High-End User.cfg File
Posted 04 March 2014 - 03:47 PM
Otherwise you need to wait, I've started testing for it today.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 07:11 AM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 07:24 AM
I must say I can see mechs much easier now in the testing grounds but I am not sure what I should have my video settings at. I am currently running at the HIGH setting with Post Processing set to LOW and Textures set to VERY HIGH. My framerate with the user.cfg is around 50 and drops down into the 30-40's at times. I never seen it below 58-60 before installing the user.cfg (using Vsync).
Using an nVidia 560 TI with a quad core 4.4 GHz CPU.
Any suggestions on what I could change?
Posted 05 March 2014 - 07:33 AM
Either play without a config, or test some of the lines to see if you can get better performance.
Easiest way:
You could use a config file where only the deapth of field is set to 0 and nothing else in there to wait for a new config file while keeping the most important setting (disabled DoF).
Posted 05 March 2014 - 08:36 AM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 11:11 AM
Alexander Malthus, on 05 March 2014 - 10:35 AM, said:
id recommend you turn off motion blur.
BUT, inside the 6 (ultra-high) are 4 commented out lines regarding shutterspeed/motionblur near the top. you can try fiddling with those, just remove ";" to make them activate again, their under "motionblurfun"
very important you disable q_ShaderPostProcess = 4 or you will see massive FPS drops.
also, make sure you turn vsync "off" if using dx11 right now it causes big fps hits.
this is my current user.cfg. its in alpha for dx11, so be aware.
Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 05 March 2014 - 11:13 AM.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 11:14 AM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 11:47 AM

Posted 05 March 2014 - 12:41 PM
Posted 05 March 2014 - 02:50 PM

Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:37 PM
Reno Blade, on 05 March 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:
I was hoping you'd found it Reno

Updated user.cfg. I'm testing this in dx9 right now, should work in 11. this user.cfg is giving green smoke in dx9 heatvision and also I am seeing FPS drops to 10 when overheating my mech. add your feedback below.
Visuals are quite good, lasers glow more, overall visually it's very nice. add visual feedback here too pls.
Posted 05 March 2014 - 09:51 PM
this config should fix the green smoke problem.
culprit looks to be r_FogShadows = 1, disable that line in your cfg and see if that fixes the green fog for you. this cfg below fixed the green fog for me.
Edited by Colonel Pada Vinson, 05 March 2014 - 11:13 PM.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 12:19 AM
Colonel Pada Vinson, on 05 March 2014 - 09:51 PM, said:
this config should fix the green smoke problem.
culprit looks to be r_FogShadows = 1, disable that line in your cfg and see if that fixes the green fog for you. this cfg below fixed the green fog for me.
I'll give it a try after work tonight.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:00 AM
I just tested your newest .cfg and the green smoke is gone

Posted 06 March 2014 - 04:05 AM

so - if you can post all the updated cfg's - low/medium/high..i would be gratefull

thanks for your work
Posted 06 March 2014 - 05:01 AM
Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:40 AM
Wintersdark, on 06 March 2014 - 05:01 AM, said:
I'm testing both but playing with 9 for now still. it should work with both, visually dx11 will upgrade you slightly but it costs vsync = off which causes me screen tearing.
I will update the package, but i am too busy right now to get to it. Maybe this weekend, for now disable the above noted entries to fix green fog & fps loss, of use the latest cfg i posted.
Posted 06 March 2014 - 01:30 PM
while i am eager to get my game back to it's peak performance I wanted to share with you folks what i did and how it has helped.
firstly I am running on a intel quad core @ 3.0, 6 gig ram, and 2 GTX460. I run SLI by using Nvidia inspector and loading the crysis 3 settings. I was having most of the issues above and missing terrain and mechs.
uninstall MWO->reboot->install MWO to a new directory->reboot. fired up game and went DX11. turned off glow and blur. set everything to low except object detail which is very high, and disable AA. I can hit almost 70 FPS during drop screen then down to about 48 as an average. I do get those drops to the teens still though, but noticed this more when around jumjets...smoke?
game is no where as nice as before, but playable
Posted 06 March 2014 - 03:15 PM
Precipis, on 06 March 2014 - 01:30 PM, said:
while i am eager to get my game back to it's peak performance I wanted to share with you folks what i did and how it has helped.
firstly I am running on a intel quad core @ 3.0, 6 gig ram, and 2 GTX460. I run SLI by using Nvidia inspector and loading the crysis 3 settings. I was having most of the issues above and missing terrain and mechs.
uninstall MWO->reboot->install MWO to a new directory->reboot. fired up game and went DX11. turned off glow and blur. set everything to low except object detail which is very high, and disable AA. I can hit almost 70 FPS during drop screen then down to about 48 as an average. I do get those drops to the teens still though, but noticed this more when around jumjets...smoke?
game is no where as nice as before, but playable
you still get the drops with object detail set to low too?
does it say "low" or "custom" up top for prime config? try setting prime config to low.
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