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Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo

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Poll: Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo (285 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think the discussed features should be added to the test server after 12v12 is in the live game?

  1. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! (235 votes [82.46%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 82.46%

  2. Nah, I agree with Paul, the game is great as is. (26 votes [9.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.12%

  3. I don't really care. (24 votes [8.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.42%

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#681 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:02 AM

View PostSundervine, on 22 July 2013 - 07:51 PM, said:

I believe convergence would be the best fix for CoolwhoamI then. By what he says here he could absolutly understand how the ac20 on a hunchback for example could only hit at a certain range spot on and everywhere else it would be offset one way of the other. This would allow him to fire it seperatly and still hit dead on without the rest of the weapons then fire the others after adjusting back. This fixes for skill and breaks alpha striking. I say two wins in one.

Also in TT core 1 heatsink depletes only .1 heat per second. Fix this stat and you also fix alot of alpha problems. Doubles only disipate .2. Not even 1.4 like currently implemented. Even doubling these values would go along way to also negating boating high heat weapons.

I am not sure where you get the idea that DHS in MW:O dissipate 1.4 heat per second. They don't. They dissipate 1.4 heat in 10 seconds, or 0.14 heat per second (if out of engine, the first 10 in-engine sinks dissipate 0.2 heat per second.)
The table top DHS dissipate 2 heat per turn (10 seconds) or 0.2 heat per turn.

#682 Sundervine


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:39 AM

First off MWO has NEVER used TT values for their weapons in all manner. Maybe in Friends and Family but since then they have not. TT already had the weapons cyclic rate determined. TT already had SHS and DHS heat dissiapation per second. They already had the weapons balanced with each on. In a FPS manner.
Anyone who says otherwise has not read ALL of the rules. Everything imaginable was taken care of. Trying it full throttle TT would be an interesting thing to do but it has NEVER been done.

As far as I am aware you have a 30 heat base bonus over TT. Getting ride of the 30 base heat and making it based completly off of you build heat then disipate it at the TT values would deffinatly alleviate almost all boating anything. In TT at this time period firing 6 medium lasers a turn meant you had heat. That or you mech had almost no internal volume left. That is why TT is balanced. Even a clan mech with Medium lasers was lucky to fire 6 per turn. Let alone 4 or 6 ppcs. Lets not even get into Er versions.

The reason TT had a good mix is if you wanted high damage output at any range you HAD to Diversify. High damage output at this timeframe was a ballistic + an energy. Then you had some backup close range weapons. How is that not balanced for a FPS? You can fire your big boys then when you get in close just like a sniper you switch to your pistol or other weapon. You do not use a sniper rifle in Close clombat. TT fixed this with varrying methods, including but not limited to the damage output of the close range weapons. You can have 4 ppcs, doing 40 damage, or 3 doing 30 and 7 medium lasers doing 35 at close to medium. Same weight less heat up close and no minimum range. a loose of 10 damage at range and 5 up medium and 35 bonus at close range. In MWO doing that is stupid becuase the cyclic rate is bad and somehow those hard mounted weapons can actuate enough to actually hit the crosshairs at any range. If you look at the mechs thats not going to happen, they are not on turrets, sponsons, nor do they have any actuation whatsoever. The only ones that do are in the arms as they should be. Arm mounted weapons were also given bomuses in the game. If you look at ALL the rules you could take careful aim, target a certain location on a mech, etc. Noone seems to mention that stuff like that has been in the game since 1991. 22 years, the TIC in there which allowed you to combine multiple weapons into a single weapon group, 22 years ago.
So many examples of people complaining about TT when they have not even read a tenth of the rules.

Please do not complain about TT not being able to effeciently and effectively changed into a FPS unless you have knowledge of all the rules.

Edited by Sundervine, 23 July 2013 - 11:59 AM.

#683 blinkin


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:45 AM

View PostMustrumRidcully, on 23 July 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:

I am not sure where you get the idea that DHS in MW:O dissipate 1.4 heat per second. They don't. They dissipate 1.4 heat in 10 seconds, or 0.14 heat per second (if out of engine, the first 10 in-engine sinks dissipate 0.2 heat per second.)
The table top DHS dissipate 2 heat per turn (10 seconds) or 0.2 heat per turn.

if they actually dissipated heat anywhere near the levels that sunder is describing it would be almost impossible to even register on the heat scale with most mechs. my atlas with it's 4x large lasers and 43 standard heatsinks wouldn't ever be able to generate heat.

43 heat dissipation per second - 28 heat generated by 4x large lasers / 4.25 (total) fire rate

even if all of my large lasers fired once per second i would never generate heat

Edited by blinkin, 23 July 2013 - 11:50 AM.

#684 stjobe


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:53 AM

View PostSundervine, on 23 July 2013 - 11:39 AM, said:

As far as I am aware you have a 30 heat base bonus over TT, as well as the heat values of the SHS is 10 per turn aka 1 per second instead of 1 per turn or .1 per second. DHS is 14 per turn or 1.4 per second. I would like to know where you get the other information from. If I am wrong I am sorry for the confustions.

Read this post: http://mwomercs.com/...0089-breakdown/




Single : 0.1 heat dissipation per heatsink per second. Heatbase -1.0 per heatsink.
Double : 0.14 heat dissipation per heatsink per second. Heatbase -1.4 per heatsink.

INTERNAL - each engine has a set amount of internal heatsinks depending on its strength.

Single : 0.1 heat dissipation per heatsink per second.
Double : 0.2 heat dissipation per heatsink per second.

Straight from the horse's mouth - or in this case, Thomas Dziegielewski's mouth.

#685 Sundervine


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:56 AM

Sorry I looked it up and you are right, I had it wrong. It is .1 and .14 heat per second. They give you an extra max heat of 1 and 1.4 respectively. Thank you for pointing that out.

However I do not see how that changes the majority of my points. I do thank you for pointing that post out, I found it myself and replyed right as you did lol ^^

Also to be honest the heat base is a really big issue in and of itself as the OP stated in his post.

Edited by Sundervine, 23 July 2013 - 12:10 PM.

#686 blinkin


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 12:48 PM

View PostSundervine, on 23 July 2013 - 11:56 AM, said:

Sorry I looked it up and you are right, I had it wrong. It is .1 and .14 heat per second. They give you an extra max heat of 1 and 1.4 respectively. Thank you for pointing that out.

However I do not see how that changes the majority of my points. I do thank you for pointing that post out, I found it myself and replyed right as you did lol ^^

Also to be honest the heat base is a really big issue in and of itself as the OP stated in his post.

agreed. i think this game would benefit from most if not all of the heat scale effects listed in table top in some form.

#687 Coolwhoami


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 12:51 PM

View Postblinkin, on 23 July 2013 - 12:48 PM, said:

agreed. i think this game would benefit from most if not all of the heat scale effects listed in table top in some form.

I can't see that going over very well, especially the movement penalties. Lights already have a difficult time fighting anywhere close to other mechs, can you imagine how difficult it would be to try to manage heat and do any meaningful damage? Furthermore, it effects them far worse than heavier mechs, because while mobility is still important in assaults, being slowed down would not cripple them.

#688 Sundervine


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 12:59 PM

Well you can see it as one of two things, everyone stops boating as many weapons and starts paying attention to heat more or they start slowing down to a crawl and everyone gets easier to shoot.
Either way skill becomes far more important than it is now to find a build on the internet and go with it.

Also TT took care of that as well, lights were only for scouting or scout hunting. Wolf packs really were not used all that often. Do not get me wrong they were used but not on a consistant bases over the wider TT population.

Thus in this game Lights need to be given more of a scouting role like in double blind TT. That would make them far more important. At the moment however spotting is far less important than it should be, as well as the maps are so few that its almost no longer needed. Also weight matching or BV also helped in TT, which supposedly they are going to work on the weight matching in this game. Wether that works or not will be seen if/when it happens.

I know how did TT take care of something a FPS is using, well when playing the same maps over and over and over again knowing where the enemy will most likely be... light mechs should and are a rarity. If you know were and what the enemy is, you no longer have the need for lights, or mediums for that matter with an unlimited budget. Now if the game had some sort of auto generated terrain, or the maps were based off of some sort of tile system it could mix and match like TT, or over 100 maps then they might be relevant. No matter how you want to look at MWO right now, as tactical, or FPS scouts are not necessary. One maybe just to find the main force first so you can setup but more than one... no... Unlimited budget, unlimited ground knowledge, enough experience playing each map to know there are really only three ways to go. You want to say poor light pilots, I want to say why would you feel sorry for a useless class in the current game. They did not plan ahead of time for maps, they did not plan ahead of time to have lights be useful. I know they said they were going to have a scouting role, but why do you even need a scout? Did they not comepletly negate the usefulness of a scout and in turn the scout hunter with the UAV? the fat the have so few maps even month old players know there is really only a few paths? Did PGI not kill the unit off itself?

So my question to you is not what would light pilots think, but why pilot a light when you have no role?

Again TT fixed a broken mechanic in MWO over 20 years ago, and dont tell me Tiling this games maps would be night on impossable. It would be easy to create a four part map that had a common area on two sides of each tile that was the exact same hight. Then they could rotate and move those four tiles to make that one map a few different ways, then add another with the same height on two sides.. Dont tell me people can do it with injection molded plastic, and no in a 3d computer enviornment that is far more modable than plastic. It wouldnt even be that hard to implement, and each tile would be far easier to optimise than a whole map. Light problem... DONE! They are relevant again, after 4 maps in thsi style was complete think of how useful they would be again. 4 tiles x 2 rotations, and yes you can add different hights at this point to all for more rotation but lets just say 4 maps 4 tiles 2 rotations, we are already talking about a lot of maps, and what about using the same tile twice? well now we are talking about more maps than any other FPS out there. Scout very usfull.

Edited by Sundervine, 23 July 2013 - 01:19 PM.

#689 Sundervine


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 01:34 PM

Also dont forget they could also add flat areas on each map that could be no mans land. Most battlefields had plenty of those, with that on a tile or more you could then have terrain easily plop down on top of that area for... gasp... an objective... no really a tactic option that is not static in a supposedly tactical game! NEVER! NEVER! do that... no... Light even more useful! Mediums relevant again, scout hunters... having fun again... big mechs... to damn slow to get there but wonderful for fire suppost to help hold or take the objective... Wait you mean and actual tactical FPS? O wow that was never done with card board and TT 20 years ago.

Remember they said in Friends and Family they just hit each other at close range and it was over. Well did they use the relevant cyclic rate for the weapons? Dont know really but i doubt it, they did not have the gauss rifle, the ppc was to damn slow firing back then, so why was it a close range brawl fest? Was it because the weapons were broken? no it was because all the main sniping weapons, as everyone in closed beta know, were either not there or irrelevant. Thus F&F is not even a good example of what happense when you use a direct translation even if they did use the cyclic rate of the weapons as given in TT. I can promise you this, a hunchback with an AC/20 back then, was a scary sight that made you cringe and try to get out of range. Cause when it hit... boy did it hit hard!

Also not trying to sound snippy because I just read it and it did. Its really just flustration with PGI for not taking the game and looking at it more heavily BEFORE they started making it. I mean if they had just taken the core concepts of the TT and used the game to make this game I do believe it would have been 100 times better and more fun and more varied than it is now.

Edited by Sundervine, 23 July 2013 - 01:42 PM.

#690 Coolwhoami


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 02:01 PM

TT also has dice rolls for whether you hit, and what part of a mech you hit. Unless you keep that in, the weapon balance doesn't really maintain, even if weapons WERE balanced.

#691 Chief 117


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 02:06 PM

You have my full support

#692 Sundervine


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 02:07 PM

If you leave weapon convergence at a prematch determined range it would go a long way to helping with this. If they would add the Aiming modifier for walking, and running that they do now with jumping that would help alot. Of course you would use more with running than walking. AKA just a little while walking and alot for running. The other mech moving at certain speeds takes care of the enemy movement modifier. Thus what the dice rolls are supposed to actually represent is represented and the rolls not needed other than what is already implemented. When walking and firing at a moving target it is in fact with or without dice in either iteration harder to hit. The faster the target is moving and the faster you are moving the harder it is to hit said target.
If you add round arcs to ballistics you help with those always hitting the target location but skill can fix, it also helps with ppcs and guass rounds hitting the same location because it become about impossible. Also yes TT took care of bulet drop in the form of a range modifier. The range modifier is different for each weapon not because for some reason you can aim an ac2 with a different computer but because the light round goes farther before bullet drop than the massive round of an Ac20. LRMS and SRM spread would keep those from hitting the same location.
Thus most of those dice rolls are fixed with a few very minor already implemented items.

Edited by Sundervine, 23 July 2013 - 02:11 PM.

#693 Magicbullet141


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 05:27 PM

View PostCoolwhoami, on 22 July 2013 - 11:25 PM, said:

Resolve the issue of having weapons direct fire and remain balance when battletech rules use dice. Without implementing a system that just makes this tabletop from a first person perspective. Then you might start to understand why we are where we are, and why using such rules is incredibly foolish.

What I refer to is the heat of weapons and the implementation of ECM, BAP, artemis, etc.

#694 Coolwhoami


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 05:51 PM

View PostMagicbullet141, on 23 July 2013 - 05:27 PM, said:

What I refer to is the heat of weapons and the implementation of ECM, BAP, artemis, etc.

You realize that most of the weapons in game ARE almost at tabletop levels as is, right? The reason most ballistic weapons are garbage other than the ac/20 (which was good due to high pinpoint) and the Gauss (for obvious reasons) is because of the adherence to these numbers. PPCs and ER PPCs are one of the few weapons not exactly at the numbers in tabletop. The reason we have so many balance issues right now is due to the lack of desire to move from these numbers, because of the negative feedback they will get from die hard tabletop fans.

Edited by Coolwhoami, 23 July 2013 - 06:00 PM.

#695 AndyHill


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 02:14 AM

None of the weapons are close to TT numbers. Size, weight and in a way range as well, yes, but heat and damage are in a galaxy far far away. Since the numbers are interconnected the result is unavoidably imbalance (compared to the starting point), unless there's a cunning plan behind the changes. You decide.

#696 Tombstoner


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 09:07 AM

View PostAndyHill, on 24 July 2013 - 02:14 AM, said:

None of the weapons are close to TT numbers. Size, weight and in a way range as well, yes, but heat and damage are in a galaxy far far away. Since the numbers are interconnected the result is unavoidably imbalance (compared to the starting point), unless there's a cunning plan behind the changes. You decide.

There is


#697 Pht


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 05:07 PM

View PostCoolwhoami, on 22 July 2013 - 07:42 PM, said:

I say this because as argued later within, your position that this is better means of simulation is in fact not really the case, and therefore the feeling would be from the pilot's perspective that they are simply a driver for a self-aiming gun platform, at which point it removes a lot of the excitement from being in such a place to begin with.

Ok. (Not saying I agree. Just nice to see someone who actually interacts).


It is not balanced because individual weapons were and are not balanced against eachother, but rather using a battlevalue system

The BV system didn't even exist when most of the weapons were made. Neither did the CV system. Those systems aren't/weren't a factor in the balancing equation. They came later.

Furthermore; ... yes? so? What is desireable about weapons being "balanced against each other?"

How is this even possible? Should a small laser be balanced vs a heavy gauss rifle? If so, how? Based on what criteria?


in which a mech is given a combat worth based on a number of factors (Including piloting skill!!!).

BV does not factor piloting skill. I don't think CV did either.


Furthermore, system upgrades (Like we have already seen with shs to dhs) are intended to in the battletech universe to almost always be straight upgrades, meaning that we will have an eternally cycling set of useless weapons...

So, for example, the ER small laser actually makes it the small "useless" - of no use at all?

Take your pick of weapons that are "upgraded," for an example; the new upgrades don't make their predecessors of no use.


as new systems are added on (It has already been extensively discussed and concluded that there is no place for SHS in this game now that DHS is in, which makes every mech that does not have it require a 1.5 m cbill cost).

In a decent mechlab setup shs are useful, especially in innersphere mechs.


Some would argue that this is fine, but unless we are advancing stock mechs with these upgrades, newbies will always be at an eternal disadvantage when compared to vets, making the game unappealing to new blood.

Not true. Newbie 'mechs should change with the timeline and as DHS become more common they will appear in the cheaper starting 'mechs.

Or at least they should (developer poke).


I will likely end up repeating myself here, due to the nature of the reply, but someone shooting a rifle manually compensates for windage and distance, they do not fire at a target and have something arbitrarily decide based on a law of averages whether or not they hit. Their own ability to compensate for these factors determines this.

when I said "armored combat gunner" I was referring to gunners in tanks, or from battleships. Not riflemen as you're referring to.

You've said that these people don't aim in any way at all.


Certainly you could say that targeting system accommodates for this, and that system can operate a few different ways.

1. It can simple calculate the adjustments needed to enable a hit on a target, and you simply input what you want hit and where, and it can take care of that for you.
2. It can do what you are suggesting; you can fire, and the system will attempt to hit it, but in order for the system to maintain its ability to hit you must manually track the target.

#1 isn't even on the table fro me.

#2 ... are you indicating that the 'mech would choose when to fire the weapons? How is this any different than your number 3?


Enviromental factors are simulated by randomizing where you specifically hit. but to me that seems like an unnecessary pilot involvement, and indeed today we have such technology. Perhaps the systems in battletech are worse, or better, but you can certainly start to see why some things are as they are not because it is "realistic" but because it allows for a tabletop game to exist.

."Unnecessary pilot involvement?" What are you getting at with this phrase? Not sure what the rest of this means without understanding what you mean here.


3. We can have what we have in mechwarrior games (MWO included), where we can assume to some extent that a targeting computer compensates for any outward factors, but cannot track, that must be done by the pilot. Extreme circumstances (jump jets) impact how stable/accurate the weapons are, but the pilot's skill is supreme in ensuring hits end up where they are desired.

... and by what standard do you determine what is an "extreme circumstance?"

From the lore? Or from your opinion? How?

Rest of reply in second post in 10 min due to pointless forum restrictions that gain nothing...

#698 Pht


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 05:21 PM


The first is obviously undesirable, as it removes any sense that you are doing something other than moving the mech about. The second

encourages the optimization of the CONDITIONS in which hits are most likely to hit. The third allows for variety: you can take safe shots stably, or you

can take more difficult to make shots, which emphasize us as players in our ability to make them or not. Your system takes this away from players, and

presumes instead that our shots will average out to certain value of hits. It removes the competitiveness from the game in favour of position optimization,

and returns us back to the biggest I problem I have with your proposition: Are we not simply just actors in a multiplayer tabletop game that control a

single mech? Why not just play tabletop at that point?

The first isn't even on the table from me.

The difference between 2 and 3 that causes what you're concluding is left unsaid. MWO has nothing like what you HAVE described in 3; as regards

the mech itself
instead of just differently firing kinds of weapons you are directly in control of.

"Average out to a certain value of hits" - (in the overall) no. It will not. The pilot's skill with the reticule and in realtime decision making would determine

what percentage of hits are used at any given time.

Player skill and choices determines what situation your 'mech has to fire under. Human skill and decision making is supreme.


Once again, we really don't know how battlemechs "actually" handle its weapons.

Yes, we do. Unless you'd like to tell herb beas II, the line developer, the person who's paid to determine these things by catalyst, and mike miller, the

person who works for catalyst who wrote the source that's used to describe these things, that they don't know their own job they get paid to do.



"While it is the MechWarrior that must indicate what is to be targeted and has to track what is to be targeted, and decides when to fire the 'Mech's

weapons (and does so by using the main weapons control stick to aim a reticule on the targeting display) it is the BattleMech that actually does, in real

time, the calculations as to where to aim it's weapons and than it is the BattleMech that must actually physically aims it's weapons at the target the

MechWarrior is indicating."


This is retyped from the article mentioned that controls on the topic. The rules other than the gunnery skill rolls and piloting skill rolls and (sort of) the

called shot tables ALL describe the battlemech's weapons handling abilities under any given condition.

We know how well the 'mechs in the setting can handle their lore and this is confirmed by the people that make the lore.


This all gets at the same thing, so for simplicity I am grouping it. The problem (as previously mentioned) with conditional based systems is it does

not at all encourage the player to be accurate, it encourages the player to create the most optimal conditions for which the dice work in their favor. it is

here that, despite your insistent, the simulation absolutely fails: the player is not playing to feel like a pilot, they are playing to manipulate randomness.

This is incredibly immersion breaking and unfun, and while involving player skill entirely emphasizes strategic play (which at high level play in mwo is

incredibly important) over any ability for the player to "beat the odds", because the dice take that away.

You have left out the fact that the primary deciding condition is the player's skill and choices.

How well or poorly your 'mech can handle it's weapoons to overcome whatever is determined by what conditions you, the player decided to pull the

trigger(s) under.

Yes, even human skill with the reticule determines conditions - are you aiming for an extremitiy, and thus causing your 'mech to try and concentrate it's

shots across a smaller section of the target?

When using an advanced targeting computer, are you even capable of keeping the reticule on the desired part of, say that fast-moving spider

you're shooting at?


To put it another way, we can go back to our rifle example. Say we had several shooters, all competing to hit a target accurately. What your

system would do is decide automatically that all the shooters are the same,...

No. It wouldn't, and I am not going to try and prove this negative that you're posting here.


So? Are we then forever bound to rules made for a board game when determining whether a game is allowed?

So, definitions mean nothing?

Ok, than, I say that a MW video game involves smurfs and anthony weiner and nothing even remotely "mech."

We know what defines the MW genre.


Clearly not, or we would not have the plethora of video game titles that completely ignore the often obtuse rule sets designed not to facilitate life

accuracy but dice based gameplay.

So there can't be a definition ... because other people have ignored it? ... will the IRS go away because I ignore it?


What you are arguing is that because the lore men say that the tabletop rules are king in determining lore accuracy (this is ridiculous, sorry), that

we must therefore always defer to such rules when constructing a game that is not a tabletop one.

A thing is not rediculous simply and only because you say it is.


Except the mech is not itself a unified system that you press buttons into and then it carries out instructions. it is made up of a number of different

interacting systems.

Different systems that are highly unified into a system:

"Structure, Actuators, and Myomers for mobility; Armor, gyroscope; the fusion engine; the commanding cockpit; the Battle Computer for Targeting and

Tracking; and all of the other systems in the 'Mech. Given that the Neurohelmet can not function as a direct brain-machine link, the question is - what

coordinates all these systems and unifies all of their functions together into a smoothly functioning and capable armored combat unit? The DI computer."

Cray, by the way, has read the article and said that it's correct.


For the sake of ease of use and simulation, we have simply assumed that some of those systems work without player input and work reliably,

because falling down all the time in a game is not very fun. We assume the computer can compensate for most environmental factors, because it allows

the player to be the key to success or failure regarding combat, not a minor controller of a series of dice rolls. We simplify the aiming to be to two

reticles, because attempting to control more is overwhelming and difficult. We do these things because we want a game that is fun to play while creating

a sense by which my success or failure is due to me, not due to factors out of my control. Dice ALWAYS take away control.

"we assume." Yes, you've gotten that right. "Falling down all the time" - You don't fall down all the time. If you're playing the TT and falling down all the

time you're doing something wrong.

"Dice always take control" - false in the extreme, if you mean that the dice always render human choice pointless and secondary at best.

#699 Pht


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 06:28 PM

View Postblinkin, on 22 July 2013 - 10:17 PM, said:

i think you are incredibly self absorbed and i am quite certain that regardless of what evidence i produced you would continue to hide in your little world. i could probably find video of Jordan Weisman outright declaring you to be an ignorant moron and it wouldn't change a thing.

I hope you don't treat everyone in your life who disagrees with you like this.

... and disagree with you is all I have done.


my goal is to shine as much light as possible on your views so people know exactly what you are all about.

Than you actually have to be able to represent my views well enough that I would recognize them as my own, regardless if I agree with your conclusions.

Otherwise, you're wasting your time; especially in a communications format that allows research to show the veracity or falsehood of anything you're trying to put forth as someone else's position.


to be honest i don't even remember the agreement.

View PostPht, on 03 April 2013 - 11:21 AM, said:

... "asking what is broken"


"asking you to prove the tt is imperfect"


require me to presume, as a premise of even asking the question, that the TT is perfect?

Especially when I have REPEATEDLY posted that I do not think the TT is perfect, and that I did not imply that the TT is perfect?

You said that the TT is imperfect and thus has broken parts. I AGREED WITH YOU ON THIS, AND HAVE DONE SO REPEATEDLY. I than asked you which parts you think are broken.


... i got to know you and properly detest you for the person you really are.

This is completely out of line with all of my replies to you and cannot be justified by any of my posts anywhere. You are completely over-reacting.

#700 blinkin


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 07:49 PM

View PostPht, on 25 July 2013 - 06:28 PM, said:

I hope you don't treat everyone in your life who disagrees with you like this.

... and disagree with you is all I have done.

no i disagree with most on these forums in some way or the other, because my views tend to be fairly extremist with respect to what i think this game should be. i am regularly directly at odds with almost everyone i like on these forums at some point or the other.

disagree and try to misrepresent your own views like a shifty used car salesman trying to sell a broken car.

Than you actually have to be able to represent my views well enough that I would recognize them as my own, regardless if I agree with your conclusions.

Otherwise, you're wasting your time; especially in a communications format that allows research to show the veracity or falsehood of anything you're trying to put forth as someone else's position.

you mean the DIRECT QUOTES from your very own thread that you have as the first link in your signature AREN'T your views? i did some font editing and other than carve off the intro paragraph that didn't hold any real information, i left all of your words in place and simply highlighted them.

does it make you angry that i have nullified all of your efforts to avoid using any reference to dice when you are directly communicating with people?

feel free to bold and enlarge any of the words in any thread i have ever created. i stand behind every word. if i find i don't agree with it for whatever reason i make use of the handy little edit button (the only ones left out are blatant troll threads, or other stuff not really related to the game itself): This is completely out of line with all of my replies to you and cannot be justified by any of my posts anywhere. You are completely over-reacting.

what that i generally don't like you and all of your self worshiping ways? the fact that i don't like how anyone who doesn't directly support your opinions in your view "doesn't like battletech or mechwarrior"?

Edited by blinkin, 25 July 2013 - 09:42 PM.

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