), and Atlas K:

Aramuside with a Nova build and tree:

Aleski with an Adder ("sadder") build and node path:

G4LV4TRON with a lore based Kit Fox Commander build and node path:

jjm1 with SNV-1 Supernova "All purpose mech disintegrator"

Onimusha Shin with a variety of trees for for various builds:
-------Linebacker builds:

Agent Orange and Orion Branches:

Deathlike and Hunchback IIC-A ERPPC build:

Gyrok with a link to the login screen of his units website (no sure if a legit attempt or trolling):

Wattila with a general laser vomit tree with updates:
-------Trading build and tree:
------- Dragon 1C:
------- Marauder 3R -PPC/Dakka:
------- Locust Pirate's Bane but applicable to Light/Medium w/ECM and energy:
------- Mauler Special:
------- Grasshopper 5P:

Robaticus56 with Blackjack laser skirmisher:

xengk with Vindicator (St.Ive's Blues):

Big Tin Man with Battlemaster 5 ERLL for FW sniping:

DGTLDaemon with Clan ERLL sniper build:
------ Clan Dakka:
------ Clan dual PPC poptart:
------ Clan laser vomit

Darky101 with several builds and trees (laservomit, assault SRM brawler, "i just wanna play" etc.):

Palfatreos with...a lot of builds:

Nebelparder with "Superman Cheetah":

1 0 0 Percent Konglord with several builds:

CadoAzazel with several trees for a CLan deck EBJ, HBR, MDD, HB-IIC and IS deck BR-2C, 1G, GHR-5P, and LCT-PB:

Cadoazreal with Gargoyle builds, 4LPL Warhawk, Dragon 5N:

Ced Riggs with heavy PPC sniper:

Oberost with laser vomit heavy / Bounty Hunter II tree:

El Bandito with BLR-1G ERLL sniper and Hellbringer guide:

Clownwarlord with Hunch II-c ("the energy one") tree and guide

Bishop Steiner with CPT-C1 "LRM-a-licious" build and tree and MDD-Prime "LRM Dodge":

Sycocys with a HBK-4SP for FW

Edited by Bud Crue, 07 June 2017 - 06:59 PM.

#2 El Bandito


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:33 AM

Aight, since I love my Battlemasters (got it on my sig, even), I am gonna share my CW sniper BLR-1G build. With the BLR-2C losing its +10% energy range quirk, I believe BLR-1G is now undisputed Battlemaster for sniping. It naturally shines on large open maps such as Alpine, Polar, and Frozen City. Posted Image

*edit* I played several matches with this setup and I am very happy with its performance as you can see below.


This BLR-1G build is relies on the power of 6xERLLs, with the mobility of 375XL engine, with 20 DHS to keep the beast running. Here is the build.

Posted Image

You can see the bonuses I got from the skill tree, as well as quirks in that picture, but lemme help you to break down my skill node choices.

First, is the Weapons tree. I went for laser duration, heat generation, and range. They are all needed for effective sniping, and sustaining it. Had to take cooldown nodes to progress though, which is not needed. My ERLLs now have +25% range, -9% heat gen, and -15% duration.

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Second, is the Mobility tree. I went for accel/decel bonuses as well as twist speed. Snipers specialize in poking so good accel/decel is very important to minimize exposure. I took twist speed because it can help me to twist and spread any counter sniping damage. A total of +21% accel/decel rate, and +14% horizontal torsi twist speed was gained, with a bonus of +8% torso twist angle. I didn't go all the way with this tree because I needed the other trees more.

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Third and fourth, are Operations and Sensor trees. I maximized the heat containment and heat dissipation nodes because 6xERLLS put out helluva heat, and cannot even fire two alphas without shutting down. I chose hill climb over speed retention while progressing this tree because Assault mechs have problems with navigating terrain, and sniper mechs frequently need to position themselves on hills. Hill climb reduces the speed penalty when hill poking, which translates to less exposure. Speed retention is useless because if you are getting legged as a sniper then your positioning skill sucks more than a pornstar. Posted Image

For Sensors, just grab Advanced Zoom. That's all you need. Radar related stuff are useless since you will be shooting from beyond radar range most of the time. Raderp too is useless since you will be shooting from beyond LRM's maximum range most of the time.

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Fifth, is the Misc tree, where you can boost your consumables. I took +3 consumable slots, put two Air Strikes and two Coolshots in them, and boosted their capabilities to the max. Those two types of consumables are very useful for rooting out hidden enemies, punishing enemy pushes, and sustaining your alphas. Technically you wouldn't even need Coolshot in a sniper mech, since you have ample time to hide and cool off, but I have been to plenty of situations where the enemy stayed in the open long enough for me to repeatedly alpha them in the face. Each Coolshot can save you an alpha worth of heat. Besides, it costs only 10 nodes total for the tree.

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Now you might have realized that I did not put anything in Survival tree. I personally think other nodes I picked are more useful than speccing in more durability. My mech will not be in thick of battle, and I will dictate my own time and range of engagement. The bonuses I got from mobility should help me minimize my exposure, which translates to longer life.

As bonus here is the difference between non-skilled BLR-1G shooting its 6xERLL, vs. heat skilled 1G in heat neutral map.

Without any skills, my BLR-1G build spends 64% heat per alpha, and shuts down after two alphas, while sustaining structure damage from overheating.

Posted Image

After I chose my heat related skills, the mech spends 54% heat per alpha, and does not overheat after two alphas back to back.

Posted Image


*edit* Turns out I have one more highly effective build I wish to share with you!

This is the QP/CW Hellbringer-F laser-vomit build. The build specializes in utilizing its highmounts for peeking and poking. It was so effective on maps like Grim Plexus, that I got two 1000+ damage matches back to back! So lets commence with further carrying!



Here is the build. A very orthodox 2xCLPL+3xCERML build all high mounted in the torsi. 47 damage per alpha, and 23 DHS to keep it going. TCMK1 for even more range. Minimal leg armor since you will be showing only your upper torsi. Bit of armor on the left arm since your main firepower comes from your LT, and the LA can help you defend it from the sides. CLPLs are spread between two torsi, because you do not want to put all the eggs in one basket.

Best way to play this mech is to stay near the frontlines, but not too close to the enemy. Stand a bit behind and to the side of your vanguard mates. Poke-n-fade, and switch positions every minute. Your alpha might not be as high compared to other Clan las-vomit builds, but it has better sustain, and has minimal risk when exposing yourself to fire at the enemy.
Battle of attrition is your goal.

Posted Image

First, is the Weapons tree. Identical to my BLR-1G tree, I went for laser duration, heat generation, and range, which equates to better poking and sustaining. My CLPLs have 713 meter optimum range, and my CERMLs have near 500 meter optimum range. Longer range = less chance of getting hit back. Shorter duration also means less exposure.

Posted Image

Second, is the Survival tree. I went for the left side because it offers more armor. My Hellbringer minimizes its exposure through high mounts and ECM, but every child knows by now to aim for Hellbringers' left torso. Which means additional armor is very welcome, in a pinch. No need for structure, since your lasers will be gone soon enough once armor is breached.

Posted Image

Third and fourth, are Operations and Sensor tree. I went halfway into Operations to get 6% Cool Run nodes. They, along with your weapon heat reduction nodes, help you to sustain your poke whenever opportunity presents itself. The +10% hill climb nodes surely helps with the hill poking. As for Sensor tree, I chose to maximize Seismic, and ECM nodes. In a poking match you have to be aware on your enemy's location at all times, cause they tend to switch positions, and +200 Seismic comes in very handy for that. Maxxed out ECM hides you and anyone inside your bubble from your enemies, even when the opponents are at 270 meters from your location.

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And last is the Misc tree. The way I see it, laser vomit build goes hand in hand with Coolshot consumables, so buff those up! Comes in handy when you are forced to get close and personal with the enemy. My consumable slots have 2xCoolshot and 1 Air Strike.

Posted Image

You can tell that I did not spec anything in the Mobility tree, and that's because the Hellbringer is plenty mobile with its base stats. Just remember to start going backwards as your laser is finishing its duration, not after. After playing with it for several games you will get the hang of it. Posted Image

Hope you found my post helpful, and feel free to point out any errors, or post suggestions for more improvements. Cheers.

Edited by El Bandito, 31 May 2017 - 09:39 AM.

#3 Vellron2005


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:01 AM

I'll try to post a nice Heavy Lurmboat when I get the time..

- - - SLOT RESERVED - - -

#4 Clownwarlord


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:03 AM

-- Reserved Clown Parking --

OK I am taking the Hunchback IIC - A variant (so the energy one).

Here are links to the images:

From the link to the image above you can see the mech will have 2 ERPPCs, and that it has plenty of space for consumables having 2 Air Strikes and 2 Cool Shots. The image also list the skills out.


Above is the link to the image of the weapon skill tree, which shows that I went for the velocity skills and some heat gen skills (naturally I gathered some decent range and cool down).


The link above shows the image of the survival skill tree which shows ZERO nodes, and the reason for this is I am using a range build on a medium mech. What that means is I am less likely to get targeted because of bigger mechs and I am a medium mech which means I can find better use of nodes.


Next is the mobility skill tree which shows that I gave the bare minimum to get speed tweak and the path I chose gave me better skills than others (such as hard breaking and kinetic burst).


This link is the image of operations which I went and spent only what was needed for cool run and heat containment, because I am running a dual erppc I will need to mitigate heat so I can do what I do best ... shoot more because that is how you do more damage.


Now this link is the image of jump jet skills, which some will say ew but they are needed. Here is why this is a jump capable mech and in some comp matches or other matches you will find yourself needing to jump gaps (which you are required now vectoring, but I mostly went for lift). The reason why I went for lift is for pop tarting, I get up quickly cut jets shoot and then free fall to a burn just before touch down.

Last link


This link is to the image of extras, which gets me the 4 consumable slots and two air and 2 cool shot. The 2 cool shot is great because I am running a dual erppc which can run hot. Then also I get to double up on air strikes, which is also nice for when I know some one is on the other side of a wall.


Sorry one more link to an image of mech having been played.

Edited by Clownwarlord, 20 May 2017 - 03:32 AM.

#5 SnafuSnafu


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:05 AM


#6 Scyther


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:12 AM

(Skill Tree Update)

Skill Tree Planner: https://kitlaan.gitlab.io/mwoskill/
Alternate Planner: https://tarogato-mwo..._skill_planner/ (may not work in all browsers)

62 Nodes 'Baseline' Skill Tree:
My baseline tree for most mechs will use 62 nodes, leaving 29 skill nodes to further customize the mech.
The goal is to provide most of the skills of an Elited mech in the old skill system, while adding
essential functions for the least number of nodes.

- Full Speed Tweak, plus more Hard Brake, Kinetic Burst, and Anchor Turn.
- Decent Torso Speed, Yaw, and Pitch bonus.
- Full Cool Run, 4/5 Heat Containment, 3/5 Quick Ignition
- Full Radar Deprivation, +35% Sensor Range boost
- Target Retention helps keep track of enemies that move behind you
- 2 consumable slots (matching current), plus Duration and Range boost for UAV.

This setup gives the most 'baseline performance' for the fewest nodes, leaving as much room as possible to customize each mech for its' intended role.

Primary benefits:
- Mobility to control where and when you engage and allow you to disengage
- Torso flexibility for damage spreading and better target aim (shooting down/torso pitch is important for hitting shorter mechs or firing down from elevations)
- As much heat management as can be gotten cheaply (before dipping into FirePower tree). A few AC/Gauss based mechs or minimal-weapon lights may not need this much heat management, but 90% of mechs will.
- Target Info Gathering time was increased(nerfed) at baseline (see patch notes), and is very helpful for determining where your target is weakest.

Note: On many mechs I will also select 1 more Torso Speed, 1 more Torso Yaw, and 1 more Anchor Turn.

The remaining 26-29 nodes will generally be spent in the Firepower tree, for Range, Cooldown, and Heat Gen, depending on weapons loadout.

Skill Totals
Posted Image

Skill Tree
Posted Image

Original Post (for reference):

Edited by MadBadger, 17 May 2017 - 08:54 AM.

#7 Bud Crue


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 04:14 AM

View PostMadBadger, on 16 May 2017 - 04:12 AM, said:

Can we post even before the patch is done using the current skill tree lab link? It won't be totally accurate but can give an idea, and can be updated later.

Heck, I will even start. Back in 5 with a pic.

Why not? I gave ya a month, just come back and edit it.

#8 sycocys


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 05:43 AM


My build for my HBK-4SP deck for FW. It would work sufficiently for all medium ML/MPL + SRM builds, and probably most light and heavy builds with similar rigging.

For QP only mechs, I'd drop the consumable tree and throw those points into 2x kinetic burst, hard break, torso speed and torso pitch

My 4SP - Most notable features 2 SRM6, 5 ML, Bap


The methodology is that it/these SRM/ML/MPL builds are good cover to cover mechs that can unload a volley or two, then dive back in.

Weapons -

So max range simply to open up your distancing options + helps to keep srms from hitting the dead drop point before they land.

Max heat gen reduction, laser duration, and srm spread reduction. - For the obvious reasons, they are the best ways to increase your damage potential.

Agility -
Kinetic burst for getting cover to cover, torso pitch because most srm mounts are on the torso. A little speed never hurt anyone.

Operations -
Just for the two heat containments.

Sensors -
All the ranges + bap. Its just so helpful to know where people are and counter ecm for your team. + next to damage is the only tree that buffs c-bills gained (scouting/counter bonuses).

Radar derp is still radar derp, even at 60%.

Misc -

This one I just have points in for FW. UAVs so I can tell where people are on the other side of cover, much better range than seismic. Could go strikes just as easily or skip this entirely honestly, but my team likes to have uav's up and I really don't need the little extra agility buffs anyhow.

That's basically it - Lasers, SRMs and BAP are the primary components. Cheap to rig, works well as long as you don't pug CW invasions. Same setup would work pretty equally well for the comparable Clan rigs as it does for the IS ones.

Edited by sycocys, 20 May 2017 - 06:38 AM.

#9 Bud Crue


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:10 AM

Following up from a PM...
Do what you want with your proposed builds, what I would personally like to see are node paths that are directed to providing a theoretical new player with some good general node-outs that are applicable to a variety of play styles. In the end however I hope that the community -by "likes" or additional commentary- will be the ones that decide on "the best" selections. Also, there is no rush on this. I will give us until next months patch before calling it. In any case I laid it all out in the OP.

#10 Kaethir


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 08:18 AM

Reserving my spot... in case I have time to join :)

#11 FupDup


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:03 PM

Are hero mechs included in the prizes? If a Purifier was up for grabs I might take a stab at this...

#12 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:05 PM

View PostBud Crue, on 16 May 2017 - 03:06 AM, said:

Okay, here we go.

Giving away some mech packs.

Now I know the meta folks will have the idealized node paths figured out and shared informally anyway (and some have already done so), but I may as well try and incentivize them to get this done AND share with the rest of us.


Reserving spot for CPLT-C1 "LRM-a-licious" now.
The screen shots:

The Build
Posted Image

The Nodes:


The Reasoning:

And here is the Clan Version:

MDD-Prime "LRM Doge"

the Mech:
Posted Image

The Build:

Results: (First Drop in MDD after Skill Node Assignment)
Posted Image
Posted Image

Single highest Match Score and Damage output I've ever done in my MDD. So, I think it works.

Edited by Bishop Steiner, 18 May 2017 - 01:05 PM.

#13 KevinZhang


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:06 PM

Spot saving

#14 DGTLDaemon


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:11 PM

Here's my Skill Tree for the standard laser vomit HBR-F(L) running 2xLPL+3xERML. Can be adapted to any laser vomit Clan mech; however, if it doesn't carry ECM, small adjustments will be needed (see below).

Let's start with the screenshots:

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And now let's see why we're building it like that.

1) Sensors. In this branch, we're taking the shortest path to the two Enhanced ECM nodes that are required to unlock the full potential of our ECM. This requires a total of 13 skill points. On a non-ECM mech, you would go for Radar Deprivation instead. This would require a total of 16 points. Note that you have a choice betwen Sensor Range and Target Decay at the beginning of the tree. I chose Sensor Range because it felt more useful to me, but it's not a critical choice.

2) Operations. This branch is responsible for our heat management, and is absolutely essential for laser boats. We need to pick up all Heat Containment and Cool Run nodes. Taking the shortest path allows us to avoid five non-critical nodes (2x Improved Gyros, 2x Quick Ignition and 1x Hill Climb). Those five skill points we saved here will come in handy later :)

3) Mobility. Due to the overall mobility nerf brought by engine desync, heavy investment in the Mobility tree is absolutely mandatory. Without it, even a reasonably agile mech like the Hellbringer handles like a brick, and is barely playable. There are no "filler" nodes in this branch - every node is valuable. In this build, we're taking all 40 nodes under Mobility.

4) Firepower. Here we're taking the shortest path to the four Laser Duration nodes that are essential for laser boats. We're also picking up a bunch of Range nodes (very useful for LPL+ERML builds) and a couple of Heat Gen/Cooldown nodes along the way. Note that in the bottom part of the tree we're taking Range instead of Velocity. This is important, as lasers have no velocity, and, therefore, the Velocity node would be useless for our build.

And this makes a total of 91 skill points - exactly as much as we have available. For non-ECM mechs (such as laser vomit Timberwolves, Ebon Jaguars or Marauder IICs which can run similar builds, but with 4-5 ERMLs instead of 3), you would need to sacrifice 3 points in the Mobility branch, because unlocking Radar Deprivation requires 3 more points than unlocking ECM. Which points to sacrifice is entirely up to you.

And that's the end of my little guide :) I've tested this Skill Tree configuration on my HBR-F(L), and found that it handles very similarly to my pre-patch Hellbringer, and produces similar match performance. One thing to note is that the mech does run hotter than before as a consequence of Cool Run/Heat Containment nerfs, but it can't be helped. Hope this helps someone build their laser vomit mechs :)

#15 HoldFast-TheDreadTier5PirateLord


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:24 PM

<-- Reserved -->

#16 invernomuto


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:42 PM

Reserved for Cataphracts

#17 tortcat


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:45 PM


#18 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 12:59 PM

View PostMadBadger, on 16 May 2017 - 04:12 AM, said:

With any luck maybe Ted will update this once the new tree is up: https://kitlaan.gitlab.io/mwoskill/

YES! Thanks, I was looking for that Posted Image

#19 Bud Crue


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 03:56 PM

View PostFupDup, on 16 May 2017 - 12:03 PM, said:

Are hero mechs included in the prizes? If a Purifier was up for grabs I might take a stab at this...

I'm doing $20 bucks a shot for the winners, if you win and whatever you want falls within that amount and can be gifted via the store...sure.

#20 Titanomachy


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Posted 16 May 2017 - 06:23 PM

eh, nm. not bothering with the images

Edited by Titanomachy, 17 May 2017 - 05:03 PM.

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