Felix, on 16 January 2013 - 07:18 AM, said:
A "beta" where they sell premium time, premium items, and premium mechs. Is there anything they will do different when the game is "Finished" by your estimation?
Because unless they are even more stupid that I figured they would still release more mechs, more items, more maps, and more features...just like they are doing now!
And I still want to know what SI is

They never said you were buying in to a finished product. What you're doing is a new paradigm referred to as crowd funding. It's a small development house that doesn't have a lot of resources. The things they sell in-game help continue the development of the game.
That being said, I'm not spending another dime. I don't see the money they earned spent on worthwhile causes. They've spent money on lawyers to send a C&D to MW:LL instead of spending that money on making their own game better. That shows me that they don't have faith in their own content and they don't intend on making it any better. They just want to be the only dog in town so they don't have to live up to bigger expectations.
If they had spent that money on better programmers, more designers, and creating a better game, I'd be praising them. Instead, they spent it on shutting down a bunch of passionate Mechwarrior fans who were making a game because they wanted to, not because they'd get paid for doing it.
There's where our MC money went, people. They spent it on shutting down a fan project instead of fixing MWO.