Der Geisterbaer, on 05 March 2018 - 02:03 AM, said:
Interesting claim ... can you provide at least some form of proof?
Can you find your way to Twitch and find streamers' videos from that week? Can you give me evidence that you do just fine in Embers per our previous debate which is, interestingly, relevant here...just not in the way you might at first expect?
I may have screenshots myself, I may not, I really don't know if I had any matches where I did well enough to make a record during that period; I will check when I get home. But I recall quite clearly many matches with four to six Piranhas on a team. I also remember matches where one team would lose because their PIRs would stupidly run so far ahead that their heavier allies could not provide them with any support as they ran straight into the larger, more coherent enemy group. Matches went to 0-5 really fast, and then it was a turkey shoot. I also know that I am nit embellishing the number of PIRs, though I can understand your skepticism.
The actual intersting part would be: Do you see them "in large numbers" to an "unbalancing" degree ... and ofc with an "unbalanced" overall performance? Because that what this thread allegedly is about.
Would you be capable of understanding the nuances if I said yes? Because what this thread is about is not really what you said, it's about trying to compare the play experiences of two groups of players that have manufactured differences in said experience. It's the "LRMs OP/LRMs UP" debate; skirting OP at T4-5, accepted as UP at T1-2, even by PGI's own admission. Some items and mechanics suffer the same issue going the other way. Sometimes the experience transcends tiers and is either universal or applicable only to a specific mode of play.
Now add up the number of light mechs you just mentioned and provide the rationale behind you regularly seeing that many lights while others regularly attest to seeing way less?
You realize that what I said implies there are between typically between two and four Lights in a match, right? Unfortunately for your headstrong attempt to find a foothold there, I left room to maneuver; my choice in diction was curated. It is, after all, a stochastic number.
But to give you something to bite into: because my most-played class is Lights, I will more frequently see at least one other light in the match because that is how the match-maker works. With the queue for lights having settled around 12-18% in the days sine the PIR's release rather than its more traditional 5-10%, I am no longer regularly the only Light on my team facing one Light on the enemy team.
You'll also often see them die with less than 150 damage. Question remains: Are those 400+ numbers a sign of actual "imbalance"?
Difference being, I would say PIRs still score reasonably more frequently than PBs.
And the Kodiak was the same way. Most players are simply unable to perform in a noteworthy manner for whatever weight class they run.
The frequency of the numbers relative to the quality of the player could yield insight into the level of effort required to obtain that performance, ergo how "OP" the 'Mech is.
The premise of my position is nothing the like. My premise is rather that even if you were to see 1 or 2 Piranha in each and every game you play that still wouldn't amount to "proof" that the Piranha is unbalanced ... nor would that provide any pointers concerning their numbers once they enter C-Bill territory and novelty has worn off a second time.
You cannot declare the question isn't something it must be by nature of its presentation. That you have a broader premise that the question spawned from is immaterial to that. Sorry.
That said, by that premise you provided right there, and by what I have said above and below, there is zero point in having this conversation because that number has little value when observed out of context. The real question is whether or not you possess the right context to be qualified to carry this debate to a meaningful conclusion, let alone a victory for your position.
This however is getting more intersting. Let's ignore that this sounds somewhat contradictory to what you wrote a bit further up: Are those al PIR-1s?
Other than the token PIR-3 or Cipher once in awhile, yes. The Cipher was a much more common sight during the release week, but since then I see few.
Your alleged point there being?
It was plain as day, but to help this debate along:
There will be more people who have the skill to wield the PIR to its potential with access to it. No, it wasn't being called into question, and why that is the position you took when reading it is puzzling an should warrant introspection on your part, but the statement was merely there to set up what followed. You know, structure.
What impressive use of those two words. Makes me wonder: If it's ultimately a "zero sum" once the PIR becomes available via C-Bills does that mean lights in general and Piranhas in particular are indeed a problem already?
About as impressive as your ability to make similarly nebulous statements, provide no evidence of your own, and then demand others roll over and do the same for you. Make obtuse assertions, receive obtuse answers. Just like when we debated the Firestarter. Blood Wolf, is that you in an alt?
That being said, it does mean there is a strong potential for the percentage of all Lights being Piranhas to go up, or indeed the percentage of Piranhas within the set of all 'Mechs played to increase. Popularity does not strictly imply performance, but I would not be shocked to discover a trend. That so many of the finalists from MWOWC and other big comp names from the player-run leagues have been leaning so hard on the PIR is also something of a red flag. Just like it was with the KDK.