Xyph3r, on 04 May 2012 - 09:37 AM, said:
uranium fuel rods? umm... i think you mistake them for the crappy nuclear reactors WE use today.... actually, Mechs use FUSION reactors, they transmute Hydrogen into Helium, and there´s very little need of "waste disposal" or refilling, for their "fuel" lasts longer than you live.
Uh, yeah, I agree with Xyphr here on that front... even a relatively inefficient fusion reactor is going to take the better part of four or five thousand years to spend even a half of a percent of its' fuel supply. And even when all the hydrogen has been fused, the helium can be fused, too. As for a refuel... Hrm, I seem to recall 3 gallons of water translating to 2 gallons hydrogen and 1 gallon oxygen. Roughly speakin', mind you.
Egomane, on 04 May 2012 - 11:02 AM, said:
Why all the energy boats? Do you know how ineffective those weapons are against infantry? Your Lasers and PPC will, most of the time, kill only one or two litte zombie kids per shot. Have you ever seen a zombie movie where you had time to kill them that slowly?
Flamer and Mashine Guns should be your weapons of choice when dealing with such soft targets. So I'm with the firestarter crowd on this one. Then those brainless fools can't even sneak up on your rear, because you have a flamer there as well.
Energy boats don't need ammo, for one. Even at 200 rounds per ton, your MGs will run out of ammo. Show me the ER-PPCs, Flamers and Pulse Lasers any day. No ammo to worry about.
As for cooling... Heatsinks, and big lakes tend to work just fine... just watch for zombie fish.
Fiachdubh, on 04 May 2012 - 11:32 AM, said:
Why are you all so worried about ammo dependency?.. stompy stompy
Ah the Zombie apocalypse.. providing guilt free murder sprees since 1968.
So true!
Finally, as for fortifications... topple some buildings in a rough approximation of a wall. Burn (or blast) a nice big trench around said "wall"...
And decorate your new junk fort how you wish... as for paint... there's alot of dead dudes what ain't figured they're dead yet, use them.