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BattleMech 17: Highlander

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#401 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 06:52 AM

View PostAdridos, on 19 January 2013 - 02:59 AM, said:

There is zero reason to release Flea before the Highlander, where did you get it from?

It interferes with their light>....>assault schedule.
Highlander was announced and done before the flea.

What is your reasoning for them to actually not give it to us after Jager? ;)

Roland was posting based on the order of the reveal announcements; the Flea was announced on Sept. 26 while the Highlander was announced on Oct. 17.

Though, the Devs did have the Spider (a Light 'Mech) jump two places, to between the Stalker (an Assault 'Mech) and the Trebuchet (a Medium 'Mech).

As I stated previously, there is a possibility that the Highlander might be moved ahead of the Flea (or, alternatively, the Flea might be moved to after the Highlander - the end result is the same) if the Devs wish to preserve the weight progression.
However, there is also a possibility that the Devs may choose the announcement order over the weight progression, in which case the Flea would appear in-game before the Highlander.

#402 Butane9000


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 07:29 AM

View PostSir Roland MXIII, on 10 January 2013 - 08:45 PM, said:

Well, let's see. All over the place. List of mechs announced is in, um, Announcements - this area of the forums we're in right now - and the schedule of stuff they've given us a head's up on in is in the Command Chair area.

No offense, but since research doesn't seem your thing I'll be cool and list 'em here for you, beginning with Mech 13, since 12 was the Stalker:

Jan 15th - Mech 15 - Spider
February - Mech 13 - Trebuchet, aka Trench Bucket
TBA - Mech 14 - JagerMech
TBA - Mech 16 - Flea
TBA - Mech 17 - Highlander
TBA - Mech 18 - BlackJack
TBA - Mech 19 - Orion

Did I say 13? I meant 15... silly devs. ;)

Sorry to say that won't be the case:

February - Trebuchet
March - Jagermech
April - Highlander
May - Flea
June - Blackjack
July - Orion
August - unannounced assault

The Clan invasion begins in earnest in March (if I am not mistaken) and they may ramp up the mech release schedule to compensate. They (the devs) have expressed interest in trying to get mechs released faster. This is supported by the mech release schedule in the game. Look at the last released mechs.


Which translates into


Easy to see what will be the release schedule.

Edited by Butane9000, 19 January 2013 - 07:38 AM.

#403 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 09:06 AM

So... something generally relevant to the Highlander, and inspired by certain other threads:

In BattleTech (that is, TT), there are three classes/types of Jump Jets, defined (on page 51 of TechManual) by their weight and the weight of the 'Mech on which they are mounted:
  • Type I: weighs 0.5 tons per Jump Jet, mounted on 'Mechs massing 10-55 tons
  • Type II: weighs 1.0 tons per Jump Jet, mounted on 'Mechs massing 60-85 tons
  • Type III: weighs 2.0 tons per Jump Jet, mounted on 'Mechs massing 90-100 tons
In terms of TT, each Jump Jet provides the same performance per unit, for each 'Mech - that is, a 30-ton 'Mech equipped with "n" Jump Jets (Type I) would have similar jump performance (height and distance achievable) in comparison to a 60-ton 'Mech equipped with "n" Jump Jets (Type II) and a 90-ton 'Mech equipped with "n" Jump Jets (Type III).

In MWO, only the first two types of Jump Jet are available - though, until the Highlander is implemented, there are no 'Mechs big enough to mount the third type.
Additionally, there seem to be a number of posts indicating that jumping performance (both height and distance) relative to what might be expected based on TT values is somewhat... lacking.

Also of interest is a recent post by Thomas Dziegielewski regarding plans for Jump Jet performance (at least, in the near term).

View PostThomas Dziegielewski, on 18 January 2013 - 09:55 AM, said:

We will not be increasing max height but we are in the process of shortening the time it takes to get to max height.

So... given that each variant of the Highlander would/should come with three "Type III" Jump Jets (totaling 6 tons) and that the planned (for now) changes to Jump Jets call for a decrease in the amount of time needed to reach the 'Mech's maximum jumping height, but not an increase of that maximum jumping height, what are people's thoughts with regard to the Highlander's ability to execute the infamous "Highlander Burial" maneuver as well as the Highlander's theoretical jump capabilities, in general? ;)

#404 AlexEss


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 09:40 AM

Butane9000... There is a big step between knowing and assuming. We honestly do not KNOW anything beyond the bucket. It stands to reason that it will follow the earlier pattern but to set that as a gospel is to set your self up for disappointment.

Unless you know some insider info we do not.

But with that being said the Flea is not even listed any more if you look at the mech page to there is a good chance it will not come before the highlander since it is still on the mech page.

#405 Adridos


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 09:43 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 19 January 2013 - 06:52 AM, said:

Roland was posting based on the order of the reveal announcements; the Flea was announced on Sept. 26 while the Highlander was announced on Oct. 17.

That's not true. The Highlander's announcement was leaked to the public and to keep the general community from knowing about it, they simply thrown out the Flea to switch the focus of forums and then announced Highlander like nothing happened.

Edited by Adridos, 19 January 2013 - 09:44 AM.

#406 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 11:39 AM

View PostAdridos, on 19 January 2013 - 09:43 AM, said:

That's not true. The Highlander's announcement was leaked to the public and to keep the general community from knowing about it, they simply thrown out the Flea to switch the focus of forums and then announced Highlander like nothing happened.

Actually, my previous post is quite true - one need only look at the dates on the official announcements to plainly see that.

Granted, what ultimately ended up being the ordering of the official announcements might not have been what PGI had originally planned, for a variety of reasons - the PC Gamer issues shipped and/or arrived earlier than anticipated, people were quicker to scan the mag and share the images than anticipated, the reaction to the "leak" (for it was essentially a "planned leak" rather than the official announcement of "BattleMech NN: XYZ") might not have been what they had wanted, and/or a litany of other reasons.

On the other hand, perhaps it was all planned to go as it did from the onset - perhaps as some arcane marketing experiment, just to see what would happen.

Regardless of the reasons, the fact is that the official announcement ordering is what it is, and PGI can choose to follow it (in which case, we likely get JagerMech -> Flea -> Highlander), or they can choose to follow the weight class order (which case, we likely get JagerMech -> Highlander -> Flea), or they could even choose to start drawing them out of a hat and randomizing the implementation order of the remaining 'Mechs (though, that one is admittedly unlikely... unlikely, but still not impossible). :)

#407 RagingOyster


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 12:47 PM

So we have no real idea of when we can start stomping cockpits in then?
Dang, because boy do I look forward to it!

#408 Captain Teft


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Posted 21 January 2013 - 03:04 AM

I have decided that this Mech should be the next one to be released.

And then the Jagermech and then the Trebuchet and then the Flea and then the Blackjack.

Just saying.



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 12:16 PM

View PostCaptain Teft, on 21 January 2013 - 03:04 AM, said:

I have decided that this Mech should be the next one to be released.

And then the Jagermech and then the Trebuchet and then the Flea and then the Blackjack.

Just saying.

Thats what i mean^^

#410 Dragonosi


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 03:03 PM

gonna need to buy more mech slots when this one is released... must bury a raven

#411 Prophet of Entropy


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 03:26 PM

yea its not rocket science to figure out the release order hilander is comming in april, flea may, blackjack june, orion july, and the next mech to be announced in august which will be an assault im hoping for the mauler.

#412 DegeneratePervert


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 03:40 PM

Do want... oh lordy, do want.

#413 DustyRonin


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 07:58 PM

Will pay good money for an ECM that broadcasts bagpipe music over enemy coms!

Is this going to be part of the Hero Highlander and information warfare?

#414 Drakenn


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 08:04 PM

This should be fun to play with :)

#415 Scumbag MadBro


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 02:49 PM

indeed! I would love to see the Highlander!

#416 SgtMagor


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 08:09 AM

hopefully it will be the HGN-732b with arty IV, and double heat sinks

#417 Strum Wealh


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:11 AM

View PostSgtMagor, on 09 February 2013 - 08:09 AM, said:

hopefully it will be the HGN-732b with arty IV, and double heat sinks

The planned/available Highlander variants were confirmed in Ask the Devs 27 (posted Dec. 03, 2012).


Q: How will mechs that have less than 3 variants achieve the elite and master tier levels of the mech trees? For example, the Highlander has been announced to only have 1 variant at launch (possible this has changed) [Tvae]

A: I only knew one variant at the time, saying something like "the only variant I know of is the HGN 732." The variants are: HGN-732, HGN-733, HGN-733C, HGN-733P.

HGN-732: x1 Gauss Rifle, x1 LRM-20, x1 SRM-6, x2 Medium Lasers (plus FF and CASE)
HGN-733: x1 AC/10, x1 LRM-20, x1 SRM-6, x2 Medium Lasers (no LosTech)
HGN-733C: x1 AC/20, x1 LRM-20, x1 SRM-6, x2 Medium Lasers (no LosTech)
HGN-733P: x1 PPC, x1 LRM-20, x1 SRM-6, x2 Medium Lasers (no LosTech)

#418 SgtMagor


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 01:35 PM

Been using Sarna.net to check mechs for a long time and I don't see the 733-c-p variants, anyway thx for the heads up...

#419 Shade4x


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Posted 13 February 2013 - 12:40 AM

View PostSgtMagor, on 09 February 2013 - 01:35 PM, said:

Been using Sarna.net to check mechs for a long time and I don't see the 733-c-p variants, anyway thx for the heads up...

For those that care to know, most likely hard points are
RA 2 Ballistic
LA: 2 Missle
RT: 2 Energy
LT: 2 missile

Same as 732 but one extra missle in left arm

Same thing as 732 but one extra basaltic in Right arm

RA 3 energy
RT 2 energy
LA 2 missile
LT 2 missile

Max speed 58.8 (64.4 Tweaked)
Max engine 325
Max Armor 558 (116 to split between CT and BT)
90 ton assult mech

oh yea... the things got Jump Jets... On all Variants....(HildCo Model 10)

#420 General Taskeen


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Posted 14 February 2013 - 04:44 PM

View PostSgtMagor, on 09 February 2013 - 01:35 PM, said:

Been using Sarna.net to check mechs for a long time and I don't see the 733-c-p variants, anyway thx for the heads up...

They haven't listed them there, because the page hasn't been updated for a while. The 733 c and p are from the TRO 3039: Unabridged Edition.


If you can't get a hold of the actual TRO:

Just check it out free record sheets at these links

733C - http://goodsects.got...ls.aspx?ID=3139
733P - http://goodsects.got...ls.aspx?ID=3140

Edited by General Taskeen, 14 February 2013 - 04:46 PM.

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