Remington1911, on 03 December 2021 - 01:44 PM, said:
I like the idea of more collision damage. I like making guns feel as real as possible too but I'm not sure I like the suggestions about machine guns. But that's because I just enjoy realism and complexity in games, not because lights need nerfs.
The problem with your ideas in the current game is that they nerf lights which are already underpowered, so from a balancing perspective it makes no sense unless you also do other things that would buff lights relative to heavier mechs. Basically there is no balancing argument for making lights even weaker.
I understand that some things like lights and lrms or whatever can seem obnoxious or unbalanced to a new player (or a bad old players), but the truth is you have to get better at they game and be matched against better opponents before you can start to evaluate balance.
Give it 6 months or so, climb the tiers and get some coaching from veteran players if you struggle. Maybe join a unit and do some group drops. Get to at least tier 3 and preferably 1 or 2.Then see what you think about weight class balance, odds are your opinion will change significantly.